Source code for

import time
from typing import Optional

from annotypes import Anno

from malcolm.core import MethodModel, Part, PartRegistrar, Queue, TimeoutError, tags
from malcolm.modules import builtin

from .. import util

with Anno("Status pv to see if successful"):
    AStatusPv = str
with Anno("Good value for status pv"):
    AGoodStatus = str
with Anno("PV containing error message if unsuccessful"):
    AMessagePv = str
with Anno("Value to write to pv when method called"):
    AValue = int
with Anno("Wait for caput callback?"):
    AWait = bool
with Anno("How long to wait for status_pv == good_status before returning"):
    AStatusTimeout = int

[docs]class CAActionPart(Part): """ Group a number of PVs together that represent a method like acquire() Commonly a group of pvs are used to represent a method call like this:: caput(pv, wait=True) assert caget(status_pv) == good_status, ( "Action failed with message: %s" % caget(message_pv) ) This `Part` wraps up this design pattern as a Malcolm `Method` """ def __init__( self, name: util.APartName, description: util.AMetaDescription, pv: util.APv = "", status_pv: AStatusPv = "", good_status: AGoodStatus = "", status_timeout: AStatusTimeout = 1, message_pv: AMessagePv = "", value: AValue = 1, wait: AWait = True, throw: util.AThrow = True, ) -> None: super().__init__(name) self.description = description self.pv = pv self.status_pv = status_pv self.good_status = good_status self.status_timeout = status_timeout self.message_pv = message_pv self.value = value self.wait = wait self.throw = throw self.method: Optional[MethodModel] = None def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook( (builtin.hooks.InitHook, builtin.hooks.ResetHook), self.reconnect ) # Methods self.method = registrar.add_method_model( self.caput,, self.description ) def reconnect(self): pvs = [self.pv] if self.status_pv: pvs.append(self.status_pv) if self.message_pv: pvs.append(self.message_pv) ca_values = util.catools.caget(pvs, throw=self.throw) # check connection is ok try: for v in ca_values: if not isinstance(v, util.catools.ca_nothing): assert v.ok, f"CA connect failed with {v.state_strings[v.state]}" else: raise AssertionError("CA connect failed") except AssertionError as e: if self.throw: raise e else: self.method.meta.set_tags( list(self.method.meta.tags) + [tags.method_hidden()] ) def wait_for_good_status(self, deadline): q = Queue() m = util.catools.camonitor( self.status_pv, q.put, datatype=util.catools.DBR_STRING ) status = None try: while True: try: status = q.get(deadline - time.time()) except TimeoutError: return status else: if status == self.good_status: return status finally: m.close() def caput(self):"caput %s %s", self.pv, self.value) util.catools.caput(self.pv, self.value, wait=self.wait, timeout=None) if self.status_pv: # Wait for up to status_timeout for the right results to come in deadline = time.time() + self.status_timeout status = self.wait_for_good_status(deadline) if self.message_pv: message = " %s:" % util.catools.caget( self.message_pv, datatype=util.catools.DBR_CHAR_STR ) else: message = "" assert ( status == self.good_status ), "Status %s:%s while performing 'caput %s %s'" % ( status, message, self.pv, self.value, )