Source code for malcolm.core.request

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from annotypes import Anno, Array, Serializable

from .response import Delta, Error, Response, Return, Update

Callback = Callable[[Response], None]

# Create a module level logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

with Anno("ID that should be used for any responses"):
    AId = int
with Anno("Path to target Block substructure"):
    APath = Union[Array[str]]
with Anno("Value to put"):
    AValue = Any
with Anno("If set then return the current value in Return when Put completes"):
    AGet = bool
with Anno("Parameters to use in a method Post"):
    AParameters = Mapping[str, Any]
with Anno("Notify of differences only"):
    ADifferences = bool
UPath = Union[APath, Sequence[str], str]

[docs]class Request(Serializable): """Request object that registers a callback for when action is complete.""" __slots__ = ["id", "callback"] # Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__(self, id: AId = 0) -> None: = id def callback(response: Response) -> None: pass self.callback: Callback = callback
[docs] def set_callback(self, callback: Callback) -> None: """Set the callback to be called on response""" self.callback = callback
[docs] def return_response(self, value: Any = None) -> Tuple[Callback, Return]: """Create a Return Response object to signal a return value""" response = Return(, value=value) return self.callback, response
[docs] def error_response(self, exception: Exception) -> Tuple[Callback, Error]: """Create an Error Response object to signal an error""" response = Error(, message=exception) log.exception("Exception raised for request %s", self) return self.callback, response
[docs] def generate_key(self) -> Tuple[Callback, int]: """A key that will uniquely identify this request, for matching Subscribes up to Unsubscribes""" key = (self.callback, return key
[docs]class PathRequest(Request): __slots__ = ["path"] # Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__(self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None) -> None: super().__init__(id) self.path = APath(path) if not self.path: raise ValueError( f"Expected a path with at least 1 element, got {list(self.path)}" )
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Get:1.0") class Get(PathRequest): """Create a Get Request object""" __slots__: List[str] = []
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Put:1.0") class Put(PathRequest): """Create a Put Request object""" __slots__ = ["value", "get"] # Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__( self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None, value: AValue = None, get: AGet = False ) -> None: super().__init__(id, path) self.value = value self.get = get
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Post:1.0") class Post(PathRequest): """Create a Post Request object""" __slots__ = ["parameters"] # Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__( self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None, parameters: AParameters = None ) -> None: super().__init__(id, path) self.parameters = parameters
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Subscribe:1.0") class Subscribe(PathRequest): """Create a Subscribe Request object""" __slots__ = ["delta"] # Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__( self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None, delta: ADifferences = False ) -> None: super().__init__(id, path) = delta
[docs] def update_response(self, value: Any) -> Tuple[Callback, Update]: """Create an Update Response object to handle the request""" response = Update(, value=value) return self.callback, response
[docs] def delta_response( self, changes: List[List[Union[List[str], Any]]] ) -> Tuple[Callback, Delta]: """Create a Delta Response object to handle the request""" response = Delta(, changes=changes) return self.callback, response
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Unsubscribe:1.0") class Unsubscribe(Request): """Create an Unsubscribe Request object""" __slots__: List[str] = []