
class dodal.devices.oav.pin_image_recognition.utils.MxSampleDetect[source]#

Configures sample detection parameters.

  • preprocess (Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], default: <function MxSampleDetect.<lambda> at 0x7feb64103100>) – A preprocessing function applied to the array after conversion to grayscale. See implementations of common functions above for predefined conversions Defaults to a no-op (i.e. no preprocessing)

  • canny_upper (int, default: 100) – upper threshold for canny edge detection

  • canny_lower (int, default: 50) – lower threshold for canny edge detection

  • close_ksize (int, default: 5) – kernel size for “close” operation

  • close_iterations (int, default: 5) – number of iterations for “close” operation

  • scan_direction (ScanDirections, default: <ScanDirections.FORWARD: 1>) – ScanDirections.FORWARD for left-to-right, ScanDirections.REVERSE for right-to-left

  • min_tip_height (int, default: 5) – minimum height of pin tip



param arr: