


Converts between a positive number of seconds and an equivalent number of microseconds.

step_to_num(start, stop, step)

Standard handling for converting from start, stop, step to start, stop, num Forces step to be same direction as length Includes a final point if it is within 1% of the final step, prevents floating point arithmatic errors from giving inconsistent shaped scans between steps of an outer axis.

dodal.common.maths.step_to_num(start: float, stop: float, step: float) tuple[float, float, int][source]#

Standard handling for converting from start, stop, step to start, stop, num Forces step to be same direction as length Includes a final point if it is within 1% of the final step, prevents floating point arithmatic errors from giving inconsistent shaped scans between steps of an outer axis.

  • start (float) – Start of length, will be returned unchanged

  • stop (float) – End of length, if length/step does not divide cleanly will be returned extended up to 1% of step, or else truncated.

  • step (float) – Length of a step along the line formed from start to stop. If stop < start, will be coerced to be backwards.

Return type:

tuple[float, float, int]


start, adjusted_stop, num = Tuple[float, float, int] start will be returned unchanged adjusted_stop = start + (num - 1) * step num is the maximal number of steps that could fit into the length.

dodal.common.maths.in_micros(t: float) int[source]#

Converts between a positive number of seconds and an equivalent number of microseconds.


t (float) – A time in seconds


ValueError – if t < 0


A time in microseconds, rounded up to the nearest whole microsecond,

Return type:

t (int)