Source code for

from typing import Any, Dict

from malcolm.core import AttributeModel, Part, PartRegistrar, Port, StringMeta
from malcolm.modules import ca

from ..util import CS_AXIS_NAMES

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName = ca.util.APartName
ARbv = ca.util.ARbv
AGroup = ca.util.AGroup

[docs]class CSSourcePortsPart(Part): """Defines a string `Attribute` for the CS Port name, and 10 Source Ports for the axes A-Z and I for the axis assignments""" def __init__(self, name: APartName, rbv: ARbv, group: AGroup = None) -> None: super().__init__(name) self.meta = StringMeta("CS Port name") # This gives the port name self.caa = ca.util.CAAttribute( self.meta, ca.util.catools.DBR_STRING, rbv=rbv, group=group, on_connect=self.update_tags, ) # These will be the "axis" Source Ports self.axis_attrs: Dict[str, AttributeModel] = {} def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: self.caa.setup(registrar,, self.register_hooked) # Add 9 compound motor attributes for k in CS_AXIS_NAMES + ["I"]: # Note no widget tag as we don't want it on the properties pane, # just the layout view v = StringMeta(f"Axis Source Port value {k}").create_attribute_model() self.axis_attrs[k] = v registrar.add_attribute_model(k.lower(), v) def update_tags(self, value: Any) -> None: self.caa.attr.set_value(value) # Add the motor Source Port tags for k, v in self.axis_attrs.items(): # Add the Source Port tags old_tags = v.meta.tags new_tags = Port.MOTOR.with_source_port_tag( old_tags, connected_value=f"{value},{k}" ) if old_tags != new_tags: v.meta.set_tags(new_tags)