Source code for malcolm.modules.builtin.controllers.managercontroller

import os
import subprocess
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Set

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types, deserialize_object, json_decode, json_encode

from malcolm.compat import OrderedDict
from malcolm.core import (
from malcolm.core.tags import Port, without_group_tags

from ..hooks import LayoutHook, LoadHook, SaveHook
from ..infos import LayoutInfo, PartExportableInfo, PartModifiedInfo, PortInfo
from ..util import ExportTable, LayoutTable, ManagerStates
from .statefulcontroller import ADescription, AMri, StatefulController

ss = ManagerStates

with Anno("Directory to write save/load config to"):
    AConfigDir = str
with Anno("Design to load at init"):
    AInitialDesign = str
with Anno("Name of design to save, if different from current design"):
    ASaveDesign = str
with Anno(
    "A directory of templates with which to initially populate designs "
    "Attribute. These cannot be saved over."
    ATemplateDesigns = str
with Anno("Name of part"):
    APartName = str
with Anno("Name of attribute"):
    AAttributeName = str

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
AMri = AMri
ADescription = ADescription

[docs]class ManagerController(StatefulController): """RunnableDevice implementer that also exposes GUI for child parts""" state_set = ss() def __init__( self, mri: AMri, config_dir: AConfigDir, template_designs: ATemplateDesigns = "", initial_design: AInitialDesign = "", description: ADescription = "", ) -> None: super().__init__(mri=mri, description=description) assert os.path.isdir(config_dir), f"{config_dir} is not a directory" self.config_dir = config_dir self.initial_design = initial_design self.template_designs = template_designs # last saved layout and exports self.saved_visibility = None self.saved_exports = None # ((name, AttributeModel/MethodModel, setter, needs_context)) self._current_part_fields = () self._subscriptions: List[Subscribe] = [] self.port_info: Dict[APartName, List[PortInfo]] = {} self.part_exportable: Dict[Part, Sequence[AAttributeName]] = {} # TODO: turn this into "exported attribute modified" self.context_modified: Dict[Part, Set[str]] = {} self.part_modified: Dict[Part, PartModifiedInfo] = {} # The attributes our part has published self.our_config_attributes: Dict[str, AttributeModel] = {} # The reportable infos we are listening for self.info_registry.add_reportable(PartModifiedInfo, self.update_modified) # Update queue of exportable fields self.info_registry.add_reportable(PartExportableInfo, self.update_exportable) # Create a port for ourself self.field_registry.add_attribute_model( "mri", StringMeta( "A port for giving our MRI to things that might use us", tags=[Port.BLOCK.source_port_tag(self.mri)], ).create_attribute_model(self.mri), ) # Create a layout table attribute for setting block positions self.layout = TableMeta.from_table( LayoutTable, "Layout of child blocks", Widget.FLOWGRAPH, writeable=["x", "y", "visible"], ).create_attribute_model() self.set_writeable_in(self.layout, ss.READY) self.field_registry.add_attribute_model("layout", self.layout, self.set_layout) # Create a design attribute for loading an existing layout = ChoiceMeta( "Design name to load", tags=[config_tag(), Widget.COMBO.tag()] ).create_attribute_model() self.field_registry.add_attribute_model("design",, self.set_design) self.set_writeable_in(, ss.READY) # Create an export table for mirroring exported fields self.exports = TableMeta.from_table( ExportTable, "Exported fields of child blocks", writeable=list(ExportTable.call_types), ).create_attribute_model() # Overwrite the sources meta to be a ChoiceArrayMeta self.exports.meta.elements["source"] = ChoiceArrayMeta( "Name of the block.field to export", writeable=True, tags=[Widget.COMBO.tag()], ) self.set_writeable_in(self.exports, ss.READY) self.field_registry.add_attribute_model( "exports", self.exports, self.set_exports ) # Create read-only indicator for when things are modified self.modified = BooleanMeta( "Whether the design is modified", tags=[Widget.LED.tag()] ).create_attribute_model() self.field_registry.add_attribute_model("modified", self.modified) # Create the save method self.set_writeable_in(self.field_registry.add_method_model(, ss.READY) def do_init(self): super().do_init() # List the config_dir and add to choices self._set_layout_names() # If given a default config, load this if self.initial_design: self.do_load(self.initial_design, init=True) else: # This will trigger all parts to report their layout, making sure # the layout table has a valid value. This will also call # self._update_block_endpoints() self.set_default_layout() def set_default_layout(self): self.set_layout(LayoutTable([], [], [], [], []))
[docs] def set_layout(self, value): """Set the layout table value. Called on attribute put""" # Can't do this with changes_squashed as it will call update_modified # from another thread and deadlock. Need RLock.is_owned() from update_* part_info = self.run_hooks( LayoutHook(p, c, self.port_info, value) for p, c in self.create_part_contexts(only_visible=False).items() ) with self.changes_squashed: layout_parts = LayoutInfo.filter_parts(part_info) name, mri, x, y, visible = [], [], [], [], [] for part_name, layout_infos in layout_parts.items(): for layout_info in layout_infos: name.append(part_name) mri.append(layout_info.mri) x.append(layout_info.x) y.append(layout_info.y) visible.append(layout_info.visible) layout_table = LayoutTable(name, mri, x, y, visible) visibility_changed = layout_table.visible != self.layout.value.visible self.layout.set_value(layout_table) if self.saved_visibility is None: # First write of table, set layout and exports saves self.saved_visibility = layout_table.visible self.saved_exports = self.exports.value # Force visibility changed so we update_block_endpoints # even if there weren't any visible visibility_changed = True if visibility_changed: self.update_modified() self.update_exportable() # Part visibility changed, might have attributes or methods # that we need to hide or show self.update_block_endpoints()
def set_exports(self, value): # Validate for export_name in value.export: assert CAMEL_RE.match( export_name ), f"Field {export_name!r} is not camelCase" with self.changes_squashed: self.exports.set_value(value) self.update_modified() self.update_block_endpoints() def update_modified(self, part: Part = None, info: PartModifiedInfo = None) -> None: with self.changes_squashed: if part: assert info, "No info to update part" # Update the alarm for the given part self.part_modified[part] = info # Find the modified alarms for each visible part message_list = [] only_modified_by_us = True for part_name, visible in zip(, self.layout.value.visible ): part =[part_name] info = self.part_modified.get(part, None) if visible and info: for name, message in sorted(info.modified.items()): # Attribute flagged as been modified, is it by the # context we passed to the part? if name in self.context_modified.get(part, {}): message = f"(We modified) {message}" else: only_modified_by_us = False message_list.append(message) # Add in any modification messages from the layout and export tables if self.layout.value.visible != self.saved_visibility: message_list.append("layout changed") only_modified_by_us = False if self.exports.value != self.saved_exports: message_list.append("exports changed") only_modified_by_us = False if message_list: if only_modified_by_us: severity = AlarmSeverity.NO_ALARM else: severity = AlarmSeverity.MINOR_ALARM alarm = Alarm( severity, AlarmStatus.CONF_STATUS, "\n".join(message_list) ) self.modified.set_value(True, alarm=alarm) else: self.modified.set_value(False) def update_exportable( self, part: Part = None, info: PartExportableInfo = None ) -> None: with self.changes_squashed: if part: assert info, "No info to update part" self.part_exportable[part] = info.names self.port_info[] = info.port_infos # If we haven't saved visibility yet these have been called # during do_init, so don't update block endpoints yet, this will # be done as a batch at the end of do_init if self.saved_visibility is not None: # Find the exportable fields for each visible part names = [] for part in fields = self.part_exportable.get(part, []) for attr_name in fields: names.append(f"{}.