Source code for

import re
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import cothread
import numpy as np
from annotypes import add_call_types
from scanpointgenerator import CompoundGenerator, Point

from malcolm.core import Block, Future, PartRegistrar, Put, Request
from malcolm.modules import builtin, scanning
from malcolm.modules.scanning.infos import MotionTrigger

from ..infos import MotorInfo
from ..util import (

# Number of seconds that a trajectory tick is
TICK_S = 0.000001

# Longest move time we can request

# velocity modes
class VelocityModes:

# user programs
class UserPrograms:
    NO_PROGRAM = 0  # Do nothing
    LIVE_PROGRAM = 1  # GPIO123 = 1, 0, 0
    DEAD_PROGRAM = 2  # GPIO123 = 0, 1, 0
    MID_PROGRAM = 4  # GPIO123 = 0, 0, 1
    ZERO_PROGRAM = 8  # GPIO123 = 0, 0, 0

class PointType(Enum):
    START_OF_ROW = 0  # Lower bound of first point of row
    MID_POINT = 1  # Position of any point
    POINT_JOIN = 2  # Boundary of two joined points
    END_OF_ROW = 3  # Upper boundary of last point of row
    TURNAROUND = 4  # Between rows

# How many profile points to write each time
# How many points to extract from a scanpointgenerator each time

# 80 char line lengths...

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName =
AMri =

[docs]class PmacChildPart( def __init__( self, name: APartName, mri: AMri, initial_visibility: AIV = False ) -> None: super().__init__(name, mri, initial_visibility) # Axis information stored from validate self.axis_mapping: Dict[str, MotorInfo] = {} # Lookup of the completed_step value for each point self.completed_steps_lookup: List[int] = [] # Minimum turnaround information self.min_turnaround: Optional[MinTurnaround] = None # If we are currently loading then block loading more points self.loading = False # Where we have generated into profile self.end_index = 0 # Where we should stop loading points self.steps_up_to = 0 # Have we already added a tail-off for the current profile self.tail_off_added = False # What sort of triggers to output self.output_triggers: Optional[MotionTrigger] = None # Profile points that haven't been sent yet # {timeArray/velocityMode/userPrograms/a/b/c/u/v/w/x/y/z: [elements]} self.profile: Dict[str, List] = {} # accumulated intervals since the last PVT point used by sparse # trajectory logic self.time_since_last_pvt = 0 # Stored generator for positions self.generator: CompoundGenerator = None def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.ValidateHook, self.on_validate) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PreConfigureHook, self.reload) registrar.hook( ( scanning.hooks.ConfigureHook, scanning.hooks.PostRunArmedHook, scanning.hooks.SeekHook, ), self.on_configure, ) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.RunHook, self.on_run) registrar.hook( (scanning.hooks.AbortHook, scanning.hooks.PauseHook), self.on_abort ) def notify_dispatch_request(self, request: Request) -> None: if isinstance(request, Put) and request.path[1] == "design": # We have hooked self.reload to PreConfigure, and reload() will # set design attribute, so explicitly allow this without checking # it is in no_save (as it won't be in there) pass else: super().notify_dispatch_request(request)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_reset(self, context: builtin.hooks.AContext) -> None: super().on_reset(context) self.on_abort(context)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_validate( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, axesToMove: scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, ) -> scanning.hooks.UParameterTweakInfos: child = context.block_view(self.mri) # Check that we can move all the requested axes available = set( motion_axes = get_motion_axes(generator, axesToMove) assert available.issuperset( motion_axes ), "Some of the requested axes %s are not on the motor list %s" % ( list(axesToMove), sorted(available), ) # Find the duration duration = generator.duration assert duration >= 0.0, f"{}: negative duration is not supported" # Check if we should guess the duration if duration == 0.0: # We need to tweak the duration if we are going to take part if self.taking_part_in_scan(part_info, motion_axes): duration = self.calculate_generator_duration( context, generator, part_info, motion_axes ) # We may have not been able to tweak duration if axis mappings are # missing. if not duration: return None else: return None # If GPIO is demanded for every point we need to align to the servo # cycle trigger = get_motion_trigger(part_info) if trigger == scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.EVERY_POINT: servo_freq = child.servoFrequency() duration = self.get_aligned_duration_with_servo_frequency( servo_freq, duration ) # Check if the duration was tweaked and return if duration != generator.duration: self.log.debug( f"{}: tweaking duration from {generator.duration} to " f"{duration}" ) serialized = generator.to_dict() new_generator = CompoundGenerator.from_dict(serialized) new_generator.duration = duration return scanning.infos.ParameterTweakInfo("generator", new_generator) else: return None
@staticmethod def get_aligned_duration_with_servo_frequency( frequency: float, duration: float ) -> float: # convert half an exposure to multiple of servo ticks, rounding up ticks = np.ceil(frequency * 0.5 * duration) if not np.isclose(frequency, 3200): # -0.002 for some observed jitter in the servo frequency if I10 # isn't a whole number of 1/4 us move timer ticks # (any frequency apart from 3.2 kHz) ticks -= 0.002 # convert to integer number of microseconds, rounding down micros = np.floor(ticks / frequency * 1e6) # back to duration duration = 2 * float(micros) / 1e6 return duration def taking_part_in_scan( self, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, motion_axes: List[str], ) -> bool: # Check if we should be taking part in the scan need_gpio = get_motion_trigger(part_info) != scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.NONE if motion_axes or need_gpio: return True else: return False
[docs] def calculate_generator_duration( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, motion_axes: List[str], ) -> Optional[float]: """ Calculate a generator duration based on the generator and axes we are moving """ child = context.block_view(self.mri) layout_table = child.layout.value # Check if we are moving axes in this scan if motion_axes: # TODO: what happens if axes are not mapped due to the current config on # the brick not matching the target config for the scan? try: axis_mapping = cs_axis_mapping(context, layout_table, motion_axes) except AssertionError: # We can't check the axes as they are not mapped, so don't tweak the # generator and just return self.log.debug( f"{}: can't guess generator duration during " f"validate as axis mappings are not loaded or missing." ) return None # Step scans and fly scans behave differently generator.prepare() if generator.continuous and generator.size > 1: # Estimate the duration for fly scans using the distance between the # first two points and max velocities of participating axes first_point = generator.get_point(0) second_point = generator.get_point(1) return self.calculate_duration_from_first_two_points( axis_mapping, first_point, second_point, ) else: # Step scans have turnarounds at each point so can use this value min_turnaround = get_min_turnaround(part_info) return min_turnaround.time else: # Not moving axes so just return time of one tick return TICK_S
[docs] def calculate_duration_from_first_two_points( self, axis_mapping: Dict[str, MotorInfo], first_point: Point, second_point: Point, ) -> float: """ Guess a duration by using the distance between two points and the max velocities """ duration = 0.0 for axis_name, motor_info in axis_mapping.items(): # Distance between two points distance = ( second_point.positions[axis_name] - first_point.positions[axis_name] ) # So calculate time taken between two points based on max velocity min_duration = distance / motor_info.max_velocity # Tweak duration based on slowest axis to move between points if min_duration > duration: duration = min_duration # If duration is zero, it means we don't have any axes moving during these # points so just tweak duration to time of one tick. if duration == 0.0: duration = TICK_S return duration
def move_to_start(self, child: Block, cs_port: str, completed_steps: int) -> Future: # Work out what method to call match ="\d+$", cs_port) assert match, f"Cannot extract CS number from CS port '{cs_port}'" move_async = child[f"moveCS{}_async"] # Set all the axes to move to the start positions first_point = self.generator.get_point(completed_steps) args = {} move_to_start_time = 0.0 for axis_name, velocity in point_velocities( self.axis_mapping, first_point ).items(): motor_info: MotorInfo = self.axis_mapping[axis_name] acceleration_distance = motor_info.ramp_distance( 0, velocity, min_ramp_time=MIN_TIME ) start_pos = first_point.lower[axis_name] - acceleration_distance assert motor_info.check_position_within_soft_limits(start_pos) is True, ( f"{motor_info.scannable}: ramp start position {start_pos} outside " f"soft limits {motor_info.user_low_limit, motor_info.user_high_limit}" ) args[motor_info.cs_axis.lower()] = start_pos # Time profile that the move is likely to take # NOTE: this is only accurate if pmac max velocity in linear motion # prog is set to same speed as motor record VMAX profile = motor_info.make_velocity_profile( 0, 0, motor_info.current_position - start_pos, 0 ) times, _ = profile.make_arrays() move_to_start_time = max(times[-1], move_to_start_time) # Call the method with the values fs = move_async(moveTime=move_to_start_time, **args) return fs
[docs] def get_cs_port( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, motion_axes: List[str], ) -> str: """Work out the cs_port and motion_axes we should be using""" child = context.block_view(self.mri) layout_table = child.layout.value if motion_axes: self.axis_mapping = cs_axis_mapping(context, layout_table, motion_axes) # Check units for everything in the axis mapping # TODO: reinstate this when GDA does it properly # for axis_name, motor_info in sorted(self.axis_mapping.items()): # assert motor_info.units == generator.units[axis_name], \ # "%s: Expected scan units of %r, got %r" % ( # axis_name, motor_info.units, generator.units[axis_name]) # Guaranteed to have an entry in axis_mapping otherwise # cs_axis_mapping would fail, so pick its cs_port cs_port = list(self.axis_mapping.values())[0].cs_port else: # No axes to move, but if told to output triggers we still need to # do something self.axis_mapping = {} # Pick the first cs we find that has an axis assigned cs_port = cs_port_with_motors_in(context, layout_table) return cs_port
# Allow CamelCase as arguments will be serialized # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, axesToMove: scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove, ) -> None: context.unsubscribe_all() child = context.block_view(self.mri) # Store what sort of triggers we need to output self.output_triggers = get_motion_trigger(part_info) # Reset tail off state self.tail_off_added = False # Check if we should be taking part in the scan motion_axes = get_motion_axes(generator, axesToMove) if self.taking_part_in_scan(part_info, motion_axes): self.generator = generator else: self.generator = None return # Set minimum turnaround information self.min_turnaround = get_min_turnaround(part_info) # Work out the cs_port cs_port = self.get_cs_port(context, motion_axes) # Reset GPIOs # TODO: we might need to put this in pause if the PandA logic doesn't # copy with a trigger staying high child.writeProfile( csPort=cs_port, timeArray=[MIN_TIME], userPrograms=[UserPrograms.ZERO_PROGRAM], ) child.executeProfile() fs: Union[List, Future] if motion_axes: # Start off the move to the start fs = self.move_to_start(child, cs_port, completed_steps) else: fs = [] # Set how far we should be going and the completed steps lookup self.steps_up_to = completed_steps + steps_to_do self.completed_steps_lookup = [] # Reset the profiles that still need to be sent self.profile = dict( timeArray=[], velocityMode=[], userPrograms=[], ) self.time_since_last_pvt = 0 for info in self.axis_mapping.values(): self.profile[info.cs_axis.lower()] = [] self.calculate_generator_profile(completed_steps, do_run_up=True) self.write_profile_points(child, cs_port) # Wait for the motors to have got to the start context.wait_all_futures(fs)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_run(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: if self.generator: self.loading = False child = context.block_view(self.mri) # Wait for the trajectory to run and complete child.pointsScanned.subscribe_value(self.update_step, child) # TODO: we should return at the end of the last point for PostRun child.executeProfile()
[docs] @add_call_types def on_abort(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: if self.generator: child = context.block_view(self.mri) # TODO: if we abort during move to start, what happens? child.abortProfile()
def update_step(self, scanned, child): # scanned is an index into the completed_steps_lookup, so a # "how far through the pmac trajectory" rather than a generator # scan step if scanned > 0: # Only report progress if we are triggering for every point if self.output_triggers == scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.EVERY_POINT: completed_steps = self.completed_steps_lookup[scanned - 1] # Keep PROFILE_POINTS trajectory points in front if ( not self.loading and self.end_index < self.steps_up_to and len(self.completed_steps_lookup) - scanned < PROFILE_POINTS ): self.loading = True self.calculate_generator_profile(self.end_index) self.write_profile_points(child) self.loading = False # If we got to the end, there might be some leftover points that # need to be appended to finish - but we should wait until we can # append them. if ( not self.loading and self.end_index == self.steps_up_to and self.profile["timeArray"] ): self.loading = True self.calculate_generator_profile(self.end_index) self.write_profile_points(child) # If we are triggering at every point, then only one load should be # required. Otherwise for row triggering we may have more than 2000 # points left in the profile due to sparse generation, so skip the # check. if self.output_triggers == scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.EVERY_POINT: assert not self.profile[ "timeArray" ], f"Why do we still have points? {self.profile}" self.loading = False
[docs] def write_profile_points(self, child, cs_port=None): """Build profile using given data Args: child (Block): Child block for running cs_port (str): CS Port if this is a build rather than append """ # These are the things we will send args = {} if cs_port is not None: args["csPort"] = cs_port for k, v in self.profile.items(): # store the remnant back in the array self.profile[k] = v[PROFILE_POINTS:] v = v[:PROFILE_POINTS] if k == "timeArray": overflow = 0.0 time_array_ticks = [] for t in v: ticks = t / TICK_S overflow += ticks % 1 ticks = int(ticks) if overflow > 0.5: overflow -= 1 ticks += 1 time_array_ticks.append(ticks) # TODO: overflow discarded every 10000 points, is it a problem? v = np.array(time_array_ticks, np.int32) elif k in ("velocityMode", "userPrograms"): v = np.array(v, np.int32) else: v = np.array(v, np.float64) args[k] = v child.writeProfile(**args)
user_program = { scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.NONE: { PointType.POINT_JOIN: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, PointType.START_OF_ROW: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, PointType.MID_POINT: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, PointType.END_OF_ROW: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, PointType.TURNAROUND: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, }, scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.ROW_GATE: { PointType.POINT_JOIN: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, PointType.START_OF_ROW: UserPrograms.LIVE_PROGRAM, PointType.MID_POINT: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, PointType.END_OF_ROW: UserPrograms.ZERO_PROGRAM, PointType.TURNAROUND: UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM, }, scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.EVERY_POINT: { PointType.POINT_JOIN: UserPrograms.LIVE_PROGRAM, PointType.START_OF_ROW: UserPrograms.LIVE_PROGRAM, PointType.MID_POINT: UserPrograms.MID_PROGRAM, PointType.END_OF_ROW: UserPrograms.DEAD_PROGRAM, PointType.TURNAROUND: UserPrograms.ZERO_PROGRAM, }, } def get_user_program(self, point_type: PointType) -> int: assert self.output_triggers, "No output triggers" return self.user_program[self.output_triggers][point_type] def calculate_profile_from_velocities( self, time_arrays, velocity_arrays, current_positions, completed_steps ): # at this point we have time/velocity arrays with 2-4 values for each # axis. Each time represents a (instantaneous) change in acceleration. # We want to translate this into a move profile (time/position). # Every axis profile must have a point for each of the times from # all axes combined # extract the time points from all axes t_list = [] for time_array in time_arrays.values(): t_list.extend(time_array) combined_times = np.array(t_list) combined_times = np.unique(combined_times) # remove the 0 time initial point combined_times = list(np.sort(combined_times))[1:] num_intervals = len(combined_times) # set up the time, mode and user arrays for the trajectory prev_time = 0 time_intervals = [] for t in combined_times: # times are absolute - convert to intervals time_intervals.append(t - prev_time) prev_time = t # generate the profile positions in a temporary list of dict: turnaround_profile = [{} for n in range(num_intervals)] # Do this for each axis' velocity and time arrays for axis_name, motor_info in self.axis_mapping.items(): axis_times = time_arrays[axis_name] axis_velocities = velocity_arrays[axis_name] prev_velocity = axis_velocities[0] position = current_positions[axis_name] # tracks the accumulated interpolated interval time since the # last axis velocity profile point time_interval = 0 # At this point we have time/velocity arrays with multiple values # some of which align with the axis_times and some interleave. # We want to create a matching move profile of 'num_intervals' axis_pt = 1 for i in range(num_intervals): axis_velocity = axis_velocities[axis_pt] axis_prev_velocity = axis_velocities[axis_pt - 1] axis_interval = axis_times[axis_pt] - axis_times[axis_pt - 1] if np.isclose(combined_times[i], axis_times[axis_pt]): # this combined point