
class dodal.devices.i24.pmac.ProgramRunner[source]#

Trigger the collection by setting the program number on the PMAC string.

Once the program number has been set, wait for the collection to be complete. This will only be true when the status becomes 0.

  • pmac_str_sig (SignalRW)

  • status_sig (SignalR)

  • backend (SignalBackend)

  • timeout (float | None, default: 10.0)

  • name (str, default: '')


set(value[, wait, timeout])

Set the pmac string to the program number and then wait for the scan to finish running.


set(value: int, wait=True, timeout=None)[source]#

Set the pmac string to the program number and then wait for the scan to finish running. This is done by checking the scan status PV which will go to 1 once the motion program starts and back to 0 when it’s done. The timeout passed to this set should then be the total time required by the scan to finish.


value (int)