Counter Tutorial

You should already know how to run up a Malcolm Process with some Blocks that are each composed of Controller with Parts, and have seen a Part that exposes a Method. Now we will look at a Part that exposes an Attribute as well.

Let’s take the example of a Counter. It contains:

  • a writeable Attribute called counter which will keep the current counter value.

  • a writeable Attribute called delta which will keep the amount to increment the counter value by.

  • a Method zero() which will set counter = 0.

  • a Method increment() which will set counter = counter + delta.

The block definition in ./malcolm/modules/demo/blocks/counter_block.yaml looks very similar to the hello_block example in the previous tutorial:

- builtin.parameters.string:
    name: mri
    description: Malcolm resource id of the Block

- builtin.defines.docstring:
    value: Hardware Block simulating a single float64 counter

- builtin.controllers.BasicController:
    mri: $(mri)
    description: $(docstring)

    name: counter

It creates the Methods and Attributes you would expect:

digraph counter_controllers_and_parts { newrank=true; // Sensible ranking of clusters bgcolor=transparent node [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 shape=rect style=filled fillcolor="#8BC4E9"] graph [fontname=Arial fontsize=11] edge [fontname=Arial fontsize=10 arrowhead=none] subgraph cluster_control { controller [label=<BasicController<BR/>mri: 'COUNTER'>] cpart [label=<CounterPart<BR/>name: 'counter'>] controller -> cpart label="Control" } subgraph cluster_view { block [label=<Block<BR/>mri: 'COUNTER'>] zero [label=<Method<BR/>name: 'zero'>] increment [label=<Method<BR/>name: 'increment'>] delta [label=<Attribute<BR/>name: 'delta'>] counter [label=<Attribute<BR/>name: 'counter'>] health [label=<Attribute<BR/>name: 'health'>] block -> zero block -> increment block -> counter block -> delta block -> health label="View" } {rank=same;controller block} {rank=same;cpart health zero increment counter delta} controller -> health [style=dashed] cpart -> zero [style=dashed] cpart -> increment [style=dashed] cpart -> counter [style=dashed] cpart -> delta [style=dashed] controller -> block [arrowhead=vee dir=from style=dashed label=produces] }

Creating Attributes in a Part

Let’s take a look at the definition of CounterPart in ./malcolm/modules/demo/parts/ now:

from typing import Optional

from malcolm.core import (

class CounterPart(Part):
    """Defines a counter `Attribute` with zero and increment `Method` objects"""

    #: Writeable Attribute holding the current counter value
    counter: Optional[AttributeModel] = None
    #: Writeable Attribute holding the amount to increment() by
    delta: Optional[AttributeModel] = None

    def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None:
        # Add some Attribute and Methods to the Block
        self.counter = NumberMeta(
            "The current value of the counter",
            tags=[config_tag(), Widget.TEXTINPUT.tag()],
        registrar.add_attribute_model("counter", self.counter, self.counter.set_value) = NumberMeta(
            "The amount to increment() by",
            tags=[config_tag(), Widget.TEXTINPUT.tag()],


    def zero(self):
        """Zero the counter attribute"""

    def increment(self):
        """Add delta to the counter attribute"""
        self.counter.set_value(self.counter.value +

Again, we start by subclassing Part, but this time we define a couple of AttributeModel instances. By convention, we declare class attributes with the right names and value of None so that we don’t have to override __init__. It also makes the doc comments for these attributes (which appear on the line before the definitions) more legible.


We are using a type comment to declare the type of this attribute

This is not strictly necessary at runtime, but it is good practice so that an IDE like PyCharm can tell what type the attribute is, and warn you if you try to use it in an unsupported way.

We move onto the setup method. First, we create two AttributeModel instances. To make an AttributeModel we first need to make a meta object. In our example we want a float64 NumberMeta counter as we want to demonstrate floating point numbers. If our counter was an integer we could choose int32 or int64. The actual AttributeModel is returned by the create_attribute_model() method of this meta so that the correct type of AttributeModel can be chosen by the particular type of Meta object we specify. We specify a number of Tags on the Meta object that give some hints about how this Attribute will be used. In this case, we specify a config_tag to say that this field is a configuration variable that will be marked for load/save, and a Widget tag that tells a GUI which widget to use to display this Attribute.

The rest of the setup function looks very similar to the one in the previous tutorial, but this time we also register our AttributeModel so it appears in the parent Block. We do this by calling add_attribute_model() with 3 arguments:

  • "counter": the name of the Attribute within the Block

  • self.counter: the AttributeModel instance

  • self.counter.set_value: the function that will be called when someone tries to “Put” to the Attribute. If one isn’t supplied then the Attribute will not be writeable

We then do the same with delta to register a second Attribute.


We are producing an AttributeModel rather than an Attribute.

Attribute is a View, allowing users of the Block to make requests using methods like put_value(). The users can either be external clients or Blocks further up the hierarchy.

AttributeModel is a Model, keeping the definitive version of the data, with methods like set_value() that allow the owner of that data to respond to requests.

Each user gets their own Attribute view of a single underlying AttributeModel that holds the actual data.

In the two methods (zero and increment), we make use of the counter AttributeModel. We can get its value by using the value attribute and set its value by calling the set_value() method. This method will validate the new value using the VMeta object we created in __init__ and notify any interested subscribers that something has changed.

Visualising the Block with the GUI

There is a web GUI that ships with pymalcolm, called malcolmjs. We can use it to play with this counter block and see how it works. Let’s launch our demo again:

[me@mypc pymalcolm]$ pipenv run imalcolm malcolm/modules/demo/DEMO-HELLO.yaml
Loading malcolm...
Python 3.7.2 (default, Jan 20 2020, 11:03:41)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.19.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

Welcome to iMalcolm.

    ['HELLO', 'HELLO2', 'COUNTER', 'WEB']

# To create a view of an existing Block
block = self.block_view("<mri>")

# To create a proxy of a Block in another Malcolm
self.make_proxy("<client_comms_mri>", "<mri>")
block = self.block_view("<mri>")

# To view state of Blocks in a GUI
!firefox localhost:8008

In [1]:

Then open http://localhost:8008 in your favourite browser and click on the “…” button next to “Select a root block” to select the COUNTER Block:


You will now see a representation of the COUNTER Block appear in the left hand pane and the URL change to http://localhost:8008/gui/COUNTER:


If you try clicking the increment button a few times you should see the value increase, the reset button should zero it and clicking on the counter value should let you enter a number yourself. Clicking on the information icon next to the counter value will give you a history of the values that the Attribute has been set to.

Notice that the value we set counter to will also be validated by the meta object we created, so you can enter 34.5 into the counter value, but if you entered foo, you will get a GUI that looks like this:


And a message on the console:

malcolm.core.request: Exception raised for request Put(id=40, path=Array([u'COUNTER', u'counter']), value=u'foo', get=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./malcolm/../malcolm/core/", line 142, in _handle_request
    responses += handler(request)
  File "./malcolm/../malcolm/core/", line 192, in _handle_put
    value = attribute.meta.validate(request.value)
  File "./malcolm/../malcolm/core/", line 641, in validate
    cast = self._np_type(value)
ValueError: could not convert string to float: foo


This second tutorial has taken us through creating Attributes in Blocks and showed us a little bit of the error checking that VMeta instances give us. Now we have a CounterPart, we could combine it with the HelloPart from the previous tutorial, creating a Controller with 2 Parts that has counter and greet() functionality. In the next tutorial we will see how we can use this composition to control multiple child blocks with one parent Block.