An event-based multi-device simulation framework providing configuration and orchestration of complex multi-device simulations.
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An example simulation consists of a simple counter and a sink. The counter increments up a given value and then passes this value to a sink.
A simulation is defined using a yaml file, in which the graphing of the required components is denoted. This file defines a Counter device named counter and a Sink device named counter_sink. The output _value of counter is wired to the input of counter_sink.
- type: examples.devices.counter.Counter
name: counter
inputs: {}
- type: tickit.devices.sink.Sink
name: counter_sink
component: counter
port: _value
This file is executed to run the simulation.
python -m tickit all examples/configs/counter.yaml
The simulation will output logs depicting the incrementing of the counter:
DEBUG:examples.devices.counter:Counter initialized with value => 0
DEBUG:asyncio:Using selector: EpollSelector
DEBUG:tickit.core.management.ticker:Doing tick @ 0
DEBUG:tickit.core.components.component:counter got Input(target='counter', time=0, changes=immutables.Map({}))
DEBUG:examples.devices.counter:Counter incremented to 1
DEBUG:tickit.core.management.schedulers.base:Scheduler got Output(source='counter', time=0, changes=immutables.Map({'value': 1}), call_at=1000000000)
DEBUG:tickit.core.management.schedulers.base:Scheduling counter for wakeup at 1000000000
DEBUG:tickit.core.components.component:counter_sink got Input(target='counter_sink', time=0, changes=immutables.Map({}))
DEBUG:tickit.devices.sink:Sunk {}
DEBUG:tickit.core.management.schedulers.base:Scheduler got Output(source='counter_sink', time=0, changes=immutables.Map({}), call_at=None)
DEBUG:tickit.core.management.ticker:Doing tick @ 1000000000
DEBUG:tickit.core.components.component:counter got Input(target='counter', time=1000000000, changes=immutables.Map({}))
DEBUG:examples.devices.counter:Counter incremented to 2
DEBUG:tickit.core.management.schedulers.base:Scheduler got Output(source='counter', time=1000000000, changes=immutables.Map({'value': 2}), call_at=2000000000)
The counting device is defined as below. It increments a given value and logs as it increments.
class Counter(ComponentConfig):
"""Simple counting device."""
def __call__(self) -> Component: # noqa: D102
return DeviceComponent(
class CounterDevice(Device):
"""A simple device which increments a value."""
class Inputs(TypedDict):
class Outputs(TypedDict):
value: int
def __init__(self, initial_value: int = 0, callback_period: int = int(1e9)) -> None:
self._value = initial_value
self.callback_period = SimTime(callback_period)
LOGGER.debug(f"Counter initialized with value => {self._value}")
def update(self, time: SimTime, inputs: Inputs) -> DeviceUpdate[Outputs]:
self._value = self._value + 1
LOGGER.debug(f"Counter incremented to {self._value}")
return DeviceUpdate(
SimTime(time + self.callback_period),
How the documentation is structured#
The documentation is split into 2 sections: