Source code for

import collections
import os
from shutil import copyfile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import h5py
import numpy as np
from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types

from malcolm.core import APartName, Info, PartRegistrar
from malcolm.modules import builtin, pandablocks, pmac, scanning
from malcolm.modules.builtin.util import LayoutTable

    from typing import Dict, List

    PartInfo = Dict[str, List[Info]]

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName = APartName
AMri =

with Anno("name of CS port"):
    ACsPort = str

with Anno("mri suffix of malcolm CS block [$(pmac_mri):$(suffix)]"):
    ACsMriSuffix = str

with Anno("mri suffix of malcolm Status block [$(pmac_mri):$(suffix)]"):
    AStatusMriSuffix = str

PVar = collections.namedtuple("PVar", "path file p_number")

def MRES_VAR(axis):
    return "P48%02d" % axis

def OFFSET_VAR(axis):
    return "P49%02d" % axis

# We will set these attributes on the child block, so don't save them
[docs]class KinematicsSavuPart( """Part for writing out files to send to Savu for post processing of forward kinematics. Creates the following files: - <ID>-savu.nxs - Input data file for Savu. Links to Panda data, and datasets which contain the kinematics code and variables. - <ID>-savu_pl.nxs - Savu process list, copied from /kinematics directory - <ID>-vds.nxs - VDS file linking to Savu processed data (when processed) """ def __init__( self, name: APartName, mri: AMri, cs_port: ACsPort = None, cs_mri_suffix: ACsMriSuffix = ":CS", status_mri_suffix: AStatusMriSuffix = ":STATUS", ) -> None: super(KinematicsSavuPart, self).__init__(name, mri, stateful=False) self.nxs_full_filename = "" self.vds_full_filename = "" self.savu_pl_filename = "" self.savu_full_filename = "" self.savu_code_lines: List[str] = [] self.savu_variables: Dict[str, str] = {} self.q_value_mapping: Dict[int, str] = {} self.p_vars: List[PVar] = [] self.use_min_max = True self.savu_file = None self.layout_table: Optional[LayoutTable] = None self.pos_table = None self.cs_port = cs_port self.cs_mri_suffix = cs_mri_suffix self.status_mri_suffix = status_mri_suffix self.shape = None self.pmac_mri: str = "" self.panda_mri: str = "" self.axis_numbers: Dict[str, int] = {} self.generator = None def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super(KinematicsSavuPart, self).setup(registrar) # Tell the controller to expose some extra configure parameters # Hooks registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.ConfigureHook, self.on_configure) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PostConfigureHook, self.on_post_configure) # Allow CamelCase as these parameters will be serialized # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, fileDir: scanning.hooks.AFileDir, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, axesToMove: scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo, fileTemplate: scanning.hooks.AFileTemplate = "%s.nxs", ) -> scanning.hooks.UInfos: self.p_vars = [] self.use_min_max = True self.savu_variables = {} self.savu_code_lines = [] self.shape = generator.shape self.q_value_mapping = {} self.generator = generator # On initial configure, expect to get the demanded number of frames child = context.block_view(self.mri) self.pmac_mri = child.pmac.value self.panda_mri = child.panda.value # Derive file path from template baseTemplate = os.path.splitext(fileTemplate)[0] # Create the various nexus files to pass to Savu and expected output fileName = (baseTemplate % "savu") + ".nxs" vds_fileName = (baseTemplate % "kinematics-vds") + ".nxs" savu_pl_fileName = (baseTemplate % "savu_pl") + ".nxs" savu_fileName = (baseTemplate % "savu_processed") + ".nxs" # This is path to the file to pass to Savu self.nxs_full_filename = os.path.join(fileDir, fileName) # This is path to the process list file to pass to Savu self.savu_pl_filename = os.path.join(fileDir, savu_pl_fileName) # This is the path to the VDS file which links to the processed Savu # file with the output datasets self.vds_full_filename = os.path.join(fileDir, vds_fileName) # This is the path