matches the axis point # use the axis velocity and move to the next axis point this_velocity = axis_velocities[axis_pt] axis_pt += 1 time_interval = 0 else: # this combined point is between two axis points, # interpolate the velocity between those axis points time_interval += time_intervals[i] fraction = time_interval / axis_interval dv = axis_velocity - axis_prev_velocity this_velocity = axis_prev_velocity + fraction * dv part_position = motor_info.ramp_distance( prev_velocity, this_velocity, time_intervals[i] ) prev_velocity = this_velocity position += part_position turnaround_profile[i][axis_name] = position user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.TURNAROUND) for i in range(num_intervals): self.add_profile_point( time_intervals[i], VelocityModes.REAL_PREV_TO_CURRENT, user_program, completed_steps, turnaround_profile[i], ) def add_profile_point( self, time_point, velocity_mode, user_program, completed_step, axis_points ): # Add padding if the move time exceeds the max pmac move time if time_point > MAX_MOVE_TIME: assert self.profile[ "timeArray" ], "Can't stretch the first point of a profile" nsplit = int(time_point / MAX_MOVE_TIME + 1) for _ in range(nsplit): self.profile["timeArray"].append(time_point / nsplit) for _ in range(nsplit - 1): self.profile["velocityMode"].append(VelocityModes.AVERAGE_PREV_TO_NEXT) self.profile["userPrograms"].append(UserPrograms.NO_PROGRAM) for k, v in axis_points.items(): cs_axis = self.axis_mapping[k].cs_axis.lower() last_point = self.profile[cs_axis][-1] per_section = float(v - last_point) / nsplit for i in range(1, nsplit): self.profile[cs_axis].append(last_point + i * per_section) last_completed_step = self.completed_steps_lookup[-1] for _ in range(nsplit - 1): self.completed_steps_lookup.append(last_completed_step) else: # Add point self.profile["timeArray"].append(time_point) # Set the requested point self.profile["velocityMode"].append(velocity_mode) self.profile["userPrograms"].append(user_program) self.completed_steps_lookup.append(completed_step) for k, v in axis_points.items(): cs_axis = self.axis_mapping[k].cs_axis.lower() self.profile[cs_axis].append(v) def add_generator_point_pair(self, point, point_num, points_are_joined): # Add position user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.MID_POINT) self.add_profile_point( point.duration / 2.0, VelocityModes.AVERAGE_PREV_TO_NEXT, user_program, point_num, {name: point.positions[name] for name in self.axis_mapping}, ) # insert the lower bound of the next frame if points_are_joined: user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.POINT_JOIN) velocity_point = VelocityModes.AVERAGE_PREV_TO_NEXT else: user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.END_OF_ROW) velocity_point = VelocityModes.REAL_PREV_TO_CURRENT self.add_profile_point( point.duration / 2.0, velocity_point, user_program, point_num + 1, {name: point.upper[name] for name in self.axis_mapping}, )
[docs] def add_sparse_point(self, points, point_num, points_are_joined, same_velocities): """ Add in points but skip those that are linear to create a sparse trajectory. Add the upper bound when the points are non-linear. Always add the upper bound for the last point in a row (not joined to the next point). Joined| Same Vel|| Add Point | Add Upper 0 | 0 || Y | Y 0 | 1 || N | Y 1 | 0 || Y | Y 1 | 1 || N | N NOTE: This function may be called millions of times during the configure phase and hence is highly optimized. In particular the use of variable 'point' looks like it may be referenced before assignment. The paths controlled by the matrix above show that it will be always be assigned or not used at all. Indexing into points[] is expensive so this is intentional. """ profile_point_added = False if self.time_since_last_pvt > 0 and not points_are_joined: # assume we can skip if we are at the end of a row and we # just skipped the most recent point (i.e. time_since_last_pvt > 0) do_skip = True else: # otherwise skip this point if it is linear to previous point do_skip = points_are_joined and same_velocities if do_skip: self.time_since_last_pvt += points.duration[point_num] else: # not skipping - add this mid or end point point = points[point_num] user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.MID_POINT) self.add_profile_point( self.time_since_last_pvt + point.duration / 2.0, VelocityModes.AVERAGE_PREV_TO_NEXT, user_program, point_num, {name: point.positions[name] for name in self.axis_mapping}, ) self.time_since_last_pvt = point.duration / 2.0 profile_point_added = True # only add the lower bound if we did not skip this point OR if we are # at the end of a row where we always require a final