Source code for dodal.beamlines.i04_1

from dodal.common.beamlines.beamline_utils import device_instantiation
from dodal.common.beamlines.beamline_utils import set_beamline as set_utils_beamline
from dodal.devices.backlight import Backlight
from dodal.devices.detector import DetectorParams
from dodal.devices.eiger import EigerDetector
from dodal.devices.oav.oav_detector import OAV, OAVConfigParams
from dodal.devices.s4_slit_gaps import S4SlitGaps
from dodal.devices.synchrotron import Synchrotron
from dodal.devices.undulator import Undulator
from dodal.devices.zebra import Zebra
from dodal.log import set_beamline as set_log_beamline
from dodal.utils import BeamlinePrefix, get_beamline_name, skip_device

ZOOM_PARAMS_FILE = "/dls_sw/i04-1/software/gda/config/xml/jCameraManZoomLevels.xml"
DISPLAY_CONFIG = "/dls_sw/i04-1/software/gda_versions/var/display.configuration"

_simulator_beamline_fallback = "s04_1"
BL = get_beamline_name(_simulator_beamline_fallback)

def _check_for_simulation():
    return BL == _simulator_beamline_fallback

[docs] def backlight( wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False ) -> Backlight: """Get the i04_1 backlight device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. """ return device_instantiation( device_factory=Backlight, name="backlight", prefix="", wait=wait_for_connection, fake=fake_with_ophyd_sim, )
[docs] @skip_device(_check_for_simulation) def eiger( wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False, params: DetectorParams | None = None, ) -> EigerDetector: """Get the i04_1 Eiger device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. If called with params, will update those params to the Eiger object. """ def set_params(eiger: EigerDetector): if params is not None: eiger.set_detector_parameters(params) return device_instantiation( device_factory=EigerDetector, name="eiger", prefix="-EA-EIGER-01:", wait=wait_for_connection, fake=fake_with_ophyd_sim, post_create=set_params, )
[docs] @skip_device(_check_for_simulation) def oav(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) -> OAV: """Get the i04_1 OAV device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. """ return device_instantiation( OAV, "oav", "", wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim, params=OAVConfigParams(ZOOM_PARAMS_FILE, DISPLAY_CONFIG), )
[docs] def s4_slit_gaps( wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False ) -> S4SlitGaps: """Get the i04_1 s4_slit_gaps device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. """ return device_instantiation( S4SlitGaps, "s4_slit_gaps", "-AL-SLITS-04:", wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim, )
[docs] @skip_device(_check_for_simulation) def synchrotron( wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False ) -> Synchrotron: """Get the i04_1 synchrotron device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. """ return device_instantiation( Synchrotron, "synchrotron", "", wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim, bl_prefix=False, )
[docs] def undulator( wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False ) -> Undulator: """Get the i04_1 undulator device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. """ return device_instantiation( Undulator, "undulator", f"{BeamlinePrefix(BL).insertion_prefix}-MO-SERVC-01:", wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim, bl_prefix=False, )
[docs] def zebra(wait_for_connection: bool = True, fake_with_ophyd_sim: bool = False) -> Zebra: """Get the i04_1 zebra device, instantiate it if it hasn't already been. If this is called when already instantiated in i04_1, it will return the existing object. """ return device_instantiation( Zebra, "zebra", "-EA-ZEBRA-01:", wait_for_connection, fake_with_ophyd_sim, )