Source code for

from typing import (

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types

from malcolm.compat import OrderedDict
from malcolm.core import (

from ..hooks import (
from ..infos import (
from ..util import StatefulStates, wait_for_stateful_block_init

TP = TypeVar("TP", bound=PortInfo)

with Anno("Malcolm resource id of child object"):
    AMri = str
with Anno(
    "Whether the part is initially visible with no config loaded, None "
    "means only if child Source/Sink Ports connect to another Block"
    AInitialVisibility = bool
UInitialVisibility = Optional[AInitialVisibility]
with Anno("If the child is a StatefulController then this should be True"):
    AStateful = bool

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName = APartName

ss = StatefulStates

[docs]class ChildPart(Part): #: A set containing all the Attribute names of our child Block that we will #: put to, so shouldn't be saved. Set this in subclasses using `no_save` no_save_attribute_names: Set[str] = set() def _unmanaged_attr(self, attr_name): return not self.no_save_attribute_names or ( attr_name not in self.no_save_attribute_names )
[docs] def notify_dispatch_request(self, request: Request) -> None: """Will be called when a context passed to a hooked function is about to dispatch a request""" if isinstance(request, Put) and request.path[0] == self.mri: # This means the context we were passed has just made a Put request # so mark the field as "we_modified" so it doesn't screw up the # modified led attribute_name = request.path[-2] if self._unmanaged_attr(attribute_name) and self.log: self.log.warning( "Part %s tried to set '%s' that is not in self.no_save. " "This will stop the 'modified' attribute from working.", self, attribute_name, )
# For docs: before ChildPart init def __init__( self, name: APartName, mri: AMri, initial_visibility: UInitialVisibility = None, stateful: AStateful = True, ) -> None: # For docs: after ChildPart init super().__init__(name) self.stateful = stateful self.mri = mri self.x: float = 0.0 self.y: float = 0.0 self.visible: Optional[bool] = initial_visibility # {part_name: visible} saying whether part_name is visible self.part_visibility: Dict[str, bool] = {} # {attr_name: attr_value} of last saved/loaded structure self.saved_structure: Mapping[str, Any] = {} # {attr_name: modified_message} of current values self.modified_messages: Dict[str, str] = {} # The controller hosting our child self.child_controller: Optional[Controller] = None # {id: Subscribe} for subscriptions to config tagged fields self.config_subscriptions: Dict[int, Subscribe] = {} # {attr_name: PortInfo} self.port_infos: Dict[str, PortInfo] = {} def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(InitHook, self.on_init) registrar.hook(HaltHook, self.on_halt) registrar.hook(LayoutHook, self.on_layout) registrar.hook(LoadHook, self.on_load) registrar.hook(SaveHook, self.on_save) registrar.hook(DisableHook, self.on_disable) registrar.hook(ResetHook, self.on_reset)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_init(self, context: AContext) -> None: self.child_controller = context.get_controller(self.mri) if self.stateful: # Wait for a while until the child is ready as it changes the # save state wait_for_stateful_block_init(context, self.mri) # Save what we have self.on_save(context) subscribe = Subscribe(path=[self.mri, "meta", "fields"]) subscribe.set_callback(self.update_part_exportable) # Wait for the first update to come in assert self.child_controller, "No child controller" self.child_controller.handle_request(subscribe).wait()
[docs] @add_call_types def on_disable(self, context: AContext) -> None: # TODO: do we actually want to disable children on disable? child = context.block_view(self.mri) if self.stateful and child.disable.meta.writeable: child.disable()
[docs] @add_call_types def on_reset(self, context: AContext) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) if self.stateful and child.reset.meta.writeable: child.reset()
[docs] @add_call_types def on_halt(self) -> None: unsubscribe = Unsubscribe() unsubscribe.set_callback(self.update_part_exportable) assert self.child_controller, "No child controller" self.child_controller.handle_request(unsubscribe)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_layout( self, context: AContext, ports: APortMap, layout: ALayoutTable ) -> ULayoutInfos: first_call = not self.part_visibility for i, name in enumerate( visible = layout.visible[i] if name == if self.visible and not visible: self.sever_sink_ports(context, ports) self.x = layout.x[i] self.y = layout.y[i] self.visible = visible else: was_visible = self.part_visibility.get(name, False) if was_visible and not visible: self.sever_sink_ports(context, ports, name) self.part_visibility[name] = visible # If this is the first call work out which parts are visible if not # specified in the initial layout table if first_call: self.calculate_part_visibility(ports) # If not specified then take our own visibility from this same dict if self.visible is None: self.visible = self.part_visibility.get(, False) assert self.visible is not None ret = LayoutInfo(mri=self.mri, x=self.x, y=self.y, visible=self.visible) return [ret]
[docs] @add_call_types def on_load( self, context: AContext, structure: AStructure, init: AInit = False ) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) iterations: Dict[int, Dict[str, Tuple[Attribute, Any]]] = {} for k, v in structure.items(): if init and k == "design": # At init pop out the design so it doesn't get restored here # This stops child devices (like a detector) getting told to # go to multiple conflicting designs at startup continue try: attr = getattr(child, k) except KeyError: self.log.warning(f"Cannot restore non-existant attr {k}") else: tag = get_config_tag(attr.meta.tags) if tag: iteration = int(tag.split(":")[1]) iterations.setdefault(iteration, {})[k] = (attr, v) else: self.log.warning(f"Attr {k} is not config tagged, not restoring") # Do this first so that any callbacks that happen in the put know # not to notify controller self.saved_structure = structure for name, params in sorted(iterations.items()): # Call each iteration as a separate operation, only putting the # ones that need to change to_set = {} for k, (attr, v) in params.items(): if attr.value != v: to_set[k] = v child.put_attribute_values(to_set) if init and "design" in child: # We might not have cleared the changes so report here self.send_modified_info_if_not_equal("design",
[docs] @add_call_types def on_save(self, context: AContext) -> AStructure: child = context.block_view(self.mri) part_structure = OrderedDict() for k in child: if self._unmanaged_attr(k): attr = getattr(child, k) if isinstance(attr, Attribute) and get_config_tag(attr.meta.tags): part_structure[k] = attr.value self.saved_structure = part_structure return part_structure
[docs] @add_call_types def reload(self, context: AContext) -> None: """If we have done a save or load with the child having a particular design then make sure the child now has that design.""" design = self.saved_structure.get("design", "") if design: child = context.block_view(self.mri)
def update_part_exportable(self, response: Response) -> None: # Get a child context to check if we have a config field assert self.child_controller, "No child controller" child = self.child_controller.block_view() spawned = [] if isinstance(response, Update): new_fields = response.value assert isinstance(new_fields, Sequence), f"Bad field list {new_fields}" elif isinstance(response, Return): # We got a return with None, so clear out all of the # config_subscriptions new_fields = [] else: self.log.warning("Got unexpected response {response}") return # Remove any existing subscription that is not in the new fields for subscribe in self.config_subscriptions.values(): attr_name = subscribe.path[-2] if attr_name not in new_fields: unsubscribe = Unsubscribe( unsubscribe.set_callback(subscribe.callback) spawned.append(self.child_controller.handle_request(unsubscribe)) self.port_infos.pop(attr_name, None) # Add a subscription to any new field existing_fields = set(s.path[-2] for s in self.config_subscriptions.values()) for field in set(new_fields) - existing_fields: attr = getattr(child, field) if isinstance(attr, Attribute): # Cache tags here tags = attr.meta.tags # Check if the attribute has any port tags, and store for # when we are asked for LayoutInfo port_info = Port.port_tag_details(tags) info: PortInfo if port_info: is_source, port, extra = port_info if is_source: info = SourcePortInfo( name=field, port=port, connected_value=extra ) else: info = SinkPortInfo( name=field, port=port, disconnected_value=extra, value=attr.value, ) self.port_infos[field] = info # If we are config tagged then subscribe so we can calculate # if we are modified if self._unmanaged_attr(field) and get_config_tag(tags): if self.config_subscriptions: new_id = max(self.config_subscriptions) + 1 else: new_id = 1 subscribe = Subscribe(id=new_id, path=[self.mri, field, "value"]) subscribe.set_callback(self.update_part_modified) self.config_subscriptions[new_id] = subscribe spawned.append(self.child_controller.handle_request(subscribe)) # Wait for the first update to come in for every subscription for s in spawned: s.wait() port_infos = [self.port_infos[f] for f in new_fields if f in self.port_infos] assert self.registrar, "No registrar assigned", port_infos)) def update_part_modified(self, response: Response) -> None: if isinstance(response, Update): subscribe = self.config_subscriptions[] name = subscribe.path[-2] self.send_modified_info_if_not_equal(name, response.value) elif not isinstance(response, Return): self.log.warning("Got unexpected response {response}") def send_modified_info_if_not_equal(self, name, new_value): # If we did a save or load then we will have an original value, # otherwise it will be None original_value = self.saved_structure.get(name, None) if original_value == new_value: message = None else: message = "%s.%s.value = %s not %s" % (, name, repr(new_value), repr(original_value), ) last_message = self.modified_messages.get(name, None) if message != last_message: # Tell the controller if something has changed if message: self.modified_messages[name] = message else: self.modified_messages.pop(name, None) info = PartModifiedInfo(self.modified_messages.copy()) def _get_flowgraph_ports(self, ports: APortMap, typ: Type[TP]) -> Dict[str, TP]: ret = {} for port_info in ports.get(, []): if isinstance(port_info, typ): ret[] = port_info return ret def _source_port_lookup(self, info_list: List[PortInfo]) -> Dict[str, Port]: source_port_lookup = {} for info in info_list: if isinstance(info, SourcePortInfo): source_port_lookup[info.connected_value] = info.port return source_port_lookup
[docs] def sever_sink_ports( self, context: AContext, ports: APortMap, connected_to: str = None ) -> None: """Conditionally sever Sink Ports of the child. If connected_to is then None then sever all, otherwise restrict to connected_to's Source Ports Args: context (Context): The context to use ports (dict): {part_name: [PortInfo]} connected_to (str): Restrict severing to this part """ # Find the Source Ports to connect to source_port_lookup: Union[Dict[str, Port], bool] if connected_to: # Calculate a lookup of the Source Port "name" to type source_port_lookup = self._source_port_lookup(ports.get(connected_to, [])) else: source_port_lookup = True # Find our Sink Ports sink_ports = self._get_flowgraph_ports(ports, SinkPortInfo) # If we have Sunk Ports that need to be disconnected then do so if sink_ports and source_port_lookup: child = context.block_view(self.mri) attribute_values = {} for name, port_info in sink_ports.items(): if ( source_port_lookup is True or isinstance(source_port_lookup, dict) and source_port_lookup.get(child[name].value, None) == port_info.port ): if child[name].meta.writeable: attribute_values[name] = port_info.disconnected_value child.put_attribute_values(attribute_values)
[docs] def calculate_part_visibility(self, ports: APortMap) -> None: """Calculate what is connected to what Args: ports: {part_name: [PortInfo]} from other ports """ # Calculate a lookup of Source Port connected_value to part_name source_port_lookup: Dict = {} port_infos: List port_info: PortInfo filtered_source_parts: Dict[ str, List[SourcePortInfo] ] = SourcePortInfo.filter_parts(ports) for part_name, port_infos in filtered_source_parts.items(): for port_info in port_infos: source_port_lookup[port_info.connected_value] = ( part_name, port_info.port, ) # Look through all the Sink Ports, and set both ends of the # connection to visible if they aren't specified filtered_sink_parts: Dict[str, List[SinkPortInfo]] = SinkPortInfo.filter_parts( ports ) for part_name, port_infos in filtered_sink_parts.items(): for port_info in port_infos: if port_info.value != port_info.disconnected_value: conn_part, port = source_port_lookup.get( port_info.value, (None, None) ) if conn_part and port == port_info.port: if conn_part not in self.part_visibility: self.part_visibility[conn_part] = True if part_name not in self.part_visibility: self.part_visibility[part_name] = True