Source code for

import os
import time

import h5py
import numpy as np
from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types
from scanpointgenerator import Point

from malcolm.core import APartName, Part, PartRegistrar
from malcolm.modules import builtin, scanning

from ..util import interesting_pattern, make_gaussian_blob

with Anno("Width of detector image"):
    AWidth = int
with Anno("Height of detector image"):
    AHeight = int

# Datasets where we will write our data
DATA_PATH = "/entry/data"
SUM_PATH = "/entry/sum"
UID_PATH = "/entry/uid"
SET_PATH = "/entry/%s_set"

# How often we flush in seconds

[docs]class FileWritePart(Part): """Minimal interface demonstrating a file writing detector part""" def __init__(self, name: APartName, width: AWidth, height: AHeight) -> None: super().__init__(name) # Store input arguments self._width = width self._height = height # The detector image we will modify for each image (0..255 range) self._blob = make_gaussian_blob(width, height) * 255 # The hdf file we will write self._hdf: h5py.File = None # Configure args and progress info self._exposure = 0.0 self._generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator = None self._completed_steps = 0 self._steps_to_do = 0 # How much to offset uid value from generator point self._uid_offset = 0 def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.ConfigureHook, self.on_configure) registrar.hook( (scanning.hooks.PostRunArmedHook, scanning.hooks.SeekHook), self.on_seek ) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.RunHook, self.on_run) registrar.hook( (scanning.hooks.AbortHook, builtin.hooks.ResetHook), self.on_reset ) # Tell the controller to expose some extra configure parameters # Allow CamelCase as these parameters will be serialized # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, fileDir: scanning.hooks.AFileDir, exposure: scanning.hooks.AExposure = 0.0, formatName: scanning.hooks.AFormatName = "det", fileTemplate: scanning.hooks.AFileTemplate = "%s.h5", ) -> scanning.hooks.UInfos: """On `ConfigureHook` create HDF file with datasets""" # Store args self._completed_steps = completed_steps self._steps_to_do = steps_to_do self._generator = generator self._uid_offset = 0 self._exposure = exposure # Work out where to write the file filename = fileTemplate % formatName filepath = os.path.join(fileDir, filename) # Make the HDF file self._hdf = self._create_hdf(filepath) # Tell everyone what we're going to make infos = list(self._create_infos(formatName, filename)) return infos
# For docs: Before run
[docs] @add_call_types def on_run(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: """On `RunHook` record where to next take data""" # Start time so everything is relative end_of_exposure = time.time() + self._exposure last_flush = end_of_exposure assert self.registrar, "Part has no registrar" for i in range( self._completed_steps, self._completed_steps + self._steps_to_do ): # Get the point we are meant to be scanning point = self._generator.get_point(i) # Simulate waiting for an exposure and writing the data wait_time = end_of_exposure - time.time() context.sleep(wait_time) self.log.debug(f"Writing data for point {i}") self._write_data(point, i) # Flush the datasets if it is time to if time.time() - last_flush > FLUSH_PERIOD: last_flush = time.time() self._flush_datasets() # Schedule the end of the next exposure end_of_exposure += point.duration # Update the point as being complete + 1)) # Do one last flush and then we're done self._flush_datasets()
[docs] @add_call_types def on_seek( self, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, ) -> None: """On `SeekHook`, `PostRunArmedHook` record where to next take data""" # Skip the uid so it is guaranteed to be unique self._uid_offset += self._completed_steps + self._steps_to_do - completed_steps self._completed_steps = completed_steps self._steps_to_do = steps_to_do
[docs] @add_call_types def on_reset(self) -> None: """On `AbortHook`, `ResetHook` close HDF file if it exists""" if self._hdf: self._hdf.close() self._hdf = None
def _create_infos(self, detector_name, filename): # Main dataset yield scanning.infos.DatasetProducedInfo( name=f"{detector_name}.data", filename=filename, type=scanning.util.DatasetType.PRIMARY, rank=len(self._generator.shape) + 2, path=DATA_PATH, uniqueid=UID_PATH, ) # Sum yield scanning.infos.DatasetProducedInfo( name=f"{detector_name}.sum", filename=filename, type=scanning.util.DatasetType.SECONDARY, rank=len(self._generator.shape) + 2, path=SUM_PATH, uniqueid=UID_PATH, ) # Add an axis for each setpoint for dim in self._generator.axes: yield scanning.infos.DatasetProducedInfo( name=f"{dim}.value_set", filename=filename, type=scanning.util.DatasetType.POSITION_SET, rank=1, path=SET_PATH % dim, uniqueid="", ) def _create_hdf(self, filepath: str) -> h5py.File: # The generator tells us what dimensions our scan should be. The dataset # will grow, so start off with the smallest we need initial_shape = tuple(1 for _ in self._generator.shape) # Open the file with the latest libver so SWMR works hdf = h5py.File(filepath, "w", libver="latest") # Write the datasets # The detector dataset containing the simulated data hdf.create_dataset( DATA_PATH, dtype=np.uint8, shape=initial_shape + (self._height, self._width), maxshape=self._generator.shape + (self._height, self._width), ) # Make the scalar datasets for path, dtype in {UID_PATH: np.int32, SUM_PATH: np.float64}.items(): hdf.create_dataset( path, dtype=dtype, shape=initial_shape + (1, 1), maxshape=self._generator.shape + (1, 1), ) # Make the setpoint dataset for d in self._generator.dimensions: for axis in d.axes: # Make a data set for the axes, holding an array holding # floating point data, for each point specified in the generator ds = hdf.create_dataset(SET_PATH % axis, data=d.get_positions(axis)) ds.attrs["units"] = self._generator.units[axis] # Datasets made, we can switch to SWMR mode now hdf.swmr_mode = True return hdf def _write_data(self, point: Point, step: int) -> None: point_needs_shape = tuple(x + 1 for x in point.indexes) + (1, 1) # Resize the datasets so they fit for path in (DATA_PATH, SUM_PATH, UID_PATH): ds = self._hdf[path] expand_to = tuple(max(*z) for z in zip(point_needs_shape, ds.shape)) ds.resize(expand_to) # Write the detector data, multiply by exposure / duration to allow us # to make dimmer images by reducint exposure relative to other detectors intensity = interesting_pattern(point) * self._exposure / point.duration detector_data = (self._blob * intensity).astype(np.uint8) index = tuple(point.indexes) self._hdf[DATA_PATH][index] = detector_data self._hdf[SUM_PATH][index] = np.sum(detector_data) self._hdf[UID_PATH][index] = step + self._uid_offset + 1 def _flush_datasets(self): # Note that UID comes last so anyone monitoring knows the data is there for path in (DATA_PATH, SUM_PATH, UID_PATH): self._hdf[path].flush()