

backlight([wait_for_connection, ...])

Get the i04_1 backlight device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been.

eiger([wait_for_connection, ...])

Get the i04_1 Eiger device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been.

oav([wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim])

Get the i04_1 OAV device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been.

s4_slit_gaps([wait_for_connection, ...])

Get the i04_1 s4_slit_gaps device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been.

synchrotron([wait_for_connection, ...])

Get the i04_1 synchrotron device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been.

undulator([wait_for_connection, ...])

Get the i04_1 undulator device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been.

zebra([wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim])

Get the i04_1 zebra device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been.

dodal.beamlines.i04_1.backlight(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) Backlight[source]#

Get the i04_1 backlight device, instantiate it if it hasn’t already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object.

  • wait_for_connection (bool, default: True)

  • fake_with_ophyd_sim (bool, default: False)

Return type:


dodal.beamlines.i04_1.eiger(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False, params: DetectorParams | None = None) EigerDetector[source]#

Get the i04_1 Eiger device, instantiate it if it hasn’t already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. If called with params, will update those params to the Eiger object.

  • wait_for_connection (bool, default: True)

  • fake_with_ophyd_sim (bool, default: False)

  • params (DetectorParams | None, default: None)

Return type:


dodal.beamlines.i04_1.oav(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) OAV[source]#

Get the i04_1 OAV device, instantiate it if it hasn’t already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object.

  • wait_for_connection (bool, default: True)

  • fake_with_ophyd_sim (bool, default: False)

Return type:


dodal.beamlines.i04_1.s4_slit_gaps(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) S4SlitGaps[source]#

Get the i04_1 s4_slit_gaps device, instantiate it if it hasn’t already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object.

  • wait_for_connection (bool, default: True)

  • fake_with_ophyd_sim (bool, default: False)

Return type:


dodal.beamlines.i04_1.synchrotron(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) Synchrotron[source]#

Get the i04_1 synchrotron device, instantiate it if it hasn’t already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object.

  • wait_for_connection (bool, default: True)

  • fake_with_ophyd_sim (bool, default: False)

Return type:


dodal.beamlines.i04_1.undulator(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) Undulator[source]#

Get the i04_1 undulator device, instantiate it if it hasn’t already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object.

  • wait_for_connection (bool, default: True)

  • fake_with_ophyd_sim (bool, default: False)

Return type:


dodal.beamlines.i04_1.zebra(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) Zebra[source]#

Get the i04_1 zebra device, instantiate it if it hasn’t already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object.

  • wait_for_connection (bool, default: True)

  • fake_with_ophyd_sim (bool, default: False)

Return type:
