Source code for

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, cast

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types, stringify_error
from scanpointgenerator import (

from malcolm.core import APartName, BadValueError, Future, Put, Request
from malcolm.modules import builtin

from ..hooks import (
from ..infos import (
from ..util import ADetectorTable, DetectorTable, RunnableStates

with Anno("The initial value of FramesPerStep for this detector at configure"):
    AInitialFramesPerStep = int

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
AMri =
AInitialVisibility =

ss = RunnableStates

[docs]class DetectorChildPart( """Part controlling a child detector Block that exposes a configure/run interface with fileDir and fileTemplate""" def __init__( self, name: APartName, mri: AMri, initial_visibility: AInitialVisibility = False, initial_frames_per_step: AInitialFramesPerStep = 1, ) -> None: super().__init__(name, mri, initial_visibility) # frames per scan step given by the detector table at configure() self.initial_frames_per_step = initial_frames_per_step self.frames_per_step = initial_frames_per_step # Stored between runs self.run_future: Optional[Future] = None # If it was faulty at init, allow it to exist, and ignore reset commands # but don't let it be configured or run self.faulty = False def setup(self, registrar): super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(ValidateHook, self.on_validate) registrar.hook(PreConfigureHook, self.reload) registrar.hook(ConfigureHook, self.on_configure) registrar.hook(RunHook, self.on_run) registrar.hook((PostRunArmedHook, PostRunReadyHook), self.on_post_run) registrar.hook(SeekHook, self.on_seek) registrar.hook(AbortHook, self.on_abort)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_layout( self, context: AContext, ports: builtin.hooks.APortMap, layout: builtin.hooks.ALayoutTable, ) -> builtin.hooks.ULayoutInfos: ret = super().on_layout(context, ports, layout) # Tell the controller to expose some extra configure parameters configure_info = ConfigureHook.create_info(self.on_configure) # Override the detector table defaults and writeable rows = [] if self.visible: if self.initial_frames_per_step: enable = True frames_per_step = self.initial_frames_per_step else: enable = False frames_per_step = 1 rows.append([enable,, self.mri, 0.0, frames_per_step]) configure_info.defaults["detectors"] = DetectorTable.from_rows(rows) columns = configure_info.metas["detectors"].elements columns["name"].set_writeable(False) columns["mri"].set_writeable(False) assert self.registrar, "No registrar found" return ret
def notify_dispatch_request(self, request: Request) -> None: if isinstance(request, Put) and request.path[1] == "design": # We have hooked self.reload to PreConfigure, and reload() will # set design attribute, so explicitly allow this without checking # it is in no_save (as it won't be in there) pass else: super().notify_dispatch_request(request)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_init(self, context: AContext) -> None: try: super().on_init(context) except BadValueError: self.log.exception( f"Detector {} was faulty at init and is not usable" ) self.faulty = True
[docs] @add_call_types def on_reset(self, context: AContext) -> None: if not self.faulty: child = context.block_view(self.mri) if child.abort.meta.writeable: child.abort() super().on_reset(context)
# Must match those passed in configure() Method, so need to be camelCase # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_validate( self, context: AContext, part_info: APartInfo, generator: AGenerator, fileDir: AFileDir, detectors: ADetectorTable = None, axesToMove: AAxesToMove = None, breakpoints: ABreakpoints = None, fileTemplate: AFileTemplate = "%s.h5", ) -> UParameterTweakInfos: # Work out if we are taking part enable, frames_per_step, kwargs = self._configure_args( generator, fileDir, detectors, axesToMove, breakpoints, fileTemplate ) ret = [] tweak_detectors = False assert detectors, "No detectors" if not in # There isn't a row for us, so add one in on validate, it will be # disabled but that is truthful tweak_detectors = True child = context.block_view(self.mri) # Additional parameters that may need passing takes_exposure = "exposure" in child.validate.meta.takes.elements takes_frames_per_step = "frames_per_step" in child.validate.meta.takes.elements def do_validate(**params): if not takes_exposure: params.pop("exposure", None) try: return child.validate(**params) except Exception as e: raise BadValueError( f"Validate of {self.mri} failed: {stringify_error(e)}" ) # Check something else is multiplying out triggers multiframe: List[DetectorMutiframeInfo] = [] info: DetectorMutiframeInfo for info in DetectorMutiframeInfo.filter_values(part_info): if cast(DetectorMutiframeInfo, info).mri == self.mri: multiframe.append(info) if enable: if self.faulty: raise BadValueError( f"Detector {} was faulty at init and is unusable. If the " "detector is now working please restart Malcolm" ) # Check that if we are told to set exposure that we take it if "exposure" in kwargs and not multiframe and not takes_exposure: raise BadValueError(f"Detector {} doesn't take exposure") # If asked to guess frames per step, do so if frames_per_step < 1: if kwargs.get("exposure", 0) == 0: # Asked to guess both frames_per_step = 1 else: # Exposure given, so run a validate once without the # mutiplier and see what the detector gives us exposure = kwargs.pop("exposure") returns = do_validate(**kwargs) dead_time = generator.duration - returns["exposure"] frames_per_step = generator.duration // (exposure + dead_time) kwargs["exposure"] = exposure tweak_detectors = True if frames_per_step > 1 and not multiframe: raise BadValueError( "There are no trigger multipliers setup for Detector " f"'{}' so framesPerStep can only be 0 or 1 for this row " "in the detectors table" ) # Append frames per step now that we should have settled on a value if takes_frames_per_step: kwargs["frames_per_step"] = frames_per_step # This is a Serializable with the correct entries returns = do_validate(**kwargs) # Add in the exposure in case it is returned exposure = kwargs.setdefault("exposure", 0.0) # TODO: this will fail if we split across 2 Malcolm processes as # scanpointgenerators don't compare equal, but we don't want to # serialize everything as that is expensive for arrays for k in returns: v = returns[k] if kwargs.get(k, v) != v: if k == "exposure": exposure = v tweak_detectors = True else: ret.append(ParameterTweakInfo(k, v)) else: exposure = 0.0 if tweak_detectors: # Detector table changed, make a new one det_row = [enable,, self.mri, exposure, frames_per_step] rows = [] assert detectors, "No detectors" append_det_row = True for row in detectors.rows(): if row[1] == rows.append(det_row) append_det_row = False else: rows.append(row) if append_det_row: rows.append(det_row) new_detectors = DetectorTable.from_rows(rows) ret.append(ParameterTweakInfo("detectors", new_detectors)) return ret
def _configure_args( self, generator: AGenerator, file_dir: AFileDir, detectors: ADetectorTable = None, axes_to_move: AAxesToMove = None, breakpoints: ABreakpoints = None, file_template: AFileTemplate = "%s.h5", ) -> Tuple[bool, int, Dict[str, Any]]: # Check the detector table to see what we need to do assert detectors, "No detectors" for enable, name, mri, exposure, frames in detectors.rows(): if name == and enable: # Found a row saying to take part assert mri == self.mri, f"{name} has mri {self.mri}, passed {mri}" break else: # Didn't find a row or no frames, don't take part return False, 0, {} # If we had more than one frame per point, multiply out if frames > 1: axis_name = name + "_frames_per_step" axes_to_move = list(cast(Iterable, axes_to_move)) + [axis_name] # We need to multiply up the last dimension by frames serialized = dict(generator.to_dict()) serialized["generators"] = list(serialized["generators"]) + [ StaticPointGenerator(frames, axes=[axis_name]) ] # Squash it down with the axes of the fastest generator squash_axes = list(generator.generators[-1].axes) + [axis_name] serialized["excluders"] = list(serialized["excluders"]) + [ SquashingExcluder(axes=squash_axes) ] # Divide it down serialized["duration"] = float(serialized["duration"]) / frames generator = CompoundGenerator.from_dict(serialized) kwargs = dict( generator=generator, axesToMove=axes_to_move, breakpoints=breakpoints, fileDir=file_dir, # formatName is the unique part of the HDF filename, so use the part # name for this, fileTemplate=file_template, ) if exposure > 0.0: kwargs["exposure"] = exposure return enable, frames, kwargs # Must match those passed in configure() Method, so need to be camelCase # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, context: AContext, generator: AGenerator, fileDir: AFileDir, detectors: ADetectorTable = None, axesToMove: AAxesToMove = None, breakpoints: ABreakpoints = None, fileTemplate: AFileTemplate = "%s.h5", ) -> UInfos: # Work out if we are taking part enable, self.frames_per_step, kwargs = self._configure_args( generator, fileDir, detectors, axesToMove, breakpoints, fileTemplate ) if not enable: # We aren't taking part in the scan self.frames_per_step = 0 return None else: assert ( self.frames_per_step > 0 ), f"Zero frames per step for {}, this shouldn't happen" child = context.block_view(self.mri) if ( "exposure" in kwargs and "exposure" not in child.configure.meta.takes.elements ): kwargs.pop("exposure") child.configure(**kwargs) # Report back any datasets the child has to our parent assert hasattr(child, "datasets"), ( f"Detector {self.mri} doesn't have a dataset table, did you add a " " to it?" ) datasets_table = child.datasets.value info_list = [DatasetProducedInfo(*row) for row in datasets_table.rows()] return info_list
[docs] @add_call_types def on_run(self, context: AContext) -> None: if self.frames_per_step < 1: # We aren't taking part in the scan return context.unsubscribe_all() child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.completedSteps.subscribe_value(self.update_completed_steps) bad_states = [ss.DISABLING, ss.ABORTING, ss.FAULT] match_future = child.when_value_matches_async("state", ss.POSTRUN, bad_states) if child.state.value == ss.ARMED: self.run_future = child.run_async() else: child.resume() try: context.wait_all_futures(match_future) except BadValueError: # If child went into Fault state, raise the friendlier run_future # exception if child.state.value == ss.FAULT: assert self.run_future, "No run future" raise self.run_future.exception() else: raise
[docs] @add_call_types def on_post_run(self, context: AContext) -> None: if self.frames_per_step < 1: # We aren't taking part in the scan return context.wait_all_futures(self.run_future)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_seek(self, context: AContext, completed_steps: ACompletedSteps) -> None: if self.frames_per_step < 1: # We aren't taking part in the scan return # Clear out the update_completed_steps and match_future subscriptions context.unsubscribe_all() child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.pause(lastGoodStep=completed_steps)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_abort(self, context: AContext) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.abort()
def update_completed_steps(self, value: int) -> None: assert self.registrar, "No registrar" // self.frames_per_step))