{attr_name}") changed_names = set(names).symmetric_difference( self.exports.meta.elements["source"].choices ) changed_exports = changed_names.intersection(self.exports.value.source) self.exports.meta.elements["source"].set_choices(names) # Update the block endpoints if anything currently exported is # added or deleted if changed_exports: self.update_block_endpoints() def update_block_endpoints(self): if self._current_part_fields: for name, child, _, _ in self._current_part_fields: self._block.remove_endpoint(name) for state, state_writeable in self._children_writeable.items(): state_writeable.pop(child, None) self._current_part_fields = tuple(self._get_current_part_fields()) for name, child, writeable_func, needs_context in self._current_part_fields: self.add_block_field(name, child, writeable_func, needs_context) def add_part(self, part: Part) -> None: super().add_part(part) # Strip out the config tags of what we just added, as we will be # saving them ourself for name, field, _, _ in self.field_registry.fields.get(part, []): if isinstance(field, AttributeModel): tags = field.meta.tags if get_config_tag(tags): # Strip off the "config" tags from attributes field.meta.set_tags(without_config_tags(tags)) self.our_config_attributes[name] = field def add_initial_part_fields(self): # Only add our own fields to start with, the rest will be added on load for name, child, writeable_func, needs_context in self.field_registry.fields[ None ]: self.add_block_field(name, child, writeable_func, needs_context) def _get_current_part_fields(self): # Clear out the current subscriptions for subscription in self._subscriptions: controller = self.process.get_controller(subscription.path[0]) unsubscribe = Unsubscribe( unsubscribe.set_callback(subscription.callback) controller.handle_request(unsubscribe) self._subscriptions = [] # Find the mris of parts mris = {} invisible = set() for part_name, mri, visible in zip(, self.layout.value.mri, self.layout.value.visible ): if visible: mris[part_name] = mri else: invisible.add(part_name) # Add fields from parts that aren't invisible for part_name, part in if part_name not in invisible: for data in self.field_registry.fields.get(part, []): yield data # Add exported fields from visible parts for source, export_name in self.exports.value.rows(): part_name, attr_name = source.rsplit(".", 1) part =[part_name] # If part is visible, get its mri mri = mris.get(part_name, None) if mri and attr_name in self.part_exportable.get(part, []): if not export_name: export_name = attr_name export, setter = self._make_export_field(mri, attr_name, export_name) yield export_name, export, setter, False def _make_export_field(self, mri, attr_name, export_name): controller = self.process.get_controller(mri) path = [mri, attr_name] label = camel_to_title(export_name) ret = {} def update_field(response): if not isinstance(response, Delta): # Return or Error is the end of our subscription, log and ignore self.log.debug("Export got response %r", response) return if not ret: # First call, create the initial object export = deserialize_object(response.changes[0][1]) if isinstance(export, AttributeModel): def setter(v): context = Context(self.process) context.put(path, v) # Strip out tags that we shouldn't export # TODO: need to strip out port tags too... export.meta.set_tags( without_config_tags(without_group_tags(export.meta.tags)) ) ret["setter"] = setter else: def setter_star_args(*args): context = Context(self.process), *args) ret["setter"] = setter_star_args # Regenerate label export.meta.set_label(label) ret["export"] = export else: # Subsequent calls, update it with self.changes_squashed: for change in response.changes: ret["export"].apply_change(*change) subscription = Subscribe(path=path, delta=True) subscription.set_callback(update_field) self._subscriptions.append(subscription) # When we have waited for the subscription, the first update_field # will have been called controller.handle_request(subscription).wait() return ret["export"], ret["setter"] def create_part_contexts(self, only_visible=True): part_contexts = super().create_part_contexts() if only_visible: for part_name, visible in zip(, self.layout.value.visible ): part =[part_name] if not visible: part_contexts.pop(part) else: part_contexts[part].set_notify_dispatch_request( part.notify_dispatch_request ) return part_contexts # Allow CamelCase for arguments as they will be exposed in the Block Method # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def save(self, designName: ASaveDesign = "") -> None: """Save the current design to file""" self.try_stateful_function(ss.SAVING, ss.READY, self.do_save, designName)
