Source code for

from typing import Optional, Tuple

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types
from scanpointgenerator import (

from malcolm.modules import builtin, scanning
from malcolm.modules.scanning.util import ADetectorTable

from ..util import AlternatingDelayAfterMutator, get_min_turnaround
from .pmacchildpart import PmacChildPart, VelocityModes

# 80 char line lengths...

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName =
AMri =
with Anno("Name of the selector axis scannable"):
    ASelectorAxis = str
with Anno("Angle of for the tomography detector position"):
    ATomoAngle = float
with Anno("Angle of the diffraction detector position"):
    ADiffAngle = float
with Anno("Name of the tomography detector (should match DetectorChildPart)"):
    ATomoDetector = str
with Anno("Name of the diffraction detector (should match DetectorChildPart)"):
    ADiffDetector = str
with Anno("Minimum move time between the two positions in seconds"):
    AMoveTime = float

[docs]class BeamSelectorPart(PmacChildPart): """ This part is for the K11 beam selector scan. It moves a motor between two positions, holding at each position for the exposure time of a particular detector before moving. """ def __init__( self, name: APartName, mri: AMri, selector_axis: ASelectorAxis, imaging_angle: ATomoAngle, diffraction_angle: ADiffAngle, imaging_detector: ATomoDetector, diffraction_detector: ADiffDetector, move_time: AMoveTime, initial_visibility: AIV = False, ) -> None: # Some basic checking parsed_move_time = float(move_time) if parsed_move_time <= 0.0: raise ValueError("Move time must be larger than zero.") elif not isinstance(selector_axis, str): raise ValueError("Selector axis name must be a string") elif not isinstance(imaging_detector, str): raise ValueError("Tomography detector name must be a string") elif not isinstance(diffraction_detector, str): raise ValueError("Diffraction detector name must be a string") super().__init__(name, mri, initial_visibility) self.selector_axis = selector_axis self.imaging_detector = imaging_detector self.diffraction_detector = diffraction_detector self.imaging_angle = float(imaging_angle) self.diffraction_angle = float(diffraction_angle) self.move_time = parsed_move_time def _get_error_message(self, name: str, mri: str, message: str) -> str: return f"{mri} (name {name}): {message}" def _check_detector_parameters( self, name: str, mri: str, frames: int, enable: bool, exposure: float ) -> None: if frames != 1: raise ValueError( self._get_error_message(name, mri, "Can only do 1 frame per step") ) elif not enable: raise ValueError( self._get_error_message(name, mri, "Detector needs to be enabled") ) elif exposure <= 0.0: raise ValueError( self._get_error_message( name, mri, "Exposure needs to be greater than zero" ) ) def _get_detector_exposure_times( self, detectors: ADetectorTable ) -> Tuple[float, float]: assert detectors, "No detector table found" diffraction_detector_found = False imaging_detector_found = False diffraction_detector_exposure = 0.0 imaging_detector_exposure = 0.0 for enable, name, mri, exposure, frames in detectors.rows(): if name == self.diffraction_detector: self._check_detector_parameters(name, mri, frames, enable, exposure) diffraction_detector_exposure = exposure diffraction_detector_found = True elif name == self.imaging_detector: self._check_detector_parameters(name, mri, frames, enable, exposure) imaging_detector_exposure = exposure imaging_detector_found = True if diffraction_detector_found and imaging_detector_found: break if not diffraction_detector_found: raise ValueError("Diffraction detector not found in table") elif not imaging_detector_found: raise ValueError("Tomography detector not found in table") return diffraction_detector_exposure, imaging_detector_exposure def _get_time_at_positions( self, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, detectors: ADetectorTable ) -> Tuple[float, float]: # Find out the exposure times of our detectors ( diffraction_detector_exposure, imaging_detector_exposure, ) = self._get_detector_exposure_times(detectors) # Increase the time at each position to the minimum turnaround if necessary min_turnaround = get_min_turnaround(part_info) time_at_diffraction_position = max( min_turnaround.time, diffraction_detector_exposure ) time_at_imaging_position = max(min_turnaround.time, imaging_detector_exposure) return time_at_diffraction_position, time_at_imaging_position def _calculate_cycle_duration( self, time_at_diffraction_position: float, time_at_imaging_position: float ) -> float: return ( time_at_diffraction_position + time_at_imaging_position + 2 * self.move_time ) def _check_generator_is_static(self, primary_generator: Generator) -> None: assert isinstance( primary_generator, StaticPointGenerator ), f"Expected primary generator to be static, got {type(primary_generator)}"
[docs] @add_call_types def on_validate( self, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, detectors: ADetectorTable, ) -> Optional[scanning.hooks.UParameterTweakInfos]: # Check the primary generator is static self._check_generator_is_static(generator.generators[0]) # Calculate the time that should be spent at each position ( time_at_diffraction_position, time_at_imaging_position, ) = self._get_time_at_positions(part_info, detectors) # Now calculate how long one cycle should take cycle_duration = self._calculate_cycle_duration( time_at_diffraction_position, time_at_imaging_position ) # See if we need to tweak the generator if generator.duration != cycle_duration: # Return the generator with our cycle duration self.log.debug( f"{}: tweaking generator duration from {generator.duration} " f"to {cycle_duration}" ) serialized = generator.to_dict() new_generator = CompoundGenerator.from_dict(serialized) new_generator.duration = cycle_duration return scanning.infos.ParameterTweakInfo("generator", new_generator) else: return None
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, detectors: ADetectorTable, axesToMove: scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove, ) -> None: # Check the provided generator is formatted as expected static_axis = generator.generators[0] self._check_generator_is_static(static_axis) # Calculate the time that should be spent at each position ( time_at_diffraction_position, time_at_imaging_position, ) = self._get_time_at_positions(part_info, detectors) # Check that the duration matches the expected output from Validate expected_duration = self._calculate_cycle_duration( time_at_diffraction_position, time_at_imaging_position ) assert ( generator.duration == expected_duration ), f"Expected a duration of {expected_duration}, got {generator.duration}" # Build our mutator mutator = AlternatingDelayAfterMutator( time_at_diffraction_position, time_at_imaging_position ) # Double the number of points so we have 2 points per complete cycle static_axis = StaticPointGenerator(size=static_axis.size * 2) steps_to_do *= 2 # Create a linear scan axis to handle motion between the positions selector_axis = LineGenerator( self.selector_axis, "deg", self.imaging_angle, self.diffraction_angle, 1, alternate=True, ) axesToMove = [self.selector_axis] # Build the compound generator for the PMAC for handling the motion. # We build this in configure because the duration may cause some issues # when trying to validate the detectors taking part due to comparing it # to their exposure times - which is not relevant for this scan as the # exposures will be during the delay_after phase at each position. new_generator = CompoundGenerator( [static_axis, selector_axis], [], [mutator], duration=self.move_time, continuous=True, ) new_generator.prepare() super().on_configure( context, completed_steps, steps_to_do, part_info, new_generator, axesToMove )
def add_tail_off(self): # The current point current_point = self.generator.get_point(self.steps_up_to - 1) # the next point is same as the previous next_point = self.generator.get_point(self.steps_up_to - 2) # insert the turnaround points self.insert_gap(current_point, next_point, self.steps_up_to + 1) # Set the velocity of the last point to 0 self.profile["velocityMode"][-1] = VelocityModes.ZERO_VELOCITY self.end_index = self.steps_up_to