Simulation Components#

There are two types of components that can be used in a tickit simulation, device components and system components.

Device Component#

Device components are the typical use case of a component. They encapsulate a device and any adapters for that device.


(See DeviceComponent.)

System Component#

System components are themselves entire tickit simulations. They contain their own device components and a scheduler for orchestrating them. However, the scheduler in a system component acts as a nested scheduler which is triggered by the master scheduler in the top level of the simulation it belongs to.


System components can also contain their own system components allowing for the construction of reasonably complex systems.

System components can be nested inside other components in the config so that the master scheduler’s wiring is correct, for example:

- type: examples.devices.trampoline.RandomTrampoline
  name: random_trampoline
  inputs: {}
  callback_period: 10000000000
- type: tickit.core.components.system_component.SystemSimulation
  name: internal_tickit
      component: random_trampoline
      port: output
    - type: tickit.devices.sink.Sink
      name: internal_sink
          component: external
          port: input_1
    - type: examples.devices.remote_controlled.RemoteControlled
      name: internal_tcp_controlled
      inputs: {}
      component: internal_tcp_controlled
      port: observed
- type: tickit.devices.sink.Sink
  name: external_sink
      component: internal_tickit
      port: output_1

(See SystemComponent.)

The Overall Simulation#

A simulation containing both types of component will look something like this:
