Scanning Tutorial

You should already know how to create a detector Block in the Device Layer that controls a simulated detector, and how to create a motion Block in that Device Layer that looks a bit like a simulated motion controller. Now let’s put a Scan Layer Block on top that will control the underlying Device Blocks to work together to perform a scan.

Block Hierarchy

To make this work, we want to provide a Scan Layer Block with a configure/run interface. It should then control its children concurrently during the Configure and Run phases of the scan:

  • Configure: It should take the union of its child Blocks’ parameters, and call the child configure() with the requested parameters. It should then report the child datasets (if any) in a dataset table of its own.

  • Run: It should run() both children at the same time, relying on hardware synchronization to keep them in step. It should report back progress of its children.

In the Motion Tutorial we introduced a simple Device Block. The interface it presents is pair of moveX and moveY Methods. To control this within a scan, we need to write a Part which knows when to call these Methods.

In the Detector Tutorial we introduced a runnable Device Block. It presents a configure/run interface, and includes a Dataset Table to report back the files that it will write. This is a common design pattern for all detectors, so we can use a DetectorChildPart to integrate it into the scan.

Our scan Block should support the same configure/run interface, so we use a RunnableController just like in the detector.

We now end up with a hierarchy that looks like this:

digraph scan_child_connections { newrank=true; // Sensible ranking of clusters bgcolor=transparent compound=true node [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 shape=rect style=filled fillcolor="#8BC4E9"] graph [fontname=Arial fontsize=10] edge [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 arrowhead=vee] subgraph cluster_scan { label="Scan Layer" style=filled color=lightgrey subgraph cluster_scan_block { label="SCAN" ranksep=0.1 color=white scan_c [label="RunnableController"] DSET_s [label=<DatasetTablePart<BR/>name: 'DSET'>] MOT [label=<MotionChildPart<BR/>name: 'MOT'>] DET [label=<DetectorChildPart<BR/>name: 'DET'>] SA [label=<SimultaneousAxesPart<BR/>name: 'simultaneousAxes'>] scan_c -> DSET_s [style=invis] scan_c -> MOT [style=invis] scan_c -> DET [style=invis] scan_c -> SA [style=invis] } } subgraph cluster_device { label="Device Layer" style=filled color=lightgrey subgraph cluster_detector { label="DETECTOR" ranksep=0.1 color=white detector_c [label="RunnableController"] FW [label=<FileWritePart<BR/>name: 'FW'>] DSET [label=<DatasetTablePart<BR/>name: 'DSET'>] detector_c -> FW [style=invis] detector_c -> DSET [style=invis] {rank=max; FW DSET} } subgraph cluster_motion { label="MOTION" ranksep=0.1 color=white motion_c [label="ManagerController"] x [label=<MotorMovePart<BR/>name: 'x'>] y [label=<MotorMovePart<BR/>name: 'y'>] motion_c -> x [style=invis] motion_c -> y [style=invis] } } subgraph cluster_hardware { label="Hardware Layer" style=filled color=lightgrey subgraph cluster_counterx { label="COUNTERX" color=white counterx_c [label="BasicController"] counterx_p [label="CounterPart"] counterx_c -> counterx_p [style=invis] } subgraph cluster_countery { label="COUNTERY" color=white countery_c [label="BasicController"] countery_p [label="CounterPart"] countery_c -> countery_p [style=invis] } } MOT -> motion_c [lhead=cluster_motion minlen=3 style=dashed] DET -> detector_c [lhead=cluster_detector minlen=3 style=dashed] x -> counterx_c [lhead=cluster_counterx minlen=3 style=dashed] y -> countery_c [lhead=cluster_countery minlen=3 style=dashed] }

The MOTION and DETECTOR Blocks are unchanged from the previous examples, we have just placed a SCAN Block in a layer above them that uses an appropriate Part to control each of its children. The nice thing about this design is that we can add another detector to control just by adding a new part to the scan.

Creating the Blocks

Let’s have a look at the Process Definition ./malcolm/modules/demo/DEMO-SCANNING.yaml:

# Define a directory to store config in
- builtin.defines.tmp_dir:
    name: config_dir

# Create some Blocks
- demo.blocks.motion_block:
    mri: MOTION
    config_dir: $(config_dir)

- demo.blocks.detector_block:
    mri: DETECTOR
    config_dir: $(config_dir)

- demo.blocks.scan_1det_block:
    mri: SCAN
    config_dir: $(config_dir)

# Add a webserver
- web.blocks.web_server_block:
    mri: WEB

To start off with, we ask for our temporary directory, which we can reference as $(config_dir). In production we would still use a builtin.defines.string to define this variable and pass it down in the same way. In general we should try to follow the DRY principle: Don’t repeat yourself. If there is a single value used in multiple places, we should define it in one place and pass it down to where it is needed. This may require more lines of YAML, but when the variable is changed later it will be clear where it need to be changed.

Apart from the web server, we instantiate 3 Blocks:

Scan Block

The top level Scan Block is a scan_1det_block defined just for this demo. Let’s take a look at ./malcolm/modules/demo/blocks/scan_1det_block.yaml to see what one of those looks like:

- builtin.parameters.string:
    name: mri
    description: MRI for created block

- builtin.parameters.string:
    name: config_dir
    description: Where to store saved configs

- builtin.defines.docstring:
    value: |
      Demo scan that drives an detector like block called DETECTOR and a demo
      motion controller called MOTION

- scanning.controllers.RunnableController:
    mri: $(mri)
    config_dir: $(config_dir)
    description: |
      Demo scan with a single detector and motor controller suitable for
      making an interesting pattern when scanning x and y in range -10 to 10

    value: Mapping x, y with demo detector

    name: DSET

    value: [x, y]

    name: DET
    mri: DETECTOR
    initial_visibility: True

    name: MOT
    mri: MOTION
    initial_visibility: True

After some parameter definitions, we get to the Controller. We use a RunnableController like in the Detector Block, passing it the mri of the created Block, along with where to write saved configs and its docstring. Next we have a DatasetTablePart to report datasets just like Device Blocks. After that is a SimultaneousAxesPart which checks that all the desired axesToMove of a scan are within a particular set. This is needed because a motor controller is probably setup for a specific set of axes to be scanned together, and any subset of those axes is acceptable as an argument to configure().

The final two parts control child Blocks, a DetectorChildPart will control any configure/run Block with a DatasetTable, and the MotionChildPart is written specially for our Motion Block.


Child Device Blocks are not instantiated by Blocks in the Scan Layer in contrast to Blocks in the Device Layer that typically create their child Blocks in the Hardware Layer. This is because Device Blocks can potentially be used by many Scan Blocks, while Hardware Blocks are typically only used by a single Device Block.

Hooking a Simple Device Block into a Scan

To make our Motion Block with moveX() and moveY() Methods work within a scan Block, we have to write some logic that will call these at the correct point in a Scan Point Generator specified scan. We do this by registering a number of hooks, like in the Detector Tutorial. Let’s look at the start of ./malcolm/modules/demo/parts/ to see this:

import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types

from malcolm.core import Block, Future, PartRegistrar
from malcolm.modules import builtin, scanning

with Anno("If >0, raise an exception at the end of this step"):
    AExceptionStep = int

class MaybeMover:
    """Helper object that does async moves on an axis of a child Block only if
    the last move didn't move it to that position"""

    def __init__(self, child: Block, axis: str) -> None:
        self._last_move: Optional[float] = None
        self._move_async = child[axis + "Move_async"]

    def maybe_move_async(
        self, fs: List[Future], position: float, duration: float = None
    ) -> None:
        """If the last move was not to position, start an async move there,
        adding the Future to fs"""
        if self._last_move != position:
            self._last_move = position
            fs.append(self._move_async(position, duration))

class MotionChildPart(
    """Provides control of a `counter_block` within a `RunnableController`"""

    # Generator instance
    _generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator = None
    # Where to start
    _completed_steps: int = 0
    # How many steps to do
    _steps_to_do: int = 0
    # When to blow up
    _exception_step: int = 0
    # Which axes we should be moving
    _axes_to_move: Optional[scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove] = None
    # MaybeMover objects to help with async moves
    _movers: Dict[str, MaybeMover] = {}

    def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None:
        # Hooks
        registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PreConfigureHook, self.reload)
        registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.RunHook, self.on_run)
        # Tell the controller to expose some extra configure parameters

After the imports and annotype definitions as in previous tutorials, we come to the class definition. We inherit from ChildPart as we are controlling a single child Block. As we have no new arguments to pass to __init__, we don’t need to override it, we can just declare all the instance variables as class variables with value None.

The setup() function is where we register our Hooks, as we will see below. We also report that we take an extra configure argument exceptionStep.

Hooking into configure()

There is a PreConfigureHook that is called at the start of configure(). It’s purpose is reloading the last saved design to the child Block, as we see in its documentation:

class malcolm.modules.scanning.hooks.PreConfigureHook(part: Anno(name='APart', typ=<class 'malcolm.core.part.Part'>, description='The part that has attached to the Hook'), context: Anno(name='AContext', typ=<class 'malcolm.core.context.Context'>, description='Context that should be used to perform operations on child blocks'), **kwargs: Any)[source]

Called before configure() to get the device into a suitable state to report status and run configure. Typically will load a saved design.

  • part (Part) – The part that has attached to the Hook

  • context (Context) – Context that should be used to perform operations on child blocks

We hook this to our reload() function to accomplish this. The purpose of this is so that if someone messes with our counter settings between scans, or another scan Block reconfigures them, they should be restored before anything else is done.

We then hook our on_configure() method into the ConfigureHook, PostRunArmedHook and SeekHook:

    def on_configure(
        context: scanning.hooks.AContext,
        completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps,
        steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo,
        # The following were passed from user calling configure()
        generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator,
        axesToMove: scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove,
        exceptionStep: AExceptionStep = 0,
    ) -> None:
        child = context.block_view(self.mri)
        # Store the generator and place we need to start
        self._generator = generator
        self._completed_steps = completed_steps
        self._steps_to_do = steps_to_do
        self._exception_step = exceptionStep
        self._axes_to_move = axesToMove
        self._movers = {axis: MaybeMover(child, axis) for axis in axesToMove}
        # Move to start (instantly)
        first_point = generator.get_point(completed_steps)
        fs: List[Future] = []
        for axis, mover in self._movers.items():
            mover.maybe_move_async(fs, first_point.lower[axis])

This just stores the parameters to configure, ready to start the run, then moves to the start of the scan. It does this by using a MaybeMover helper object written just for this class. Lets look at this now:

class MaybeMover:
    """Helper object that does async moves on an axis of a child Block only if
    the last move didn't move it to that position"""

    def __init__(self, child: Block, axis: str) -> None:
        self._last_move: Optional[float] = None
        self._move_async = child[axis + "Move_async"]

    def maybe_move_async(
        self, fs: List[Future], position: float, duration: float = None
    ) -> None:
        """If the last move was not to position, start an async move there,
        adding the Future to fs"""
        if self._last_move != position:
            self._last_move = position
            fs.append(self._move_async(position, duration))

When we construct this object, we pass the child Block and the axis we expect it move. It then grabs the asynchronous version of the axis move Method. The Block object supports both item and attribute axis, so child.xMove and child["xMove"] are equivalent. It also creates asynchronous versions of these methods accessible with child.xMove_async and child["xMove_async"] that kick off the Method, and return Future objects that can be waited on, and will hold the result of the method when it is finished.

Hooking into run()

We also hooked our on_run() Method into the RunHook. Let’s look at what it does:

    def on_run(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None:
        # Start time so everything is relative
        point_time = time.time()
        for i in range(
            self._completed_steps, self._completed_steps + self._steps_to_do
            # Get the point we are meant to be scanning
            point = self._generator.get_point(i)
            # Update when the next point is due and how long motor moves take
            point_time += point.duration
            move_duration = point_time - time.time()
            # Move the children (instantly) to the beginning of the point, then
            # start them moving to the end of the point, taking duration
            # seconds, populating a list of futures we can wait on
            fs: List[Future] = []
            for axis, mover in self._movers.items():
                mover.maybe_move_async(fs, point.lower[axis])
                mover.maybe_move_async(fs, point.upper[axis], move_duration)
            # Wait for the moves to complete
            # Update the point as being complete
            assert self.registrar, "Part has no registrar"
   + 1))
            # If this is the exception step then blow up
            assert (
                i + 1 != self._exception_step
            ), f"Raising exception at step {self._exception_step}"