point if not do_skip or not points_are_joined: # insert the lower bound of the next frame (i.e. the upper bound for # this frame) if points_are_joined: user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.POINT_JOIN) velocity_point = VelocityModes.AVERAGE_PREV_TO_NEXT else: point = points[point_num] user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.END_OF_ROW) if self.time_since_last_pvt > 0: # if we have previously skipped points in this row then we # use AVERAGE_PREV_TO_CURRENT at the end of the row this # breaks the continuous line of REAL_PREV_TO_CURRENT which # would accumulate errors over the scan velocity_point = VelocityModes.AVERAGE_PREV_TO_CURRENT else: velocity_point = VelocityModes.REAL_PREV_TO_CURRENT self.add_profile_point( self.time_since_last_pvt, velocity_point, user_program, point_num + 1, {name: point.upper[name] for name in self.axis_mapping}, ) self.time_since_last_pvt = 0 profile_point_added = True return profile_point_added
def get_some_points(self, start_index): # calculate the indices of the next batch of points to get for # the calculate_generator_profile loop # cap at PROFILE_POINTS (+1 so we can always get next_point) if start_index == self.steps_up_to: return None, None, None if self.steps_up_to - start_index > BATCH_POINTS: up_to = BATCH_POINTS + start_index + 1 points = self.generator.get_points(start_index, up_to) else: points = self.generator.get_points(start_index, self.steps_up_to) velocities = all_points_same_velocities(points) joined = all_points_joined(points) return points, joined, velocities def check_profile_length_exceeds_profile_points(self) -> bool: # Check if we have exceeded the points number and need to write # Strictly less than so we always add one more point to the time # array so we can always stretch points in a subsequent add with # the values already in the profiles return len(self.profile["timeArray"]) > PROFILE_POINTS def is_last_point_in_current_batch( self, start_batch_index: int, num_points: int ) -> bool: return start_batch_index + num_points == self.steps_up_to def create_generator_profile_every_point(self, start_index: int) -> bool: # Ensure we have the correct trigger type assert ( self.output_triggers == scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.EVERY_POINT ), f"{}: trigger should be every point, got {self.output_triggers}" # Keep going until we finish or exceed the maximum length of a profile start_batch_index = start_index point_index = start_index while True: # Grab some points points, joined, _ = self.get_some_points(start_batch_index) if not points: return True # Number of points and check if the last point is in this batch num_points = len(points) last_point_in_batch = self.is_last_point_in_current_batch( start_batch_index, num_points ) # Don't do all points in the batch otherwise we can get an index error # when adding the turnaround. points_to_do = num_points - 1 for i in range(points_to_do): self.add_generator_point_pair(points[i], point_index, joined[i]) # add in the turnaround between non-contiguous points if not (joined[i]): self.insert_gap(points[i], points[i + 1], point_index + 1) # Check if we have exceeded the profile points limit if self.check_profile_length_exceeds_profile_points(): self.end_index = point_index + 1 return False # Increment point index point_index += 1 # Check for the last point if last_point_in_batch: # Add the final generator point self.add_generator_point_pair(points[-1], point_index, False) # Check if we have exceeded the profile points limit if self.check_profile_length_exceeds_profile_points(): self.end_index = point_index + 1 return False # Increment point index point_index += 1 # Increment the index for the next batch start_batch_index = point_index # Check if we are done if start_batch_index == self.steps_up_to: # Return True for a tail-off return True # Yield so that we don't continuously block other threads cothread.Yield() def create_generator_profile_sparse(self, start_index: int) -> bool: # Ensure we have the correct trigger type assert ( self.output_triggers != scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.EVERY_POINT ), f"{}: trigger should not be every point" # Keep going until we finish or exceed the maximum length of a profile start_batch_index = start_index point_index = start_index while True: # Grab some points points, joined, velocities = self.get_some_points(start_batch_index) if not points: return True # Number of points and check if the last point is in this batch num_points = len(points) last_point_in_batch = self.is_last_point_in_current_batch( start_batch_index, num_points ) # Don't do all points in the batch otherwise we can get