Source code for httomo.methods

import logging
import pathlib
from typing import Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import h5py
import hdf5plugin
from mpi4py import MPI

import httomo
from httomo import globals
from httomo.runner.dataset import DataSetBlock
from httomo.utils import log_once, xp

__all__ = ["calculate_stats", "save_intermediate_data"]

# save a copy of the original guess_chunk if it needs to be restored
ORIGINAL_GUESS_CHUNK = h5py._hl.filters.guess_chunk

# The bandwidth that saturates the file system (single process).
# This was estimated using a heuristic approach after performing some
# benchmarks on GPFS03 at DLS using a graph of bandwidth vs message
# size. For more detail, see
SATURATION_BW = 512 * 2**20

[docs] def calculate_stats( data: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, int]: """Calculating the statistics of the given array Args: data: (np.ndarray): a numpy array Returns: tuple[(float, float, float, int)]: (min, max, sum, total_elements) """ # do this whereever the data is at the moment (GPU/CPU) if getattr(data, "device", None) is not None: # GPU data = xp.nan_to_num(data, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=0, neginf=0) else: # CPU data = np.nan_to_num(data, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=0, neginf=0) return (float(data.min()), float(data.max()), float(data.sum()), data.size)
[docs] def save_intermediate_data( data: np.ndarray, global_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], global_index: Tuple[int, int, int], slicing_dim: int, file: h5py.File, frames_per_chunk: int, path: str, detector_x: int, detector_y: int, angles: np.ndarray, ) -> None: """Saves intermediate data to a file, including auxiliary""" if isinstance(file, h5py.File): _save_auxiliary_data_hdf5(file, angles, detector_x, detector_y) dataset = setup_dataset( file, path, data, slicing_dim, frames_per_chunk, global_shape, filetype="hdf5", ) _save_dataset_data(dataset, data, global_shape, global_index)
[docs] def setup_dataset( file: h5py.File, path: str, data: np.ndarray, slicing_dim: int, frames_per_chunk: int, global_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], filetype: str, ) -> h5py.Dataset: if filetype == "hdf5": DIMS = [0, 1, 2] non_slicing_dims = list(set(DIMS) - set([slicing_dim])) if frames_per_chunk == -1: # decide the number of frames in a chunk by maximising the # number of frames around the saturation bandwidth of the # file system # starting value sz_per_chunk = data.dtype.itemsize for dim in non_slicing_dims: sz_per_chunk *= global_shape[dim] # the bandwidth is not divided by the number of MPI ranks to # provide a consistent chunk size for different number of # MPI ranks frames_per_chunk = SATURATION_BW // sz_per_chunk if frames_per_chunk > data.shape[slicing_dim]: warn_message = ( f"frames_per_chunk={frames_per_chunk} exceeds number of elements in " f"slicing dim={slicing_dim} of data with shape {data.shape}. Falling " "back to 1 frame per-chunk" ) log_once(warn_message, logging.DEBUG) frames_per_chunk = 1 if frames_per_chunk > 0: chunk_shape = [0, 0, 0] chunk_shape[slicing_dim] = frames_per_chunk for dim in non_slicing_dims: chunk_shape[dim] = global_shape[dim] chunk_shape = tuple(chunk_shape) else: chunk_shape = None # monkey-patch guess_chunk in h5py for compression # this is to avoid FILL_TIME_ALLOC compression: Union[dict, hdf5plugin.Blosc] if httomo.globals.COMPRESS_INTERMEDIATE: compression = hdf5plugin.Blosc() h5py._hl.filters.guess_chunk = lambda *args, **kwargs: None else: compression = {} h5py._hl.filters.guess_chunk = ORIGINAL_GUESS_CHUNK # create a dataset creation property list if chunk_shape is not None: dcpl = _dcpl_fill_never(chunk_shape, global_shape) else: dcpl = None # adjust the raw data chunk cache options of the dataset # according to the chunk size if chunk_shape is not None: num_chunks = np.asarray(global_shape) / np.asarray(chunk_shape) ).astype(int) rdcc_opts = { "rdcc_nbytes": data.dtype.itemsize *, "rdcc_w0": 1, "rdcc_nslots": _get_rdcc_nslots(num_chunks), } else: rdcc_opts = { "rdcc_nbytes": None, "rdcc_w0": None, "rdcc_nslots": None, } # only create if not already present - otherwise return existing dataset dataset = file.require_dataset( path, global_shape, data.dtype, exact=True, chunks=None, # set in dcpl **compression, dcpl=dcpl, **rdcc_opts, ) return dataset
def _save_dataset_data( dataset: h5py.Dataset, data: np.ndarray, global_shape: Tuple[int, int, int], global_index: Tuple[int, int, int], ): start = np.array(global_index) stop = start + np.array(data.shape) assert getattr(data, "device", None) is None, "data must be on CPU for saving" assert stop[0] <= dataset.shape[0] assert stop[1] <= dataset.shape[1] assert stop[2] <= dataset.shape[2] assert dataset.shape == global_shape if isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset) and httomo.globals.COMPRESS_INTERMEDIATE: # Write operations must be collective when applying compression, see # with dataset.collective: dataset[start[0] : stop[0], start[1] : stop[1], start[2] : stop[2]] = data return dataset[start[0] : stop[0], start[1] : stop[1], start[2] : stop[2]] = data def _save_auxiliary_data_hdf5( file: h5py.File, angles: np.ndarray, detector_x: int, detector_y: int, ): # only save if not there yet if "/angles" in file: return file.create_dataset("angles", data=angles) file_name = pathlib.Path(file.filename).name file.create_dataset(file_name, data=[0, 0]) g1 = file.create_group("data_dims") g1.create_dataset("detector_x_y", data=[detector_x, detector_y]) def _dcpl_fill_never( chunk_shape: Union[Tuple[int, int, int], None], shape: Tuple[int, int, int], ) -> h5py.h5p.PropDCID: """Create a dcpl with specified chunk shape and never fill value.""" # validate chunk shape (basically a copy from h5py) if isinstance(chunk_shape, int) and not isinstance(chunk_shape, bool): chunk_shape = (chunk_shape,) if isinstance(chunk_shape, tuple) and any( chunk > dim for dim, chunk in zip(shape, chunk_shape) if dim is not None ): errmsg = ( "Chunk shape must not be greater than data shape in any " f"dimension. {chunk_shape} is not compatible with {shape}." ) raise ValueError(errmsg) # dcpl initialisation dcpl = h5py.h5p.create(h5py.h5p.DATASET_CREATE) dcpl.set_chunk(chunk_shape) # we are not going to resize the dataset dcpl.set_fill_time(h5py.h5d.FILL_TIME_NEVER) return dcpl def _get_rdcc_nslots( num_chunks: int, ) -> int: """Estimate the value of rdcc_nslots.""" # ideally this is a prime number and about 100 times the number # of chunks for maximum performance if 0 <= num_chunks < 500: return 50021 elif 500 <= num_chunks < 1000: return 100003 elif 1000 <= num_chunks < 1500: return 150001 elif 1500 <= num_chunks < 2000: return 200003 elif 2000 <= num_chunks < 2500: return 250007 elif 2500 <= num_chunks < 3000: return 300007 else: # +1 to try my luck in getting a prime! return num_chunks * 100 + 1