Source code for

from typing import Tuple

from annotypes import Any, add_call_types

from malcolm.core import PartRegistrar
from malcolm.modules import builtin, scanning
from malcolm.modules.scanning.hooks import AGenerator

from ..util import FRAME_TIMEOUT

# How big an XML file can the EPICS waveform receive?
XML_MAX_SIZE = 1000000 - 2

# How many to load each time

# How far to load ahead

# We will set these attributes on the child block, so don't save them
[docs]@builtin.util.no_save("xml", "enableCallbacks", "idStart", "arrayCounter") class PositionLabellerPart( """Part for controlling a `position_labeller_block` in a scan""" # Stored generator for positions generator: AGenerator = None # The last index we have loaded end_index = None # Future for plugin run start_future = None # If we are currently loading then block loading more points loading = None # The uniqueID of the first point in the next run id_start = 0 # When arrayCounter gets to here we are done done_when_reaches = 0 # Timeout before saying we have stalled frame_timeout = 0.0 def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.ConfigureHook, self.on_configure) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.SeekHook, self.on_seek) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PostRunArmedHook, self.on_post_run_armed) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.RunHook, self.on_run) registrar.hook( (scanning.hooks.AbortHook, scanning.hooks.PauseHook), self.on_abort )
[docs] @add_call_types def on_reset(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: super().on_reset(context) self.on_abort(context)
def setup_plugin( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, initial_configure=True, ) -> None: # Work out the last expected ID if initial_configure: # This is an initial configure, so reset start ID to 1 id_start = 1 self.done_when_reaches = steps_to_do else: # This is rewinding or setting up for another batch, # skip to a uniqueID that has not been produced yet id_start = self.done_when_reaches + 1 self.done_when_reaches += steps_to_do # Delete any remaining old positions child = context.block_view(self.mri) futures = [child.delete_async()] futures += child.put_attribute_values_async( dict(enableCallbacks=True, idStart=id_start, arrayCounter=id_start - 1) ) xml, self.end_index = self._make_xml(completed_steps) # Wait for the previous puts to finish context.wait_all_futures(futures) # Put the xml child.xml.put_value(xml) # Start the plugin self.start_future = child.start_async()
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, ) -> None: # clear out old subscriptions context.unsubscribe_all() self.generator = generator # Calculate how long to wait before marking this scan as stalled self.frame_timeout = FRAME_TIMEOUT if generator.duration > 0: self.frame_timeout += generator.duration else: # Double it to be safe self.frame_timeout += FRAME_TIMEOUT # Set up the plugin self.setup_plugin(context, completed_steps, steps_to_do)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_run(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: self.loading = False child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.qty.subscribe_value(self.load_more_positions, child) child.when_value_matches( "arrayCounterReadback", self.done_when_reaches, event_timeout=self.frame_timeout, )
[docs] @add_call_types def on_abort(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) child.stop()
[docs] @add_call_types def on_post_run_armed( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo ) -> None: # clear out old subscriptions context.unsubscribe_all() self.done_when_reaches += steps_to_do
[docs] @add_call_types def on_seek( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, ) -> None: # clear out old subscriptions context.unsubscribe_all() # We need to set up the plugin again when pausing self.setup_plugin( context, completed_steps, steps_to_do, initial_configure=False )
def load_more_positions(self, number_left: int, child: Any) -> None: if self.end_index and self.generator.size: if ( not self.loading and self.end_index < self.generator.size and number_left < POSITIONS_PER_XML * N_LOAD_AHEAD ): self.loading = True xml, self.end_index = self._make_xml(self.end_index) child.xml.put_value(xml) self.loading = False def _make_xml(self, start_index: int) -> Tuple[str, int]: # Make xml root xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><pos_layout><dimensions>' # Make an index for every hdf index assert self.generator, "No generator" for i in range(len(self.generator.dimensions)): xml += '<dimension name="d%d" />' % i # Add the actual positions xml += "</dimensions><positions>" end_index = start_index + POSITIONS_PER_XML assert self.generator.size, "Generator is empty" if end_index > self.generator.size: end_index = self.generator.size for i in range(start_index, end_index): point = self.generator.get_point(i) xml += "<position" for j, value in enumerate(point.indexes): xml += ' d%d="%s"' % (j, value) xml += " />" xml += "</positions></pos_layout>" xml_length = len(xml) assert xml_length < XML_MAX_SIZE, "XML size %d too big" % xml_length return xml, end_index