the the processed file created by Savu after having # done the processing savu_rel_path = os.path.join((baseTemplate % "savuproc"), savu_fileName) self.savu_full_filename = os.path.join(fileDir, savu_rel_path) # Get the cs port mapping for this PMAC # {scannable: MotorInfo} self.layout_table = context.block_view(self.pmac_mri).layout.value assert self.layout_table, "No layout table" axis_mapping = pmac.util.cs_axis_mapping(context, self.layout_table, axesToMove) if self.cs_port is None: # All axes will be in the same cs_port so just use the first for mapping in axis_mapping.values(): self.cs_port = mapping.cs_port break # Create the mapping of output q variables to axis names # These correspond to the compound motors for mapping in axis_mapping.values(): if mapping.cs_axis in pmac.util.CS_AXIS_NAMES: q_value = pmac.util.CS_AXIS_NAMES.index(mapping.cs_axis) + 1 self.q_value_mapping[q_value] = mapping.scannable assert ( "." in self.nxs_full_filename ), f"File extension for {self.nxs_full_filename!r} should be supplied" self.pos_table = context.block_view(self.panda_mri).positions.value assert self.pos_table, "No pos table" # Get the axis number for the inverse kinematics mapped in this cs_port # These are raw motors assert self.cs_port, "No CS port" self.axis_numbers = pmac.util.cs_axis_numbers( context, self.layout_table, self.cs_port ) produced_datasets = [] dtypes = {"mean": scanning.infos.DatasetType.POSITION_VALUE} for scannable, axis_num in self.axis_numbers.items(): dataset_i = None for ind, name in enumerate(self.pos_table.datasetName): if name == scannable: pos_type = self.pos_table.capture[ind] if pos_type == pandablocks.util.PositionCapture.MIN_MAX_MEAN: dataset_i = ind elif ( pos_type == pandablocks.util.PositionCapture.MEAN or pos_type == pandablocks.util.PositionCapture.VALUE ): dataset_i = ind self.use_min_max = False # Check there was a dataset for the axis assert dataset_i, f"No value dataset for {scannable}" if self.use_min_max: dtypes["min"] = scanning.infos.DatasetType.POSITION_MIN dtypes["max"] = scanning.infos.DatasetType.POSITION_MAX for axis in self.q_value_mapping.values(): rank = len(generator.dimensions) for k, v in dtypes.items(): PATH = "/entry/" + axis + "." + k produced_datasets += [ scanning.infos.DatasetProducedInfo( axis + "." + k, vds_fileName, v, rank, PATH, "" ) ] return produced_datasets
[docs] @add_call_types def on_post_configure( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, part_info: scanning.hooks.APartInfo ) -> None: # Map these in the file dataset_infos = scanning.infos.DatasetProducedInfo.filter_values(part_info) for scannable, axis_num in self.axis_numbers.items(): min_i, max_i, value_i = None, None, None for info in dataset_infos: if + "."): if info.type == scanning.infos.DatasetType.POSITION_MIN: min_i = info elif info.type == scanning.infos.DatasetType.POSITION_MAX: max_i = info elif info.type == scanning.infos.DatasetType.POSITION_VALUE: value_i = info # Always make sure .value is there assert value_i, f"No value dataset for {scannable}" self.p_vars.append( PVar( path=value_i.path, file=value_i.filename, p_number="p%dmean" % axis_num, ) ) if min_i and max_i: self.p_vars.append( PVar( path=min_i.path, file=min_i.filename, p_number="p%dmin" % axis_num, ) ) self.p_vars.append( PVar( path=max_i.path, file=max_i.filename, p_number="p%dmax" % axis_num, ) ) else: self.use_min_max = False # Get Forward Kinematics code lines and I,P,M,Q input variables pmac_status_child = context.block_view(self.pmac_mri + ":STATUS") raw_input_vars = " ".join( [ pmac_status_child.iVariables.value, pmac_status_child.pVariables.value, pmac_status_child.mVariables.value, ] ) pmac_cs_child = context.block_view(self.pmac_mri + ":" + self.cs_mri_suffix) raw_kinematics_program_code = pmac_cs_child.forwardKinematic.value raw_input_vars += " " + pmac_cs_child.qVariables.value self.savu_code_lines = raw_kinematics_program_code.splitlines() self.parse_input_variables(raw_input_vars) self.create_files()
def check_mres_and_pos(self, split_var): # if PandA has MRES/Offset, clear P variable so it isn't applied twice for scannable, axis_num in self.axis_numbers.items(): posbus_ind = self.pos_table.datasetName.index(scannable) panda_mres = self.pos_table.scale[posbus_ind] panda_offset = self.pos_table.offset[posbus_ind] if split_var[0] == MRES_VAR(axis_num): if panda_mres != 1.0: split_var[1] = "1.0" elif split_var[0] == OFFSET_VAR(axis_num): if panda_offset != 0.0: split_var[1] = "0.0" return split_var def parse_input_variables(self, raw_input_vars): try: for var in raw_input_vars.split(" "): if var: split_var = var.split("=") # ignore any values in hex if not split_var[1].startswith("$"): split_var = self.check_mres_and_pos(split_var) self.savu_variables[split_var[0]] = split_var[1] except IndexError: raise ValueError( f"Error getting kinematic input variables from {raw_input_vars}" )
[docs] def create_files(self): """Create the files that will be used by Savu - <ID>-savu.nxs - Input data file for Savu. Links to Panda data, and datasets which contain the kinematics code and variables, and whether to use min, mean and max datasets, or just the mean. - <ID>-savu_pl.nxs - Savu process list - <ID>-kinematics-vds.nxs - VDS file linking to Savu processed data """ # Create the -savu.nxs file which contains the input data for Savu with h5py.File(self.nxs_full_filename, "w", libver="latest") as savu_file: savu_file.attrs["default"] = "entry" nxentry = savu_file.create_group("entry") nxentry.attrs["NX_class"] = "NXentry" nxentry.attrs["default"] = "inputs" nxcollection = nxentry.create_group("inputs") nxcollection.attrs["NX_class"] = "NXcollection" # Program code lines dataset program_dset = nxcollection.create_dataset( "program", (len(self.savu_code_lines),), h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) ) program_dset[...] = self.savu_code_lines program_dset.attrs["long_name"] = "Kinematic Program lines" # Fixed variables dataset comp_type = np.dtype( [("Name", h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)), ("Value", "f")] ) data = np.array(list(self.savu_variables.items()), dtype=comp_type) variables_dset = nxcollection.create_dataset( "variables", (len(data),), comp_type ) variables_dset.attrs["long_name"] = "Fixed program variables" variables_dset[...] = data # Use MinMax dataset minmax_data = np.array([self.use_min_max]) minmax_dset = nxcollection.create_dataset("use_minmax", data=minmax_data) minmax_dset.attrs["long_name"] = "Use min and max dataset" # Link to external P values for p_var in self.p_vars: savu_file["/entry/inputs/" + p_var.p_number] = h5py.ExternalLink( p_var.file, p_var.path ) # Create Savu plugin list file src = os.path.realpath(__file__) src = os.path.dirname(src) if self.use_min_max: kinematics_file = "min_mean_max.nxs" else: kinematics_file = "only_mean.nxs" src = os.path.join(src, "..", "kinematics", kinematics_file) copyfile(src, self.savu_pl_filename) # Create the finished VDS file which links to the processed Savu data self.create_vds_file()
[docs] def create_vds_file(self): """Create the VDS file that points to the processed savu files. Assumes that savu is called with the argument to specify the location of the processed data is in a data folder with the suffix '-savuproc' """ virtual_shape = (9,) + self.shape with h5py.File(self.vds_full_filename, "w", libver="latest") as f: f.require_group("/entry/") if self.use_min_max: datatypes = ["min", "mean", "max"] else: datatypes = ["mean"] for datatype in datatypes: for i in range(9): layout = h5py.VirtualLayout(shape=self.shape, dtype=np.float64) v_source = h5py.VirtualSource( self.savu_full_filename, f"/entry/final_result_q{datatype}/data", shape=virtual_shape, ) layout[:] = v_source[i] # Use axis name if have it, otherwise use raw Q number if i + 1 in self.q_value_mapping: f.create_virtual_dataset( "/entry/" + self.q_value_mapping[i + 1] + "." + datatype, layout, fillvalue=-1, ) else: f.create_virtual_dataset( "/entry/rawQ" + "%02d" % (i + 1) + "." + datatype, layout, fillvalue=-1, ) # Add any setpoint dimensions for dim in self.generator.dimensions: for axis in dim.axes: f.create_dataset( name=f"/entry/{axis}_set/{axis}.value_set", dtype=np.float64, data=[p for p in dim.get_positions(axis)], )