We iterate through each of the step indexes that we need to produce, getting a scanpointgenerator.Point object for each one. We pick out the lower and upper bounds of the axes we were told to move during that Point, move them instantaneously to the lower bound, then move them to the upper bound so they finish together at the end of the Point duration, all using our mover helper object defined in on_configure(). If a move occurs, a Future will be added to the fs list, which we can wait on by using wait_all_futures().

Finally we report() a RunProgressInfo with the current step number so the client knows how much of the scan is complete, and check the current step number to see if we were meant to blow up here.

Running a Scan

Let’s start up the example and see it in action:

[me@mypc pymalcolm]$ pipenv run imalcolm malcolm/modules/demo/DEMO-SCANNING.yaml
Loading malcolm...
Python 3.7.2 (default, Jan 20 2020, 11:03:41)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.19.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

Welcome to iMalcolm.


# To create a view of an existing Block
block = self.block_view("<mri>")

# To create a proxy of a Block in another Malcolm
self.make_proxy("<client_comms_mri>", "<mri>")
block = self.block_view("<mri>")

# To view state of Blocks in a GUI
!firefox localhost:8008

In [1]:

Then run a scan by configuring and running with a generator. If you have completed the Detector Tutorial then some of the lines will be in your IPython history and you can get them back by pressing the up arrow:

In [1]: from scanpointgenerator import LineGenerator, CompoundGenerator

In [2]: from annotypes import json_encode

In [3]: yline = LineGenerator("y", "mm", -1, 0, 6)

In [4]: xline = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 4, 5, 5, alternate=True)

In [5]: generator = CompoundGenerator([yline, xline], [], [], duration=0.5)

In [6]: json_encode(generator)
Out[6]: '{"typeid": "scanpointgenerator:generator/CompoundGenerator:1.0", "generators": [{"typeid": "scanpointgenerator:generator/LineGenerator:1.0", "axes": ["y"], "units": ["mm"], "start": [0.0], "stop": [1.0], "size": 6, "alternate": false}, {"typeid": "scanpointgenerator:generator/LineGenerator:1.0", "axes": ["x"], "units": ["mm"], "start": [0.0], "stop": [1.0], "size": 5, "alternate": true}], "excluders": [], "mutators": [], "duration": 0.5, "continuous": true}'

Then we can open http://localhost:8008/gui/SCAN to see the SCAN Block on the left. If we expand the Configure method and click Edit by the Generator field we can paste in our JSON, then set fileDir to “/tmp” and click Configure to arm:


You can now click Run, and a scan will be run. Clicking through the layers SCAN -> Layout -> MOT -> Layout -> x -> COUNTER -> Info will get you to http://localhost:8008/gui/SCAN/layout/MOT/layout/x/counter/.info and clicking on the PLOT tab will show the x axis has moved on its snake scanning trajectory:


The DETECTOR block will write 30 frames to /tmp/DET.h5 as the previous example. The reason the filename and dataset names are a little different is because the detector dataset takes its name from the parent controlling part, defaulting to det if not specified. In scan_block.yaml we defined the for DETECTOR to have name DET, hence the name of the written file. Apart from this, the file is identical to previous example.

From here you can click Configure again, run another scan, and try pausing, resuming and seeking within the scan. You can seek by setting completedSteps after pausing, or by running the pause() method again while paused with a different lastGoodStep value. You could try setting an exceptionStep to simulate a scan that fails at a particular point.

See also

RunnableStates has more information about what functions you can run in different Block states.


This tutorial has given us an understanding of how a Scan Layer Block can co-ordinate various Device Layer Blocks to perform a continuous scan. In the next tutorial we will see how to add an EPICS areaDetector Device Block to our scan, and make a scan with multiple detectors.