class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', status_pv: Anno(name='AStatusPv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Status pv to see if successful') = '', good_status: Anno(name='AGoodStatus', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Good value for status pv') = '', status_timeout: Anno(name='AStatusTimeout', typ=<class 'int'>, description='How long to wait for status_pv == good_status before returning') = 1, message_pv: Anno(name='AMessagePv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='PV containing error message if unsuccessful') = '', value: Anno(name='AValue', typ=<class 'int'>, description='Value to write to pv when method called') = 1, wait: Anno(name='AWait', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='Wait for caput callback?') = True, throw: Anno(name='AThrow', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='throw error if PV not found') = True)[source]

Group a number of PVs together that represent a method like acquire()

Commonly a group of pvs are used to represent a method call like this:

caput(pv, wait=True)
assert caget(status_pv) == good_status, (
    "Action failed with message: %s" % caget(message_pv)

This Part wraps up this design pattern as a Malcolm Method

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • status_pv (str) – Status pv to see if successful

  • good_status (str) – Good value for status pv

  • status_timeout (int) – How long to wait for status_pv == good_status before returning

  • message_pv (str) – PV containing error message if unsuccessful

  • value (int) – Value to write to pv when method called

  • wait (bool) – Wait for caput callback?

  • throw (bool) – throw error if PV not found

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True, throw: Anno(name='AThrow', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='throw error if PV not found') = True)[source]

Defines a boolean Attribute that talks to a DBR_LONG longout PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

  • throw (bool) – throw error if PV not found

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True)[source]

Defines a string Attribute that talks to a DBR_CHAR_STR waveform PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True)[source]

Defines a choice Attribute that talks to a DBR_ENUM mbbo PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True, display_from_pv: Anno(name='AGetLimits', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='Get limits from PV (HOPR & LOPR)') = True)[source]

Defines a float64[] Attribute that talks to a DBR_DOUBLE waveform PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

  • display_from_pv (bool) – Get limits from PV (HOPR & LOPR)

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True, display_from_pv: Anno(name='AGetLimits', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='Get limits from PV (HOPR & LOPR)') = True, throw: Anno(name='AThrow', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='throw error if PV not found') = True)[source]

Defines a float64 Attribute that talks to a DBR_DOUBLE ao PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

  • display_from_pv (bool) – Get limits from PV (HOPR & LOPR)

  • throw (bool) – throw error if PV not found

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True)[source]

Defines an int32[] Attribute that talks to a DBR_LONG waveform PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True, throw: Anno(name='AThrow', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='throw error if PV not found') = True)[source]

Defines an int32 Attribute that talks to a DBR_LONG longout PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

  • throw (bool) – throw error if PV not found

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv: Anno(name='APv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Full pv of demand and default for rbv') = '', rbv: Anno(name='ARbv', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Override for rbv') = '', rbv_suffix: Anno(name='ARbvSuffix', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix') = '', min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, sink_port: Optional[Anno(name='ASinkPort', typ=<enum 'Port'>, description='If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type')] = None, widget: Optional[Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default')] = None, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True, throw: Anno(name='AThrow', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='throw error if PV not found') = True, port_badge_mri: Optional[Anno(name='AMri', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The Malcolm Resource Identifier for the Block produced')] = None, port_badge_attr: Optional[Anno(name='ABadgeAttr', typ=<class 'str'>, description='name of attribute for badge value')] = None, port_badge_display: Optional[Anno(name='ABadgeDisplay', typ=<class 'str'>, description='display type for port badge')] = None)[source]

Defines a string Attribute that talks to a DBR_STRING stringout PV

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv (str) – Full pv of demand and default for rbv

  • rbv (str) – Override for rbv

  • rbv_suffix (str) – Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • sink_port (Port) – If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

  • throw (bool) – throw error if PV not found

  • port_badge_mri (str) – The Malcolm Resource Identifier for the Block produced

  • port_badge_attr (str) – name of attribute for badge value

  • port_badge_display (str) – display type for port badge

class Anno(name='APartName', typ=<class 'str'>, description='The name of the Part within the Controller'), description: Anno(name='AMetaDescription', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Description of what this element represents'), pv_list: Anno(name='APvList', typ=<class 'str'>, description='List of PVs to monitor') = (), name_list: Anno(name='ANameList', typ=<class 'str'>, description='List of names to give to monitored PVs') = (), min_delta: Anno(name='AMinDelta', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds') = 0.05, timeout: Anno(name='ATimeout', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever') = 10.0, widget: Anno(name='AWidget', typ=<enum 'Widget'>, description='If given, use this widget instead of the default') = Widget.PLOT, group: Optional[Anno(name='AGroup', typ=<class 'str'>, description='If given, which GUI group should we attach to')] = None, config: Anno(name='AConfig', typ=<class 'int'>, description='If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore') = True, display_from_pv: Anno(name='AGetLimits', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='Get limits from PV (HOPR & LOPR)') = True)[source]

Defines a float64[] Attribute that talks to multiple DBR_DOUBLE waveform PV, plus checks HOPR & LOPR on these PVs to determine axis limits

  • name (str) – The name of the Part within the Controller

  • description (str) – Description of what this element represents

  • pv_list (str) – List of PVs to monitor

  • name_list (str) – List of names to give to monitored PVs

  • min_delta (float) – Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds

  • timeout (float) – Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever

  • widget (Widget) – If given, use this widget instead of the default

  • group (str) – If given, which GUI group should we attach to

  • config (int) – If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in? 0 means do not restore

  • display_from_pv (bool) – Get limits from PV (HOPR & LOPR)