import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from annotypes import Anno, Array, Serializable
from .response import Delta, Error, Response, Return, Update
Callback = Callable[[Response], None]
# Create a module level logger
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
with Anno("ID that should be used for any responses"):
AId = int
with Anno("Path to target Block substructure"):
APath = Union[Array[str]]
with Anno("Value to put"):
AValue = Any
with Anno("If set then return the current value in Return when Put completes"):
AGet = bool
with Anno("Parameters to use in a method Post"):
AParameters = Mapping[str, Any]
with Anno("Notify of differences only"):
ADifferences = bool
UPath = Union[APath, Sequence[str], str]
[docs]class Request(Serializable):
"""Request object that registers a callback for when action is complete."""
__slots__ = ["id", "callback"]
# Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def __init__(self, id: AId = 0) -> None: = id
def callback(response: Response) -> None:
self.callback: Callback = callback
[docs] def set_callback(self, callback: Callback) -> None:
"""Set the callback to be called on response"""
self.callback = callback
[docs] def return_response(self, value: Any = None) -> Tuple[Callback, Return]:
"""Create a Return Response object to signal a return value"""
response = Return(, value=value)
return self.callback, response
[docs] def error_response(self, exception: Exception) -> Tuple[Callback, Error]:
"""Create an Error Response object to signal an error"""
response = Error(, message=exception)
log.exception("Exception raised for request %s", self)
return self.callback, response
[docs] def generate_key(self) -> Tuple[Callback, int]:
"""A key that will uniquely identify this request, for matching
Subscribes up to Unsubscribes"""
key = (self.callback,
return key
[docs]class PathRequest(Request):
__slots__ = ["path"]
# Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def __init__(self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None) -> None:
self.path = APath(path)
if not self.path:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected a path with at least 1 element, got {list(self.path)}"
class Get(PathRequest):
"""Create a Get Request object"""
__slots__: List[str] = []
class Put(PathRequest):
"""Create a Put Request object"""
__slots__ = ["value", "get"]
# Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def __init__(
self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None, value: AValue = None, get: AGet = False
) -> None:
super().__init__(id, path)
self.value = value
self.get = get
class Post(PathRequest):
"""Create a Post Request object"""
__slots__ = ["parameters"]
# Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def __init__(
self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None, parameters: AParameters = None
) -> None:
super().__init__(id, path)
self.parameters = parameters
class Subscribe(PathRequest):
"""Create a Subscribe Request object"""
__slots__ = ["delta"]
# Allow id to shadow builtin id so id is a key in the serialized dict
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
def __init__(
self, id: AId = 0, path: UPath = None, delta: ADifferences = False
) -> None:
super().__init__(id, path) = delta
[docs] def update_response(self, value: Any) -> Tuple[Callback, Update]:
"""Create an Update Response object to handle the request"""
response = Update(, value=value)
return self.callback, response
[docs] def delta_response(
self, changes: List[List[Union[List[str], Any]]]
) -> Tuple[Callback, Delta]:
"""Create a Delta Response object to handle the request"""
response = Delta(, changes=changes)
return self.callback, response
class Unsubscribe(Request):
"""Create an Unsubscribe Request object"""
__slots__: List[str] = []