def do_save(self, design=""): if not design: design = assert design, "Please specify save design name when saving from new" assert not design.startswith("template_"), "Cannot save over a template" structure = OrderedDict() attributes = structure.setdefault("attributes", OrderedDict()) # Add the layout table layout = attributes.setdefault("layout", OrderedDict()) for name, mri, x, y, visible in self.layout.value.rows(): layout_structure = OrderedDict() layout_structure["x"] = x layout_structure["y"] = y layout_structure["visible"] = visible layout[name] = layout_structure # Add the exports table exports = attributes.setdefault("exports", OrderedDict()) for source, export in self.exports.value.rows(): exports[source] = export # Add other attributes for name, attribute in self.our_config_attributes.items(): attributes[name] = attribute.value # Add any structure that a child part wants to save structure["children"] = self.run_hooks( SaveHook(p, c) for p, c in self.create_part_contexts(only_visible=False).items() ) text = json_encode(structure, indent=2) filename = self._validated_config_filename(design) if filename.startswith("/tmp"): self.log.warning(f"Saving to tmp directory {filename}") with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(text) # Run a sync command to make sure we flush this file to disk"sync") self._mark_clean(design) def _set_layout_names(self, extra_name=None): names = [""] dir_name = self._make_config_dir() for f in os.listdir(dir_name): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_name, f)) and f.endswith(".json"): names.append(f.split(".json")[0]) if extra_name and str(extra_name) not in names: names.append(str(extra_name)) names.sort() if os.path.isdir(self.template_designs): for f in sorted(os.listdir(self.template_designs)): assert f.startswith("template_") and f.endswith(".json"), ( "Template design %s/%s should start with 'template_' " "and end with .json" % (self.template_designs, f) ) t_name = f.split(".json")[0] if t_name not in names: names.append(t_name) def _validated_config_filename(self, name): """Make config dir and return full file path and extension Args: name (str): Filename without dir or extension Returns: str: Full path including extension """ if name.startswith("template_"): # Load from templates dir dir_name = self.template_designs else: # Load from config dir dir_name = self._make_config_dir() filename = os.path.join(dir_name, name.split(".json")[0] + ".json") return filename def _make_config_dir(self): dir_name = os.path.join(self.config_dir, self.mri) try: os.mkdir(dir_name) except OSError: # OK if already exists, if not then it will fail on write anyway pass return dir_name def set_design(self, value): value = self.try_stateful_function(ss.LOADING, ss.READY, self.do_load, value)
[docs] def do_load(self, design: str, init: bool = False) -> None: """Load a design name, running the child LoadHooks. Args: design: Name of the design json file, without extension init: Passed to the LoadHook to tell the children if this is being run at Init or not """ if design: filename = self._validated_config_filename(design) with open(filename, "r") as f: text = structure = json_decode(text) else: structure = {} # Attributes and Children used to be merged, support this attributes = structure.get("attributes", structure) children = structure.get("children", structure) # Set the layout table name, mri, x, y, visible = [], [], [], [], [] for part_name, d in attributes.get("layout", {}).items(): name.append(part_name) mri.append("") x.append(d["x"]) y.append(d["y"]) visible.append(d["visible"]) self.set_layout(LayoutTable(name, mri, x, y, visible)) # Set the exports table source, export = [], [] for source_name, export_name in attributes.get("exports", {}).items(): source.append(source_name) export.append(export_name) self.exports.set_value(ExportTable(source, export)) # Set other attributes our_values = { k: v for k, v in attributes.items() if k in self.our_config_attributes } block = self.block_view() block.put_attribute_values(our_values) # Run the load hook to get parts to load their own structure self.run_hooks( LoadHook(p, c, children.get(, {}), init) for p, c in self.create_part_contexts(only_visible=False).items() ) self._mark_clean(design, init)
def _mark_clean(self, design, init=False): with self.changes_squashed: self.saved_visibility = self.layout.value.visible self.saved_exports = self.exports.value # Now we are clean, modified should clear if not init: # Don't clear at init, because some things may not be # clean at init self.part_modified = {} self.update_modified() self._set_layout_names(design) self.update_block_endpoints()