Source code for malcolm.modules.web.controllers.websocketclientcomms

from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple

from annotypes import Anno, deserialize_object, json_decode, json_encode
from cothread import cothread
from tornado import gen
from tornado.websocket import WebSocketClientConnection, websocket_connect

from malcolm.core import (
from malcolm.modules import builtin

from ..util import BlockTable, IOLoopHelper

Key = Tuple[Callable[[Response], None], int]

with Anno("Hostname of malcolm websocket server"):
    AHostname = str
with Anno("Port number to run up under"):
    APort = int
with Anno("Time to wait for connection"):
    AConnectTimeout = float

[docs]class WebsocketClientComms(builtin.controllers.ClientComms): """A class for a client to communicate with the server""" def __init__( self, mri: builtin.controllers.AMri, hostname: AHostname = "localhost", port: APort = 8008, connect_timeout: AConnectTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ) -> None: super().__init__(mri) self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self._connected_queue = Queue() # {new_id: request} self._request_lookup: Dict[int, Request] = {} self._next_id = 1 self._conn: Optional[WebSocketClientConnection] = None # Create read-only attribute for the remotely reachable blocks self.remote_blocks = TableMeta.from_table( BlockTable, "Remotely reachable blocks" ).create_attribute_model() self.field_registry.add_attribute_model("remoteBlocks", self.remote_blocks) def do_init(self): super().do_init() self._start_client() def _start_client(self): # Called from cothread if self._conn is None: self._connected_queue.get(timeout=self.connect_timeout) root_subscribe = Subscribe(path=[".", "blocks", "value"]) root_subscribe.set_callback(self._update_remote_blocks), root_subscribe) @gen.coroutine def recv_loop(self): # Called from tornado url = "ws://%s:%d/ws" % (self.hostname, self.port) self._conn = yield websocket_connect( url, connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout - 0.5 ) cothread.Callback(self._connected_queue.put, None) while True: message = yield self._conn.read_message() if message is None: self._conn = None cothread.Callback(self._report_fault) return self.on_message(message)
[docs] def on_message(self, message): """Pass response from server to process receive queue Args: message(str): Received message """ # Called in tornado loop try: self.log.debug("Got message %s", message) d = json_decode(message) response = deserialize_object(d, Response) if isinstance(response, (Return, Error)): request = self._request_lookup.pop( if isinstance(response, Error): # Make the message an exception so it can be raised response.message = ResponseError(response.message) else: request = self._request_lookup[] # Transfer the work of the callback to cothread cothread.Callback(request.callback, response) except Exception: # If we don't catch the exception here, tornado will spew odd # error messages about 'HTTPRequest' object has no attribute 'path' self.log.exception("on_message(%r) failed", message)
def _report_fault(self): # Called in cothread thread with self._lock: if self.state.value != self.state_set.DISABLING: self.transition(self.state_set.FAULT, "Server disconnected") self._connected_queue.put(None) for id in list(self._request_lookup): request = self._request_lookup.pop(id) response = Error(, message=ResponseError("Server disconnected") ) try: request.callback(response) except Exception: # Most things will error here, not really a problem self.log.debug("Callback %s raised", request.callback) def _stop_client(self): # Called from cothread if self._conn: self._connected_queue.get(timeout=self.connect_timeout) self._conn = None def _update_remote_blocks(self, response): response = deserialize_object(response, Update) cothread.Callback(self.remote_blocks.set_value, response.value) def do_disable(self): super().do_disable() self._stop_client() def do_reset(self): super().do_reset() self._start_client()
[docs] def sync_proxy(self, mri, block): """Abstract method telling the ClientComms to sync this proxy Block with its remote counterpart. Should wait until it is connected Args: mri (str): The mri for the remote block block (BlockModel): The local proxy Block to keep in sync """ # Send a root Subscribe to the server subscribe = Subscribe(path=[mri], delta=True) done_queue = Queue() def handle_response(response): # Called from tornado if not isinstance(response, Delta): # Return or Error is the end of our subscription, log and ignore self.log.debug("Proxy got response %r", response) done_queue.put(None) else: cothread.Callback(self._handle_response, response, block, done_queue) subscribe.set_callback(handle_response), subscribe) done_queue.get(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
def _handle_response( self, response: Response, block: BlockModel, done_queue: Queue ) -> None: try: with self.changes_squashed: for change in response.changes: self._handle_change(block, change) except Exception: self.log.exception(f"Error handling {response}") raise finally: done_queue.put(None) def _handle_change(self, block, change): path = change[0] if len(path) == 0: assert len(change) == 2, f"Can't delete root block with change {change!r}" self._regenerate_block(block, change[1]) elif len(path) == 1 and path[0] not in ("health", "meta"): if len(change) == 1: # Delete a field block.remove_endpoint(path[1]) else: # Change a single field of the block block.set_endpoint_data(path[1], change[1]) else: block.apply_change(path, *change[1:]) def _regenerate_block(self, block, d): for field in list(block): if field not in ("health", "meta"): block.remove_endpoint(field) for field, value in d.items(): if field == "health": # Update health attribute value: NTScalar = deserialize_object(value) value=value.value, alarm=value.alarm, ts=value.timeStamp ) elif field == "meta": value: BlockMeta = deserialize_object(value) meta: BlockMeta = block.meta for k in meta.call_types: meta.apply_change([k], value[k]) elif field != "typeid": # No need to set writeable_functions as the server will do it block.set_endpoint_data(field, value)
[docs] def send_put(self, mri, attribute_name, value): """Abstract method to dispatch a Put to the server Args: mri (str): The mri of the Block attribute_name (str): The name of the Attribute within the Block value: The value to put """ q = Queue() request = Put(path=[mri, attribute_name, "value"], value=value) request.set_callback(q.put), request) response = q.get() if isinstance(response, Error): raise response.message else: return response.value
[docs] def send_post(self, mri, method_name, **params): """Abstract method to dispatch a Post to the server Args: mri (str): The mri of the Block method_name (str): The name of the Method within the Block params: The parameters to send Returns: The return results from the server """ q = Queue() request = Post(path=[mri, method_name], parameters=params) request.set_callback(q.put), request) response = q.get() if isinstance(response, Error): raise response.message else: return response.value
def _send_request(self, request): # Called in tornado thread = self._next_id self._next_id += 1 self._request_lookup[] = request message = json_encode(request) self.log.debug("Sending message %s", message) self._conn.write_message(message)