Source code for malcolm.core.models

import inspect
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from annotypes import (

from malcolm.compat import OrderedDict

from .alarm import Alarm
from .camel import camel_to_title
from .notifier import DummyNotifier, Notifier
from .table import Table
from .tags import Widget, method_return_unpacked
from .timestamp import TimeStamp

def check_type(value, typ):
    if typ != Any:
        assert isinstance(value, typ), f"Expected {typ}, got {value!r}"

[docs]class Model(Serializable): notifier: Union[Notifier, DummyNotifier] = DummyNotifier() path: List[str] = [] __slots__: List[str] = []
[docs] def set_notifier_path( self, notifier: Union[Notifier, DummyNotifier], path: List[str] ) -> None: """Sets the notifier, and the path from the path from block root Args: notifier (Notifier): The Notifier to tell when endpoint data changes path (list): The absolute path to get to this object """ # This function should either change from the DummyNotifier or to # the DummyNotifier, never between two valid notifiers assert ( self.notifier is Model.notifier or notifier is Model.notifier ), f"Already have a notifier {self.notifier} path {self.path}" self.notifier = notifier self.path = path # Tell all our children too for name, ct in self.call_types.items(): if ct.is_mapping: child = getattr(self, name) if child and Model.matches_type(ct.typ[1]): for k, v in child.items(): v.set_notifier_path(notifier, self.path + [name, k]) elif Model.matches_type(ct.typ): assert not ct.is_array, f"Can't deal with Arrays of Models {ct}" child = getattr(self, name) child.set_notifier_path(notifier, self.path + [name])
def set_endpoint_data(self, name: str, value: Any) -> Any: try: ct = self.call_types[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"{name!r} not in {self!r}.call_types {self.call_types!r}") else: if ct.is_array: # Cast to right type, this will do some cheap validation value = cast(Array, ct(value)) # Check we have the right type assert not Model.matches_type( ct.typ ), "Can't handle Array[Model] at the moment" if isinstance(value.seq, (tuple, list)): # Variable array, check types of each instance # TODO: this might harm performance typ = ct.typ for x in value.seq: assert isinstance( x, typ ), f"Expected Array[{ct.typ!r}], got {value.seq!r}" elif ct.is_mapping: # Check it is the right type ktype, vtype = ct.typ for k, v in value.items(): check_type(k, ktype) check_type(v, vtype) # If we are setting structures of Models then sort notification if Model.matches_type(ct.typ[1]): # If we have old Models then stop them notifying child = getattr(self, name, {}) if child: for k, v in child.items(): v.set_notifier_path(Model.notifier, []) for k, v in value.items(): v.set_notifier_path(self.notifier, self.path + [name, k]) else: # If we are setting a Model then sort notification if Model.matches_type(ct.typ): # If we have an old Model then stop it notifying child = getattr(self, name, None) if child: child.set_notifier_path(Model.notifier, []) value.set_notifier_path(self.notifier, self.path + [name]) # Make sure it is the right typ check_type(value, ct.typ) with self.notifier.changes_squashed: # Actually set the attribute setattr(self, name, value) # Tell the notifier what changed self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + [name], value) return value
[docs] def apply_change(self, path: List[str], *args: Any) -> None: """Take a single change from a Delta and apply it to this model""" if len(path) > 1: # This is for a child self[path[0]].apply_change(path[1:], *args) else: # This is for us assert ( len(path) == 1 and len(args) == 1 ), f"Cannot process change {[self.path + path] + list(args)}" getattr(self, f"set_{path[0]}")(args[0])
# Types used when deserializing to the class with Anno("Description of what this element represents"): AMetaDescription = str with Anno("Generic text tags for client tools to interpret"): ATags = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("Whether this element is currently writeable"): AWriteable = bool with Anno("A human readable label for the element"): ALabel = str # A more permissive union to allow a wider range of set_* args UTags = Union[ATags, Sequence[str], str] class Meta(Model): """Base class for describing Blocks, Methods and Attributes""" __slots__ = ["description", "tags", "writeable", "label"] def __init__( self, description: AMetaDescription = "", tags: UTags = (), writeable: AWriteable = False, label: ALabel = "", ) -> None: self.description = self.set_description(description) self.tags = self.set_tags(tags) self.writeable = self.set_writeable(writeable) self.label = self.set_label(label) def set_description(self, description: AMetaDescription) -> AMetaDescription: return self.set_endpoint_data("description", description) def set_tags(self, tags: UTags) -> ATags: return self.set_endpoint_data("tags", tags) def set_writeable(self, writeable: AWriteable) -> AWriteable: return self.set_endpoint_data("writeable", writeable) def set_label(self, label: ALabel) -> ALabel: return self.set_endpoint_data("label", label)
[docs]class VMeta(Meta): """Abstract base class for validating the values of Attributes""" attribute_class: Union[Type["AttributeModel"], None] = None _annotype_lookup: Mapping[Tuple[type, bool, bool], Type["VMeta"]] = {} __slots__: List[str] = []
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> Any: """Abstract function to validate a given value Args: value: Value to validate Returns: The validated value if it passes """ raise NotImplementedError(self)
[docs] def create_attribute_model(self, initial_value: Any = None) -> "AttributeModel": """Make an AttributeModel instance of the correct type for this Meta Args: initial_value: The initial value the Attribute should take Returns: AttributeModel: The created attribute model instance """ assert self.attribute_class, "No attribute class" attr = self.attribute_class(meta=self, value=initial_value) return attr
[docs] def doc_type_string(self) -> str: """Abstract function to return the python type string. For example, "str" or "numpy.int32" """ raise NotImplementedError(self)
[docs] def default_widget(self) -> Widget: """Abstract function to return the default widget type""" raise NotImplementedError(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_annotype(cls, anno: Anno, writeable: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> "VMeta": """Return an instance of this class from an Anno""" ret = cls(description=anno.description, writeable=writeable, **kwargs) widget = ret.default_widget() if widget != Widget.NONE: ret.set_tags([widget.tag()]) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def register_annotype_converter( cls, types: Union[Sequence[type], type], is_array: bool = False, is_mapping: bool = False, ) -> Anno: """Register this class as a converter for Anno instances""" if not isinstance(types, Sequence): types = [types] def decorator(subclass): for typ in types: cls._annotype_lookup[(typ, is_array, is_mapping)] = subclass return subclass return decorator
[docs] @classmethod def lookup_annotype_converter(cls, anno: Anno) -> Type["VMeta"]: """Look up a vmeta based on an Anno""" bases: Union[List[Any], Tuple] if hasattr(anno.typ, "__bases__"): # This is a proper type bases = inspect.getmro(anno.typ) else: # This is a numpy dtype bases = [anno.typ] for typ in bases: key = (typ, bool(anno.is_array), bool(anno.is_mapping)) try: return cls._annotype_lookup[key] except KeyError: pass raise KeyError(anno)
# Types used when deserializing to the class with Anno("The current value of the Attribute"): AValue = Any with Anno("The current alarm status"): AAlarm = Alarm with Anno("The time when the value was last updated"): ATimeStamp = TimeStamp with Anno("The validating Meta object describing our value"): AVMeta = VMeta # Don't register this with Serializable as we never instantiate it directly, # only a subclass like NTScalar
[docs]class AttributeModel(Model): """Data Model for an Attribute""" __slots__ = ["value", "alarm", "timeStamp", "meta"] # noinspection PyPep8Naming # timeStamp is camelCase to maintain compatibility with EPICS normative # types def __init__( self, value: AValue = None, alarm: AAlarm = None, timeStamp: ATimeStamp = None, meta: AVMeta = None, ) -> None: self.meta = self.set_meta(meta) """A Meta object describing the Attribute""" self.value = self.set_value(value, set_alarm_ts=False) """The current value of the Attribute""" self.alarm = self.set_alarm(alarm) """An Alarm object indicating any problems""" self.timeStamp = self.set_timeStamp(timeStamp) """When value was last set""" def set_meta(self, meta: Union[VMeta, None]) -> VMeta: meta = deserialize_object(meta) # Check that the meta attribute_class is ourself assert isinstance(meta, VMeta), f"Expected meta object, got {type(meta)}" assert isinstance(self, meta.attribute_class), ( f"Meta object needs to be attached to {meta.attribute_class}, " f"we are a {type(self)}" ) return self.set_endpoint_data("meta", meta)
[docs] def set_value( self, value: Any, set_alarm_ts: bool = True, alarm: Alarm = None, ts: TimeStamp = None, ) -> Any: """Set value, calculating alarm and ts if requested""" value = self.meta.validate(value) if set_alarm_ts: if alarm is None: alarm = Alarm.ok else: alarm = cast(Alarm, deserialize_object(alarm, Alarm)) if ts is None: ts = cast(TimeStamp, TimeStamp()) else: ts = cast(TimeStamp, deserialize_object(ts, TimeStamp)) self.set_value_alarm_ts(value, alarm, ts) else: self.set_endpoint_data("value", value) return self.value
[docs] def set_value_alarm_ts(self, value: Any, alarm: Alarm, ts: TimeStamp) -> None: """Set value with pre-validated alarm and timeStamp""" with self.notifier.changes_squashed: # Assume they are of the right format self.value = value self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + ["value"], value) if alarm is not self.alarm: self.alarm = alarm self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + ["alarm"], alarm) self.timeStamp = ts self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + ["timeStamp"], ts)
def set_alarm(self, alarm: Alarm = None) -> Alarm: if alarm is None: alarm = Alarm.ok else: alarm = deserialize_object(alarm, Alarm) return self.set_endpoint_data("alarm", alarm) # noinspection PyPep8Naming # timeStamp is camelCase to maintain compatibility with EPICS normative # types def set_timeStamp(self, ts: TimeStamp = None) -> TimeStamp: if ts is None: ts = TimeStamp() else: ts = deserialize_object(ts, TimeStamp) return self.set_endpoint_data("timeStamp", ts) def apply_change(self, path, *args: Any) -> None: if path == ["value"] and args: self.set_value(args[0], set_alarm_ts=False) else: super().apply_change(path, *args)
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("epics:nt/NTTable:1.0") class NTTable(AttributeModel): """AttributeModel containing a `TableMeta`""" __slots__: List[str] = [] def set_value_alarm_ts(self, value: AValue, alarm: Alarm, ts: TimeStamp) -> None: with self.notifier.changes_squashed: # Assume they are of the right format # Work out what changed in value, do a cheap Array id check changed = [k for k in value if value[k] is not self.value[k]] self.value = value if len(changed) == len(value.call_types): # Everything changed self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + ["value"], value) else: # Only some changed for k in changed: self.notifier.add_squashed_change( self.path + ["value", k], value[k] ) if alarm is not self.alarm: self.alarm = alarm self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + ["alarm"], alarm) self.timeStamp = ts self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + ["timeStamp"], ts)
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("epics:nt/NTScalarArray:1.0") class NTScalarArray(AttributeModel): """AttributeModel containing a `VArrayMeta`""" __slots__: List[str] = []
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("epics:nt/NTScalar:1.0") class NTScalar(AttributeModel): """AttributeModel containing a `StringMeta`, `BooleanMeta`, `NumberMeta` or `ChoiceMeta` """ __slots__: List[str] = []
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("epics:nt/NTUnion:1.0") class NTUnion(AttributeModel): """AttributeModel containing a meta producing some object structure""" __slots__: List[str] = []
FALSE_STRINGS = {"0", "False", "false", "FALSE", "No", "no", "NO"}
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/BooleanMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(bool) class BooleanMeta(VMeta): """Meta object containing information for a boolean""" attribute_class = NTScalar __slots__: List[str] = []
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> bool: """Cast value to boolean and return it""" if value in FALSE_STRINGS: return False else: return bool(value)
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return "bool" def default_widget(self) -> Widget: if self.writeable: return Widget.CHECKBOX else: return Widget.LED
with Anno("Choices of valid strings"): AChoices = Union[Array[str]] UChoices = Union[AChoices, Sequence[Enum], Sequence[str]]
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/ChoiceMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(Enum) class ChoiceMeta(VMeta): """Meta object containing information for a enum""" attribute_class = NTScalar __slots__ = ["choices"] def __init__( self, description: AMetaDescription = "", choices: UChoices = (), tags: UTags = (), writeable: AWriteable = False, label: ALabel = "", ) -> None: super().__init__(description, tags, writeable, label) self.choices_lookup: Dict[Any, Union[str, Enum]] = {} # Used for ChoiceMetaArray subclass only for producing Arrays self.enum_cls: Union[Type, None] = None self.choices = self.set_choices(choices) def set_choices(self, choices: UChoices) -> AChoices: # Calculate a lookup from all possible entries to the choice value choices_lookup: Dict[Any, Union[str, Enum]] = {} new_choices: List[Union[str, Enum]] new_choices = [] # type: ignore enum_typ: Union[Type, None] = None choice: Union[object, None] for i, choice in enumerate(choices): # If we already have an enum type it must match if enum_typ is not None: assert isinstance( choice, enum_typ ), f"Expected {enum_typ} choice, got {choice}" elif not isinstance(choice, str): enum_typ = type(choice) if isinstance(choice, Enum): # Our choice value must be a string assert isinstance(choice.value, str), ( f"Expected Enum choice to have str value, got {choice!r} with " f"value {choice.value!r}" ) # Map the Enum instance and str to the Enum instance choices_lookup[choice.value] = choice choices_lookup[choice] = choice new_choices.append(choice) else: assert isinstance(choice, str), f"Expected string choice, got {choice}" # Map the string to itself choices_lookup[choice] = choice new_choices.append(choice) # Map the index to the choice choices_lookup[i] = choice if choices: # Map the default value to the first choice choices_lookup[None] = choices[0] else: # There are no choices, so the default value is the empty string choices_lookup[None] = "" self.choices_lookup = choices_lookup if enum_typ is None or Model.matches_type(enum_typ): # We are producing strings self.enum_cls = str else: # We are producing enums self.enum_cls = enum_typ self.call_types["choices"].typ = self.enum_cls return self.set_endpoint_data( "choices", self.call_types["choices"](new_choices) )
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> Union[Enum, str]: """Check if the value is valid returns it""" # Our lookup table contains all the possible values try: return self.choices_lookup[value] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"{value!r} is not a valid value in {list(self.choices)}")
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return " | ".join([repr(x) for x in self.choices]) def default_widget(self) -> Widget: if self.writeable: return Widget.COMBO else: return Widget.TEXTUPDATE @classmethod def from_annotype(cls, anno: Anno, writeable: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> VMeta: return super().from_annotype(anno, writeable, choices=list(anno.typ))
with Anno("The lower bound of range within which the value must be set"): ALimitLow = Union[np.float64] ULimitLow = Union[ALimitLow, float] with Anno("The upper bound of range within which the value must be set"): ALimitHigh = Union[np.float64] ULimitHigh = Union[ALimitHigh, float] with Anno("Number of significant figures to display"): APrecision = Union[np.int32] UPrecision = Union[APrecision, int] with Anno("The units for the value"): AUnits = str
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("display_t") class Display(Model): __slots__ = ["limitLow", "limitHigh", "description", "precision", "units"] # noinspection PyPep8Naming # limitLow and limitHigh are camelCase to maintain compatibility with # EPICS normative types def __init__( self, limitLow: ULimitLow = 0, limitHigh: ULimitHigh = 0, description: AMetaDescription = "", precision: UPrecision = 0, units: AUnits = "", ) -> None: # Set initial values self.limitLow = self.set_limitLow(limitLow) self.limitHigh = self.set_limitHigh(limitHigh) self.description = self.set_description(description) self.precision = self.set_precision(precision) self.units = self.set_units(units) # noinspection PyPep8Naming # limitLow is camelCase to maintain compatibility with EPICS normative # types def set_limitLow(self, limitLow: ULimitLow) -> ALimitLow: return self.set_endpoint_data("limitLow", np.float64(limitLow)) # noinspection PyPep8Naming # limitHigh is camelCase to maintain compatibility with EPICS normative # types def set_limitHigh(self, limitHigh: ULimitHigh) -> ALimitHigh: return self.set_endpoint_data("limitHigh", np.float64(limitHigh)) def set_precision(self, precision: UPrecision) -> APrecision: return self.set_endpoint_data("precision", np.int32(precision)) def set_units(self, units: AUnits) -> AUnits: return self.set_endpoint_data("units", units) def set_description(self, description: AMetaDescription) -> AMetaDescription: return self.set_endpoint_data("description", description)
with Anno("Numpy dtype string"): ADtype = str with Anno("Display info meta object"): ADisplay = Display _dtype_strings = [ "int8", "uint8", "int16", "uint16", "int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "float32", "float64", ] _dtype_string_lookup = {getattr(np, dtype): dtype for dtype in _dtype_strings} _dtype_string_lookup.update({int: "int64", float: "float64"})
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/NumberMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(list(_dtype_string_lookup)) class NumberMeta(VMeta): """Meta object containing information for a numerical value""" attribute_class = NTScalar __slots__ = ["dtype", "display"] def __init__( self, dtype: ADtype = "float64", description: AMetaDescription = "", tags: UTags = (), writeable: AWriteable = False, label: ALabel = "", display: ADisplay = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(description, tags, writeable, label) # like np.float64 self._np_type: type = np.float64 # like "float64" self.dtype = self.set_dtype(dtype) if display is None: # Guess some defaults for the display object if dtype in ["float32", "float64"]: precision = 8 else: precision = 0 display = Display(precision=precision) self.display = self.set_display(display) def set_display(self, display: ADisplay) -> ADisplay: display = deserialize_object(display, Display) return self.set_endpoint_data("display", display) def set_dtype(self, dtype: ADtype) -> ADtype: assert ( dtype in _dtype_strings ), f"Expected dtype to be in {self._dtypes}, got {dtype}" self._np_type = getattr(np, dtype) return self.set_endpoint_data("dtype", dtype)
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> np.number: """Check if the value is valid returns it""" if value is None: value = 0 cast = self._np_type(value) return cast
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return f"{self.dtype}" def default_widget(self) -> Widget: if self.writeable: return Widget.TEXTINPUT else: return Widget.TEXTUPDATE @classmethod def from_annotype(cls, anno: Anno, writeable: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> VMeta: return super().from_annotype( anno, writeable, dtype=_dtype_string_lookup[anno.typ] )
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/StringMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(str) class StringMeta(VMeta): """Meta object containing information for a string""" attribute_class = NTScalar __slots__: List[str] = []
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> str: """Check if the value is valid returns it""" if value is None: return "" elif isinstance(value, str): return value else: return str(value)
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return "str" def default_widget(self) -> Widget: if self.writeable: return Widget.TEXTINPUT else: return Widget.TEXTUPDATE
[docs]class VArrayMeta(VMeta): """Intermediate abstract class so `TableMeta` can say "only arrays" """ attribute_class = NTScalarArray __slots__: List[str] = []
def to_np_array(dtype, value: Any) -> Any: # Give the Array the shorthand version if dtype == np.float64: dtype = float elif dtype == np.int64: dtype = int if value.__class__ is Array and getattr(value.seq, "dtype", None) == dtype: # If Array wraps a numpy array of the correct type we are done return value else: if isinstance(value, Sequence): # Cast to numpy array value = np.array(value, dtype=dtype) return to_array(Array[dtype], value)
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/BooleanArrayMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(bool, is_array=True) class BooleanArrayMeta(VArrayMeta): """Meta object containing information for a boolean array"""
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> Array[bool]: """Check if the value is valid returns it""" return to_np_array(bool, value)
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return "[bool]" def default_widget(self) -> Widget: if self.writeable: return Widget.CHECKBOX else: return Widget.LED
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/ChoiceArrayMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(Enum, is_array=True) class ChoiceArrayMeta(ChoiceMeta, VArrayMeta): """Meta object containing information for a choice array"""
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> Array[str]: """Check if the value is valid returns it""" if value is None: return Array[self.enum_cls]() else: ret = [] if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] # If we have an Array of the right type, start off assuming it's the # same is_same = value.__class__ is Array and value.typ is self.enum_cls for i, choice in enumerate(value): # Our lookup table contains all the possible values try: new_choice = self.choices_lookup[choice] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"{value} is not a valid value in {self.choices} " f"for element {i}" ) else: is_same &= choice == new_choice ret.append(new_choice) if is_same: return value else: return to_array(Array[self.enum_cls], ret)
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return f"[{super().doc_type_string()}]"
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/NumberArrayMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(list(_dtype_string_lookup), is_array=True) class NumberArrayMeta(NumberMeta, VArrayMeta): """Meta object containing information for an array of numerical values"""
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> Array: """Check if the value is valid returns it""" return to_np_array(self._np_type, value)
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return f"[{self.dtype}]"
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/StringArrayMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(str, is_array=True) class StringArrayMeta(VArrayMeta): """Meta object containing information for a string array"""
[docs] def validate(self, value: Any) -> Array: """Check if the value is valid returns it""" cast = to_array(Array[str], value) for v in cast: assert isinstance(v, str), f"Expected Array[str], got {value!r}" return cast
def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return "[str]" def default_widget(self) -> Widget: if self.writeable: return Widget.TEXTINPUT else: return Widget.TEXTUPDATE
with Anno("Elements that should appear in the table instance"): ATableElements = Mapping[str, VArrayMeta]
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/TableMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(Table) class TableMeta(VMeta): __slots__ = ["elements"] attribute_class = NTTable def __init__( self, description: AMetaDescription = "", tags: UTags = (), writeable: AWriteable = False, label: ALabel = "", elements: ATableElements = None, ) -> None: self.table_cls: Union[Type[Table], None] = None self.elements: Dict[str, Meta] = {} super().__init__(description, tags, writeable, label) # Do this after so writeable is honoured self.set_elements(elements if elements else {})
[docs] def set_elements(self, elements: ATableElements) -> ATableElements: """Set the elements dict from a serialized dict""" deserialized = OrderedDict() for k, v in elements.items(): if k != "typeid": deserialized[k] = deserialize_object(v, VArrayMeta) ret = self.set_endpoint_data("elements", deserialized) self.set_table_cls(self.table_cls) return ret
def set_table_cls(self, table_cls: Type[Table] = None) -> None: if table_cls is None or table_cls.__name__ == "TableSubclass": # Either autogenerated by this function or not set, so make one class TableSubclass(Table): def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.__dict__.update(kwargs) table_cls = TableSubclass for k, meta in self.elements.items(): # We can distinguish the type by asking for the default # validate value default_array: Array = meta.validate(None) anno = Anno(meta.description, name=k).set_typ( default_array.typ, is_array=True ) table_cls.call_types[k] = anno else: # User supplied, check it matches element names assert Table.matches_type( table_cls ), f"Expecting table subclass, got {table_cls}" missing = set(self.elements) - set(table_cls.call_types) assert not missing, f"Supplied Table missing fields {missing}" extra = set(table_cls.call_types) - set(self.elements) assert not extra, f"Supplied Table has extra fields {extra}" self.table_cls = table_cls def validate(self, value: Any) -> Any: if value is None: # Create an empty table value = {k: None for k in self.elements} elif isinstance(value, Table): # Serialize a single level so we can type check it value = {k: value[k] for k in value.call_types} elif not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError(f"Expected Table instance or serialized, got {value}") # We need to make a table instance ourselves keys = set(x for x in value if x != "typeid") missing = set(self.elements) - keys assert not missing, f"Supplied table missing fields {missing}" extra = keys - set(self.elements) assert not extra, f"Supplied table has extra fields {extra}" args = {k: meta.validate(value[k]) for k, meta in self.elements.items()} assert self.table_cls, "No table set" value = self.table_cls(**args) # Check column lengths value.validate_column_lengths() # Check the table class give Array elements for k in args: assert ( value[k].__class__ is Array ), f"Table Class {self.table_cls} doesn't wrap attr '{k}' with an Array" return value def doc_type_string(self) -> str: return "`Table`" def default_widget(self) -> Widget: return Widget.TABLE
[docs] @classmethod def from_table( cls, table_cls: Type[Table], description: str, widget: Widget = None, writeable: List[str] = [], extra_tags: List[str] = [], ) -> "TableMeta": """Create a TableMeta object, using a Table subclass as the spec Args: table_cls: The Table class to read __init__ args from description: The description of the created Meta widget: The widget of the created Meta writeable: A list of the writeable field names. If there are any writeable fields then the whole Meta is writeable extra_tags: A list of tags to be added to the table meta """ elements = OrderedDict() for k, ct in table_cls.call_types.items(): subclass = cls.lookup_annotype_converter(ct) elements[k] = subclass.from_annotype(ct, writeable=k in writeable) ret = cls(description=description, elements=elements, writeable=bool(writeable)) if widget is None: widget = ret.default_widget() tags = [widget.tag()] tags.extend(extra_tags) ret.set_tags(tags) ret.set_table_cls(table_cls) return ret
@classmethod def from_annotype(cls, anno: Anno, writeable: bool, **kwargs: Any) -> VMeta: assert Table.matches_type(anno.typ), f"Expected Table, got {anno.typ}" if writeable: # All fields are writeable writeable_fields = list(anno.typ.call_types) else: # No fields are writeable writeable_fields = [] return cls.from_table(anno.typ, anno.description, writeable=writeable_fields)
# Types used when deserializing to the class with Anno("Meta objects that are used to describe the elements in the map"): AElements = Mapping[str, VMeta] with Anno("The required elements in the map"): ARequired = Union[Array[str]] # A more permissive union to allow a wider range of set_* args URequired = Union[ARequired, Sequence[str], str]
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/MapMeta:1.0") class MapMeta(Model): """An object containing a set of ScalarMeta objects""" __slots__ = ["elements", "required"] def __init__( self, elements: Optional[AElements] = None, required: URequired = () ) -> None: self.elements = self.set_elements(elements if elements else {}) self.required = self.set_required(required) def set_elements(self, elements: AElements) -> AElements: deserialized = OrderedDict() for k, v in elements.items(): if k != "typeid": v = deserialize_object(v, VMeta) if not v.label: v.set_label(camel_to_title(k)) deserialized[k] = v return self.set_endpoint_data("elements", deserialized) def set_required(self, required: URequired) -> ARequired: for r in required: assert ( r in self.elements ), f"Expected one of {list(self.elements)!r}, got {r!r}" return self.set_endpoint_data("required", ARequired(required))
[docs] def validate( self, param_dict: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, add_missing: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a param dict in the right order, with the correct keys and values of the correct type with no extras or missing""" if param_dict is None: param_dict = {} extra = set(param_dict) - set(self.elements) assert not extra, ( f"Given keys {list(sorted(param_dict))}, some of which aren't " f"in allowed keys {list(self.elements)}" ) args = OrderedDict() for k, m in self.elements.items(): if k in param_dict: args[k] = m.validate(param_dict[k]) elif add_missing: args[k] = m.validate(None) missing: Set = set(self.required) - set(args) assert ( not missing ), f"Requires keys {list(self.required)} but only given {list(args)}" return args
# Types used when deserializing to the class with Anno("Meta for describing the arguments that should be passed"): ATakes = MapMeta with Anno("The required elements in the map"): ADefaults = Mapping[str, Any] with Anno("Meta for describing the arguments that will be returned"): AReturns = MapMeta
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/MethodMeta:1.1") class MethodMeta(Meta): """Exposes a function with metadata for arguments and return values""" __slots__ = ["takes", "returns", "defaults"] def __init__( self, takes: Optional[ATakes] = None, defaults: Optional[ADefaults] = None, description: AMetaDescription = "", tags: UTags = (), writeable: AWriteable = False, label: ALabel = "", returns: Optional[AReturns] = None, ) -> None: self.takes = self.set_takes(takes if takes else MapMeta()) self.returns = self.set_returns(returns if returns else MapMeta()) self.defaults = self.set_defaults(defaults if defaults else {}) super().__init__(description, tags, writeable, label) def set_takes(self, takes: ATakes) -> ATakes: takes = deserialize_object(takes, MapMeta) return self.set_endpoint_data("takes", takes) def set_defaults(self, defaults: ADefaults) -> ADefaults: defaults = FrozenOrderedDict( tuple( (k, self.takes.elements[k].validate(v)) for k, v in defaults.items() if k != "typeid" ) ) return self.set_endpoint_data("defaults", defaults) def set_returns(self, returns: AReturns) -> AReturns: returns = deserialize_object(returns, MapMeta) return self.set_endpoint_data("returns", returns)
[docs] @classmethod def from_callable( cls, func: Callable, description: str = None, returns: bool = True, without_takes: Sequence[str] = (), ) -> "MethodMeta": """Return an instance of this class from a Callable Args: func: @with_call_types decorated Callable to inspect description: Override description. If None use func.__doc__ returns: If True then scan return_type too without_takes: A sequence of strings that should not appear in the takes structure Returns: A MethodMeta with takes and returns matching the input func """ if description is None: if func.__doc__ is None: description = "" else: description = func.__doc__ method = cls(description=description) tags = [] takes_elements = OrderedDict() defaults = OrderedDict() takes_required = [] without_takes_set = set(without_takes) for k, anno in getattr(func, "call_types", {}).items(): if k in without_takes_set: continue scls = VMeta.lookup_annotype_converter(anno) takes_elements[k] = scls.from_annotype(anno, writeable=True) if anno.default is NO_DEFAULT: takes_required.append(k) elif anno.default is not None: defaults[k] = anno.default takes = MapMeta(elements=takes_elements, required=takes_required) method.set_takes(takes) method.set_defaults(defaults) if returns: returns_elements = OrderedDict() returns_required = [] return_type: Anno = getattr(func, "return_type", None) if return_type is None or return_type.typ is None: call_types = {} elif WithCallTypes.matches_type(return_type.typ): call_types = return_type.typ.call_types else: tags.append(method_return_unpacked()) call_types = {"return": return_type} for k, anno in call_types.items(): scls = VMeta.lookup_annotype_converter(anno) returns_elements[k] = scls.from_annotype(anno, writeable=False) if anno.default is not None: returns_required.append(k) returns = MapMeta(elements=returns_elements, required=returns_required) method.set_returns(returns) method.set_tags(tags) return method
# Types used when deserializing to the class with Anno("The last map this took/returned"): AMVValue = Mapping[str, Any] with Anno("The elements that were supplied in the map"): APresent = Union[Array[str]] # A more permissive union to allow a wider range of set_* args UPresent = Union[APresent, Sequence[str], str]
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/MethodLog:1.0") class MethodLog(Serializable): """Exposes a function with metadata for arguments and return values""" __slots__ = ["value", "alarm", "timeStamp"] # noinspection PyPep8Naming # timeStamp is camelCase to maintain compatibility with EPICS normative # types def __init__( self, value: AMVValue = None, present: UPresent = (), alarm: AAlarm = None, timeStamp: ATimeStamp = None, ) -> None: self.value: Union[Dict, AMVValue] if value is None: self.value = {} else: self.value = value self.present = APresent(present) if alarm is None: self.alarm = Alarm.ok else: self.alarm = deserialize_object(alarm, Alarm) if timeStamp is None: self.timeStamp = TimeStamp() else: self.timeStamp = deserialize_object(timeStamp, TimeStamp)
# Types used when deserializing to the class with Anno("The last arguments that a method call took"): ATook = MethodLog with Anno("The last return value produced by a method call"): AReturned = MethodLog with Anno("Meta for describing the arguments that will be returned"): AMethodMeta = MethodMeta
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Method:1.1") class MethodModel(Model): """Exposes a function with last took and returned arguments""" __slots__ = ["took", "returned", "meta"] def __init__( self, took: ATook = None, returned: AReturned = None, meta: AMethodMeta = None ) -> None: self.meta = self.set_meta(meta if meta else MethodMeta()) self.took = self.set_took(took) self.returned = self.set_returned(returned) def set_meta(self, meta: AMethodMeta) -> AMethodMeta: meta = deserialize_object(meta, MethodMeta) return self.set_endpoint_data("meta", meta) def set_took(self, took: ATook = None) -> ATook: if took is None: took = MethodLog( self.meta.takes.validate(add_missing=True), [], Alarm.ok, ) else: took = deserialize_object(took, MethodLog) return self.set_endpoint_data("took", took) def set_returned(self, returned: AReturned = None) -> AReturned: if returned is None: returned = MethodLog( self.meta.returns.validate(add_missing=True), [], Alarm.ok,, ) else: returned = deserialize_object(returned, MethodLog) return self.set_endpoint_data("returned", returned)
# Types used when deserializing to the class with Anno("The list of fields currently in the Block"): AFields = Union[Array[str]] # A more permissive union to allow a wider range of set_* args UFields = Union[AFields, Sequence[str], str]
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/BlockMeta:1.0") class BlockMeta(Meta): __slots__ = ["fields"] def __init__( self, description: AMetaDescription = "", tags: UTags = (), writeable: AWriteable = True, label: ALabel = "", fields: UFields = (), ) -> None: super().__init__(description, tags, writeable, label) self.fields = self.set_fields(fields) def set_fields(self, fields: UFields) -> AFields: return self.set_endpoint_data("fields", AFields(fields))
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/Block:1.0") class BlockModel(Model): """Data Model for a Block""" def __init__(self) -> None: # Make a new call_types dict so we don't modify for all instances self.call_types = OrderedDict() self.meta = self.set_endpoint_data("meta", BlockMeta()) def set_endpoint_data( self, name: str, value: Union[AttributeModel, MethodModel, BlockMeta], ) -> Any: name = deserialize_object(name, str) if name == "meta": value = deserialize_object(value, BlockMeta) else: value = deserialize_object(value, (AttributeModel, MethodModel)) with self.notifier.changes_squashed: if name in self.call_types: # Stop the old Model notifying getattr(self, name).set_notifier_path(Model.notifier, []) else: anno = Anno("Field").set_typ(type(value)) self.call_types[name] = anno value.set_notifier_path(self.notifier, self.path + [name]) setattr(self, name, value) # Tell the notifier what changed self.notifier.add_squashed_change(self.path + [name], value) self._update_fields() return value def _update_fields(self): self.meta.set_fields([x for x in self.call_types if x != "meta"]) def remove_endpoint(self, name: str) -> None: with self.notifier.changes_squashed: getattr(self, name).set_notifier_path(Model.notifier, []) self.call_types.pop(name) delattr(self, name) self._update_fields() self.notifier.add_squashed_delete(self.path + [name])