Source code for malcolm.modules.pandablocks.controllers.pandamanagercontroller

import json
import re
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence, Set, Tuple

from annotypes import Anno
from cothread.cosocket import socket

from malcolm.core import Display, NumberMeta, Queue, TimeoutError, TimeStamp, Widget
from malcolm.modules import builtin
from malcolm.modules.builtin.util import LayoutTable

from ..pandablocksclient import PandABlocksClient
from import PandAActionPart
from import PandABussesPart
from ..util import DOC_URL_BASE, ADocUrlBase
from .pandablockcontroller import PandABlockController

with Anno("Hostname of the box"):
    AHostname = str
with Anno("Port number of the TCP server control port"):
    APort = int
with Anno("Time between polls of PandA current value changes"):
    APollPeriod = float

AMri = builtin.controllers.AMri
AConfigDir = builtin.controllers.AConfigDir
ATemplateDesigns = builtin.controllers.ATemplateDesigns
AInitialDesign = builtin.controllers.AInitialDesign
ADescription = builtin.controllers.ADescription

# Minimum period in seconds between updates of the last poll period attribute

[docs]class PandAManagerController(builtin.controllers.ManagerController): def __init__( self, mri: AMri, config_dir: AConfigDir, hostname: AHostname = "localhost", port: APort = 8888, doc_url_base: ADocUrlBase = DOC_URL_BASE, poll_period: APollPeriod = 0.1, template_designs: ATemplateDesigns = "", initial_design: AInitialDesign = "", description: ADescription = "", ) -> None: super().__init__( mri=mri, config_dir=config_dir, template_designs=template_designs, initial_design=initial_design, description=description, ) self._poll_period = poll_period self._doc_url_base = doc_url_base # All the bit_out fields and their values # {block_name.field_name: value} self._bit_outs: Dict[str, bool] = {} # The bit_out field values that need toggling since the last handle # {block_name.field_name: value} self._bit_out_changes: Dict[str, bool] = {} # The fields that busses needs to know about # {block_name.field_name[.subfield_name]} self._bus_fields: Set[str] = set() # The child controllers we have created self._child_controllers: Dict[str, PandABlockController] = {} # The PandABlock client that does the comms self._client = PandABlocksClient(hostname, port, Queue) # The json layout stored in PandA self._json_layout: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = {} # Filled in on reset self._stop_queue = None self._poll_spawned = None # Poll period reporting self.last_poll_period = NumberMeta( "float64", "The time between the last 2 polls of the hardware", tags=[Widget.TEXTUPDATE.tag()], display=Display(units="s", precision=3), ).create_attribute_model(poll_period) self.field_registry.add_attribute_model("lastPollPeriod", self.last_poll_period) # Bus tables self.busses: PandABussesPart = self._make_busses() self.add_part(self.busses) def do_init(self): # start the poll loop and make block parts first to fill in our parts # before calling _set_block_children() self.start_poll_loop() super().do_init() def start_poll_loop(self): # queue to listen for stop events if not self._client.started: self._stop_queue = Queue() if self._client.started: self._client.stop() self._client.start(self.process.spawn, socket) if not self._child_controllers: self._make_child_controllers() if self._poll_spawned is None: self._poll_spawned = self.process.spawn(self._poll_loop) def do_disable(self): super().do_disable() self.stop_poll_loop() def do_reset(self): self.start_poll_loop() super().do_reset() def _poll_loop(self): """At self.poll_period poll for changes""" last_poll_update = time.time() next_poll = time.time() + self._poll_period try: while True: # Need to make sure we don't consume all the CPU, allow us to be # active for 50% of the poll period, so we must sleep at least # 50% of the poll period min_sleep = self._poll_period * 0.5 sleep_for = next_poll - time.time() if sleep_for < min_sleep: # Going too fast, slow down a bit last_poll_period = self._poll_period + min_sleep - sleep_for sleep_for = min_sleep else: last_poll_period = self._poll_period try: # If told to stop, we will get something here and return return self._stop_queue.get(timeout=sleep_for) except TimeoutError: # No stop, no problem pass # Poll for changes self.handle_changes(self._client.get_changes()) if ( last_poll_period != self.last_poll_period.value and next_poll - last_poll_update > POLL_PERIOD_REPORT ): self.last_poll_period.set_value(last_poll_period) last_poll_update = next_poll next_poll += last_poll_period except Exception as e: self.go_to_error_state(e) raise def stop_poll_loop(self): if self._poll_spawned: self._stop_queue.put(None) self._poll_spawned.wait() self._poll_spawned = None if self._client.started: self._client.stop() def _make_child_controllers(self): self._child_controllers = {} controllers = [] child_parts = [] pos_names = [] blocks_data = self._client.get_blocks_data() for block_rootname, block_data in blocks_data.items(): block_names = [] if block_data.number == 1: block_names.append(block_rootname) else: for i in range(block_data.number): block_names.append("%s%d" % (block_rootname, i + 1)) for block_name in block_names: # Look through the BlockData for things we are interested in for field_name, field_data in block_data.fields.items(): if field_data.field_type == "pos_out": pos_names.append(f"{block_name}.{field_name}") # Make the child controller and add it to the process controller, child_part = self._make_child_block(block_name, block_data) controllers += [controller] child_parts += [child_part] self._child_controllers[block_name] = controller # If there is only one, make an alias with "1" appended for # *METADATA.LABEL lookup if block_data.number == 1: self._child_controllers[block_name + "1"] = controller self.process.add_controllers(controllers) for part in child_parts: self.add_part(part) # Create the busses from their initial sets of values pcap_bit_fields = self._client.get_pcap_bits_fields() self.busses.create_busses(pcap_bit_fields, pos_names) # Handle the pos_names that busses needs self._bus_fields = set(pos_names) for pos_name in pos_names: for suffix in ("CAPTURE", "UNITS", "SCALE", "OFFSET"): self._bus_fields.add(f"{pos_name}.{suffix}") # Handle the bit_outs, keeping a list for toggling and adding them # to the set of things that the busses need self._bit_outs = {k: 0 for k in} self._bit_out_changes = {} self._bus_fields |= set(self._bit_outs) for capture_field in pcap_bit_fields: self._bus_fields.add(capture_field) # Handle the initial set of changes to get an initial value self.handle_changes(self._client.get_changes()) # Then once more to let bit_outs toggle back self.handle_changes(()) assert ( not self._bit_out_changes ), f"There are still bit_out changes {self._bit_out_changes}" def _make_busses(self) -> PandABussesPart: return PandABussesPart("busses", self._client) def _make_child_block(self, block_name, block_data): controller = PandABlockController( self._client, self.mri, block_name, block_data, self._doc_url_base ) if block_name == "PCAP": controller.add_part( PandAActionPart( self._client, "*PCAP", "ARM", "Arm position capture", [] ) ) controller.add_part( PandAActionPart( self._client, "*PCAP", "DISARM", "Disarm position capture", [] ) ) child_part = name=block_name, mri=controller.mri, stateful=False ) return controller, child_part def _handle_change(self, k, v, bus_changes, block_changes, bit_out_changes): # Handle bit changes try: current_v = self._bit_outs[k] except KeyError: # Not a bit pass else: # Convert to a boolean v = bool(int(v)) try: changed_to = bit_out_changes[k] except KeyError: # We didn't already make a change if v == current_v: # Value is the same, store the negation, and set it # back next time self._bit_out_changes[k] = v v = not v else: # Already made a change, defer this value til next time # if it is different if changed_to != v: self._bit_out_changes[k] = v return self._bit_outs[k] = v # Notify the bus tables if they need to know if k in self._bus_fields: bus_changes[k] = v # Add to the relevant Block changes dict block_name, field_name = k.split(".", 1) if block_name == "*METADATA": if field_name.startswith("LABEL_"): field_name, block_name = field_name.split("_", 1) elif field_name == "LAYOUT" and v: # Set the layout table first so that related fields are set after # possible deletion self._json_layout = json.loads("".join(v)) if # Only set the layout after the initial call to set_layout self.set_layout(LayoutTable([], [], [], [], [])) return else: # Don't support any non-label metadata fields at the moment return block_changes.setdefault(block_name, {})[field_name] = v def handle_changes(self, changes: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None: ts = TimeStamp() # {block_name: {field_name: field_value}} block_changes: Dict[str, Any] = {} # {full_field: field_value} bus_changes = {} # Process bit outs that need changing bit_out_changes = self._bit_out_changes self._bit_out_changes = {} for k, v in bit_out_changes.items(): self._bit_outs[k] = v bus_changes[k] = v block_name, field_name = k.split(".") block_changes.setdefault(block_name, {})[field_name] = v # Work out which change is needed for which block for key, value in changes: self._handle_change(key, value, bus_changes, block_changes, bit_out_changes) # Notify the Blocks that they need to handle these changes if bus_changes: self.busses.handle_changes(bus_changes, ts) for block_name, block_changes_values in block_changes.items(): self._child_controllers[block_name].handle_changes(block_changes_values, ts) def set_layout(self, value): if not # Blank layout table means read from PandA provided json layout # Called when PandA supplies a layout x, y, visible = [], [], [] names = list(set( for name in names: visible.append(name in self._json_layout) x.append(self._json_layout.get(name, {"x": 0.0})["x"]) y.append(self._json_layout.get(name, {"y": 0.0})["y"]) value = LayoutTable(names, names, x, y, visible) super().set_layout(value) old_json_layout = self._json_layout.copy() for name, _, x, y, visible in self.layout.value.rows(): if visible: self._json_layout[name] = dict(x=x, y=y) else: self._json_layout.pop(name, "") if self._json_layout != old_json_layout: # Custom encoding so the lines aren't too long and there aren't too many lines = re.split(r'(?<=,) (?!"y")', json.dumps(self._json_layout)) self._client.set_table("*METADATA", "LAYOUT", lines)