Source code for malcolm.yamlutil

import importlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
from import MutableSequence
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple

from annotypes import NO_DEFAULT, Anno
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

from malcolm.compat import OrderedDict, raise_with_traceback
from malcolm.core import Controller, Define, MethodMeta, Part, YamlError

# Create a module level logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SECTION_NAMES = ["parameters", "controllers", "parts", "blocks", "includes", "defines"]

def _create_takes_arguments(sections: List["Section"]) -> List[Anno]:
    takes_arguments = []
    for section in sections:
        if section.section == "parameters":
    annos = [x for x in takes_arguments if x.default is NO_DEFAULT] + [
        x for x in takes_arguments if x.default is not NO_DEFAULT
    return annos

def _create_blocks_and_parts(
    sections: List["Section"], params: Dict[str, str]
) -> Tuple[List[Controller], List[Part]]:
    controllers = []
    parts = []

    for section in sections:
        if section.section == "blocks":
            # Any child blocks
            controllers += section.instantiate(params)
        elif section.section == "includes":
            # Includes can have child blocks and/or lists of parts
            new_c, new_p = section.instantiate(params)
            controllers += new_c
            parts += new_p
        elif section.section == "parts":
            # A single part

    return controllers, parts

def _create_defines(
    sections: List["Section"], yamlname: str, yamldir: str, params: Dict[str, str]
) -> Dict[str, str]:
    # Start with some
    defines = dict(yamlname=yamlname, yamldir=yamldir, docstring="")
    # Add in the parameter defaults
    for section in sections:
        if section.section == "parameters":
            parameter: Anno = section.instantiate(defines)
            if parameter.default is not NO_DEFAULT:
                defines[] = parameter.default
    if params:
    for section in sections:
        if section.section == "defines":
            define: Define = section.instantiate(defines)
            defines[] = define.value
    return defines

[docs]def check_yaml_names(globals_d: (Dict[str, Any])) -> List[str]: """Check that all include_creators and block_creators have the same name as the base of their file path, and return them in a list suitable for publishing as __all__""" all_list = [] for k, v in sorted(globals_d.items()): if hasattr(v, "yamlname"): assert v.yamlname == k, "%r should be called %r as it comes from %r" % ( k, v.yamlname, v.yamlname + ".yaml", ) all_list.append(k) return all_list
def make_include_creator( yaml_path: str, filename: str = None ) -> Callable[..., Tuple[List[Controller], List[Part]]]: sections, yamlname, docstring = Section.from_yaml(yaml_path, filename) yamldir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(yaml_path)) # Check we don't have any controllers controller_sections = [s for s in sections if s.section == "controllers"] assert len(controller_sections) == 0, "Expected exactly 0 controllers, got %s" % ( controller_sections, ) # Add any parameters to the takes arguments def include_creator(kwargs): # Create the param dict of the static defined arguments defines = _create_defines(sections, yamlname, yamldir, kwargs) return _create_blocks_and_parts(sections, defines) creator = creator_with_nice_signature( include_creator, sections, yamlname, yaml_path, docstring ) return creator # Add any parameters to the takes arguments def creator_with_nice_signature(creator, sections, yamlname, yaml_path, docstring): takes = _create_takes_arguments(sections) args = [] for anno in takes: if anno.default is NO_DEFAULT: args.append( else: args.append(f"{}={anno.default!r}") func = f""" def creator_from_yaml({', '.join(args)}): return creator(locals())""" # Copied from decorator pypi module code = compile(func, yaml_path, "single") exec(code, locals()) ret = locals()["creator_from_yaml"] ret.return_type = Anno("Any return value", Any, "return") ret.call_types = OrderedDict((, anno) for anno in takes) ret.__doc__ = docstring ret.__name__ = yamlname ret.yamlname = yamlname return ret
[docs]def make_block_creator( yaml_path: str, filename: str = None ) -> Callable[..., List[Controller]]: """Make a collection function that will create a list of blocks Args: yaml_path (str): File path to YAML file, or a file in the same dir filename (str): If give, use this filename as the last element in the yaml_path (so yaml_path can be __file__) Returns: A collection function decorated with @takes. This can be used in other blocks or instantiated by the process. If the YAML text specified controllers or parts then a block instance with the given name will be instantiated. If there are any blocks listed then they will be called. All created controllers by this or any sub collection will be returned """ sections, yamlname, docstring = Section.from_yaml(yaml_path, filename) yamldir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(yaml_path)) # Check we have only one controller controller_sections = [s for s in sections if s.section == "controllers"] assert len(controller_sections) == 1, "Expected exactly 1 controller, got %s" % ( controller_sections, ) controller_section = controller_sections[0] def block_creator(kwargs): # Create the param dict of the static defined arguments defines = _create_defines(sections, yamlname, yamldir, kwargs) controllers, parts = _create_blocks_and_parts(sections, defines) # Make the controller controller = controller_section.instantiate(defines) for part in parts: controller.add_part(part) controllers.append(controller) return controllers creator = creator_with_nice_signature( block_creator, sections, yamlname, yaml_path, docstring ) return creator
class Section: def __init__(self, filename, lineno, name, param_dict=None): self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno = name # Check the name split = name.split(".") if len(split) != 3: raise YamlError( "%s:%d: Expected something like ''. " "Got %r" % (filename, lineno, name) ) section = split[1] if section not in SECTION_NAMES: raise YamlError("%s:%d: Unknown section name %s" % (filename, lineno, name)) self.section = section if param_dict is None: self.param_dict = {} else: # dictify yaml's intermediate dict like object self.param_dict = dict(param_dict) def instantiate(self, substitutions): """Keep recursing down from base using dotted name, then call it with self.params and args Args: substitutions (dict): Substitutions to make to self.param_dict Returns: The found object called with (*args, map_from_d) E.g. if ob is, and name is "ca.CADoublePart", then the object will be """ param_dict = self.substitute_params(substitutions) pkg, ident =".", 1) pkg = f"malcolm.modules.{pkg}" try: ob = importlib.import_module(pkg) except ImportError as e: raise_with_traceback( ImportError("\n%s:%d:\n%s" % (self.filename, self.lineno, e)) ) try: ob = getattr(ob, ident) except AttributeError: raise_with_traceback( ImportError( "\n%s:%d:\nPackage %r has no ident %r" % (self.filename, self.lineno, pkg, ident) ) ) try: meta = MethodMeta.from_callable(ob, returns=False) args = meta.takes.validate(param_dict) ret = ob(**args) except Exception as e: sourcefile = inspect.getsourcefile(ob) lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(ob)[1] raise_with_traceback( YamlError( "\n%s:%d:\n%s:%d:\n%s" % (self.filename, self.lineno, sourcefile, lineno, e) ) ) else: return ret @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, yaml_path, filename=None): """Split a dictionary into parameters controllers parts blocks defines Args: yaml_path (str): File path to YAML file, or a file in the same dir filename (str): If give, use this filename as the last element in the yaml_path (so yaml_path can be __file__) Returns: tuple: (sections, yamlname, docstring) where sections is a list of created sections """ if filename: # different filename to support passing __file__ yaml_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(yaml_path), filename) assert yaml_path.endswith( ".yaml" ), f"Expected a/path/to/<yamlname>.yaml, got {yaml_path!r}" yamlname = os.path.basename(yaml_path)[:-5] log.debug("Parsing %s", yaml_path) with open(yaml_path) as f: text = # First separate them into their relevant sections yaml = YAML(typ="rt") ds = yaml.load(text) docstring = None sections = [] for d in ds: assert len(d) == 1, f"Expected section length 1, got {len(d)}" lineno = d._yaml_line_col.line + 1 name = list(d)[0] sections.append(cls(yaml_path, lineno, name, d[name])) if name == "builtin.defines.docstring": docstring = d[name]["value"] return sections, yamlname, docstring def substitute_params(self, substitutions): """Substitute param values in our param_dict from params Args: substitutions (Map or dict): Values to substitute. E.g. Map of {"name": "me"} E.g. if self.param_dict is: {"name": "$(name):pos", "exposure": 1.0} And substitutions is: {"name": "me"} After the call self.param_dict will be: {"name": "me:pos", "exposure": 1.0} """ param_dict = {} # TODO: this should be yaml.add_implicit_resolver() for k, v in self.param_dict.items(): param_dict[k] = replace_substitutions(v, substitutions) return param_dict def __repr__(self): return f"Section({}, {self.param_dict})" def replace_substitutions(value, substitutions): if isinstance(value, MutableSequence): value = [replace_substitutions(v, substitutions) for v in value] elif isinstance(value, str): for s in substitutions: value = value.replace(f"$({s})", str(substitutions[s])) return value