Setup Developer Environment#

These instructions will take you through the minimal steps required to get a dev environment setup, so you can run the tests locally.

Clone the repository#

First clone the repository locally using Git. There is a link on the GitHub interface to allow you to do this. SSH is recommended if you have setup a key. Enter the directory that it is cloned into to continue.

Install dependencies#

You can choose to either develop on the host machine using a venv (which requires python 3.10 or later) or to run in a container under VSCode

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e '.[dev]'

Ensure you have the vscode devcontainer extension installed.

If you are at DLS, then first setup podman and its fix for devcontainer features and then follow these instructions for setting up devcontainers on a DLS workstation.

code .

Click on ‘Reopen in Container’ when prompted on startup or, if vscode is already running, open the command menu with CTRL+SHIFT+P, search for and run ‘Reopen in Container’. Open a new terminal

Build and test#

Now you have a development environment you can run the tests in a terminal:

tox -p

This will run in parallel the following checks: