Source code for

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types

from malcolm.core import PartRegistrar
from malcolm.modules import builtin
from malcolm.modules.builtin.hooks import AContext

from .. import hooks

with Anno("Value to set during PreRunHook"):
    APreRunVal = str

with Anno("Value to set after a scan"):
    AResetVal = str

with Anno("Name of controlled attribute"):
    AAttrName = str

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName =
AMri =

[docs]class AttributePreRunPart( """Part for controlling an attribute value during the PreRunHook""" def __init__( self, name: APartName, mri: AMri, pre_run_value: APreRunVal, reset_value: AResetVal, attribute_name: AAttrName = "shutter", ) -> None: super().__init__(name, mri, initial_visibility=True) self.pre_run_value = pre_run_value self.reset_value = reset_value self.attribute_name = attribute_name # We only want to set the attribute on configure no_save_attrs = set() no_save_attrs.add(self.attribute_name) existing = self.no_save_attribute_names or set() self.no_save_attribute_names = existing | no_save_attrs def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(hooks.PreRunHook, self.on_pre_run) registrar.hook( (hooks.PauseHook, hooks.AbortHook, hooks.PostRunReadyHook), self.on_reset )
[docs] @add_call_types def on_pre_run(self, context: AContext) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) getattr(child, self.attribute_name).put_value(self.pre_run_value)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_reset(self, context: AContext) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) getattr(child, self.attribute_name).put_value(self.reset_value)