an index error # when adding the turnaround. points_to_do = num_points - 1 for i in range(points_to_do): point_added = self.add_sparse_point(points, i, joined[i], velocities[i]) # add in the turnaround between non-contiguous points if not (joined[i]): self.insert_gap(points[i], points[i + 1], point_index + 1) # Check if we have exceeded the profile points limit. Only check if we # have actually added a point, otherwise we waste time. if point_added and self.check_profile_length_exceeds_profile_points(): self.end_index = point_index + 1 return False # Increment point index point_index += 1 # Check for the last point if last_point_in_batch: point_added = self.add_sparse_point(points, points_to_do, False, False) # Check if we have exceeded the profile points limit. Only check if we # have actually added a point, otherwise we waste time. if point_added and self.check_profile_length_exceeds_profile_points(): self.end_index = point_index + 1 return False # Increment point index point_index += 1 # Increment the index for the next batch start_batch_index = point_index # Check if we are done if start_batch_index == self.steps_up_to: # Return True for a tail-off return True # Yield so that we don't continuously block other threads cothread.Yield() def calculate_generator_profile(self, start_index, do_run_up=False): # If we are doing the first build, do_run_up will be passed to flag # that we need a run up, else just continue from the previous point if do_run_up: point = self.generator.get_point(start_index) # Calculate how long to leave for the run-up (at least MIN_TIME) run_up_time = self.min_turnaround.interval axis_points = {} for axis_name, velocity in point_velocities( self.axis_mapping, point ).items(): axis_points[axis_name] = point.lower[axis_name] motor_info = self.axis_mapping[axis_name] run_up_time = max( run_up_time, motor_info.acceleration_time(0, velocity) ) # Add lower bound user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.START_OF_ROW) self.add_profile_point( run_up_time, VelocityModes.REAL_PREV_TO_CURRENT, user_program, start_index, axis_points, ) self.time_since_last_pvt = 0 # Create the generator profile if self.output_triggers == scanning.infos.MotionTrigger.EVERY_POINT: needs_tail_off = self.create_generator_profile_every_point(start_index) else: needs_tail_off = self.create_generator_profile_sparse(start_index) # Only add the tail off point if we haven't done so already if needs_tail_off and not self.tail_off_added: self.add_tail_off() def add_tail_off(self): # Add the last tail off point point = self.generator.get_point(self.steps_up_to - 1) # Calculate how long to leave for the tail-off # #(at least MIN_TIME) axis_points = {} tail_off_time = self.min_turnaround.interval for axis_name, velocity in point_velocities( self.axis_mapping, point, entry=False ).items(): motor_info = self.axis_mapping[axis_name] tail_off_time = max( tail_off_time, motor_info.acceleration_time(0, velocity) ) tail_off = motor_info.ramp_distance(velocity, 0) tail_off_pos = point.upper[axis_name] + tail_off assert motor_info.check_position_within_soft_limits(tail_off_pos) is True, ( f"{motor_info.scannable}: tail off position {tail_off_pos} outside " f"soft limits {motor_info.user_low_limit, motor_info.user_high_limit}" ) axis_points[axis_name] = tail_off_pos # Do the last move user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.TURNAROUND) self.add_profile_point( tail_off_time, VelocityModes.ZERO_VELOCITY, user_program, self.steps_up_to, axis_points, ) self.end_index = self.steps_up_to self.tail_off_added = True def insert_gap(self, point, next_point, completed_steps): # Work out the velocity profiles of how to move to the start min_turnaround = max(self.min_turnaround.time, point.delay_after) time_arrays, velocity_arrays = profile_between_points( self.axis_mapping, point, next_point, min_turnaround, self.min_turnaround.interval, ) start_positions = {} for axis_name in self.axis_mapping: start_positions[axis_name] = point.upper[axis_name] # Work out the Position trajectories from these profiles self.calculate_profile_from_velocities( time_arrays, velocity_arrays, start_positions, completed_steps ) # make sure the last point is the same as next_point.lower since # calculate_profile_from_velocities fails when the turnaround is 2 # points only for axis_name, motor_info in self.axis_mapping.items(): self.profile[motor_info.cs_axis.lower()][-1] = next_point.lower[axis_name] # Change the last point to be a live frame self.profile["velocityMode"][-1] = VelocityModes.REAL_PREV_TO_CURRENT user_program = self.get_user_program(PointType.START_OF_ROW) self.profile["userPrograms"][-1] = user_program