
malcolm.modules.pmac.blocks.compound_motor_block(mri, pv_prefix, initial_velocity_settle=0.0)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • pv_prefix (str) – The root PV for the motor record

  • initial_velocity_settle (float) – Time in seconds for motor to settle at constant velocity

malcolm.modules.pmac.blocks.cs_block(mri, pv_prefix)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • pv_prefix (str) – The root PV for the CS Controller records (including :CS)

malcolm.modules.pmac.blocks.pmac_status_block(mri, pv_prefix)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • pv_prefix (str) – The root PV for the Controller records

malcolm.modules.pmac.blocks.pmac_trajectory_block(mri, pv_prefix)

Hardware block corresponding to PVs used for trajectory scan

  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • pv_prefix (str) – The root PV for the trajectory scan template

malcolm.modules.pmac.blocks.raw_motor_block(mri, pv_prefix, initial_velocity_settle=0.0)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • pv_prefix (str) – The root PV for the motor record

  • initial_velocity_settle (float) – Time in seconds for motor to settle at constant velocity