Example 2 (Iterative Rec)#

This example shows how to use methods from the HTTomolibgpu library to do the following:#

  • normalise the data

  • calculate the centre of rotation using phase-cross correlation method

  • reconstruct using the iterative algorithm

import os
import numpy as np
import cupy as cp
import httomolibgpu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from httomolibgpu.prep.normalize import normalize

# Load the projection data
path_lib = os.path.dirname(httomolibgpu.__file__)
in_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path_lib, '..', "tests/test_data/",'tomo_standard.npz'))
datafile = np.load(in_file)
host_data = datafile['data']
host_flats = datafile['flats']
host_darks = datafile['darks']

print("The shape of the data is {} as (projections, detector Y, detector X)".format(np.shape(host_data)))

print("Normalising the data")
data = cp.asarray(host_data)
flats = cp.asarray(host_flats)
darks = cp.asarray(host_darks)
data_normalised = normalize(data, flats, darks, cutoff = 10, minus_log = True)

sliceSel = 64
data_normalised_np = data_normalised.get()

plt.imshow(data_normalised_np[sliceSel, :, :])
plt.title("Projection view")

plt.imshow(data_normalised_np[:, sliceSel, :])
plt.title("Sinogram view")

plt.imshow(data_normalised_np[:, :, sliceSel])
plt.title("Sagittal view")
The shape of the data is (180, 128, 160) as (projections, detector Y, detector X)
Normalising the data
from httomolibgpu.recon.rotation import find_center_pc

print ("Finding the Center of Rotation for the reconstruction")
cor = find_center_pc(proj1=data_normalised[0,:,:], proj2=data_normalised[179,:,:])
print("The found Center of Rotation is {}".format(cor))
Finding the Center of Rotation for the reconstruction
The found Center of Rotation is 79.5
print ("Perform Reconstruction using CGLS")

from httomolibgpu.recon.algorithm import CGLS

angles = np.linspace(0.0 * np.pi / 180.0, 180.0 * np.pi / 180.0, data.shape[0])

reconCGLS = CGLS(data_normalised, angles=angles, center=cor, iterations = 20)

reconCGLS_np = reconCGLS.get()

sliceSel = 64
plt.imshow(reconCGLS_np[sliceSel, :, :])
plt.title("Recon coronal view")

plt.imshow(reconCGLS_np[:, sliceSel, :])
plt.title("Axial view")

plt.imshow(reconCGLS_np[:, :, sliceSel])
plt.title("Sagittal view")
Perform Reconstruction using CGLS