Source code for malcolm.modules.builtin.parameters

from typing import Union

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types

default_desc = "Default value for parameter. If not specified, parameter is required"

with Anno("Specify that this class will take a parameter name"):
    AName = str
with Anno("Description of this parameter"):
    ADescription = str
with Anno(default_desc):
    AStringDefault = str
with Anno(default_desc):
    AFloat64Default = float
with Anno(default_desc):
    AInt32Default = int
with Anno("The Anno representing the parameter"):
    AAnno = Union[Anno]

def common_args(name, default):
    for s in name.split("_"):
        # Only support UPP3R or l0wer case for each _ section
        assert s.islower() or s.isupper(), f"Parameter {name} should be snake_case"
    ret = dict(name=name)
    if default is not None:
        ret["default"] = default
    return ret

[docs]@add_call_types def string( name: AName, description: ADescription, default: AStringDefault = None ) -> AAnno: """Add a string parameter to be passed when instantiating this YAML file""" args = common_args(name, default) return Anno(description, **args).set_typ(str)
[docs]@add_call_types def float64( name: AName, description: ADescription, default: AFloat64Default = None ) -> AAnno: """Add a float64 parameter to be passed when instantiating this YAML file""" args = common_args(name, default) return Anno(description, **args).set_typ(float)
[docs]@add_call_types def int32( name: AName, description: ADescription, default: AInt32Default = None ) -> AAnno: """Add an int32 parameter to be passed when instantiating this YAML file""" args = common_args(name, default) return Anno(description, **args).set_typ(int)