Create a Device with an EPICS Interface ======================================= It is possible to make a device accessible over channel access with EPICS by using an EPICS adapter with the device. .. note:: For information on EPICS, see `here. `_ This adapter creates and runs a python soft IOC within the simulator process. The PVs on this IOC can be accessed with the normal methods, eg ``caget``, ``caput`` etc. If you have multiple devices in your simulation that require an epics adapter this is possible, a large singleton IOC is created as a composite IOC of all the individual ones. Using an EPICS adapter ----------------------- When you create an IOC you often will have a db file, depicting the PVs that should be present on it. The epics adapter allows for loading of these PVs from the DB file so that you do not have to populate them by hand. This file is loaded into the adapter when the component is initialised. For example the Femto component: .. code-block:: python @dataclass class Femto(ComponentConfig): """Femto simulation with EPICS IOC.""" initial_gain: float = 2.5 initial_current: float = 0.0 db_file: str = "path/to/record.db" ioc_name: str = "FEMTO" def __call__(self) -> Component: # noqa: D102 device=FemtoDevice( initial_gain=self.initial_gain, initial_current=self.initial_current, ) adapters = [ AdapterContainer( FemtoAdapter(device), EpicsIo(self.ioc_name), ), ] return DeviceComponent(, device=device, adapters=adapters, ) However, any PV you wish to directly link to a device attribute you must override and provide the necessary methods to get and set that attribute. See again the femto device. It is a signal amplifier that takes an input and outputs a current. .. code-block:: python class FemtoDevice(Device): """Electronic signal amplifier.""" class Inputs(TypedDict): input: float class Outputs(TypedDict): current: float def __init__( self, initial_gain: float, initial_current: float, ) -> None: self.gain: float = initial_gain self._current: float = initial_current def set_gain(self, gain: float) -> None: self.gain = gain def get_gain(self) -> float: return self.gain def set_current(self, input_current: float) -> None: self._output_current = input_current * self.gain def get_current(self) -> float: return self._output_current def update(self, time: SimTime, inputs: Inputs) -> DeviceUpdate[Outputs]: current_value = inputs["input"] if current_value is not None: self.set_current(current_value) return DeviceUpdate(self.Outputs(current=self.get_current()), None) The femto device has a PV GAIN as an ``ao`` record (analogue out). .. code-block:: C record(ao, "$(device):GAIN") { field(DTYP, "Hy8001") field(OMSL, "supervisory") field(OUT, "#C1 S0 @") field(DESC, "Gain value") field(EGU, "A") } This means it is settable by the user, you should be able to ``caput`` a gain value to change the PV. In order to get the device to update its attribute ``gain`` to reflect that, we must override the epics adapter function ``on_db_load``. .. code-block:: python class FemtoAdapter(EpicsAdapter): """The adapter for the Femto device.""" device: FemtoDevice def __init__(self, device: AmplifierDevice) -> None: super().__init__() self.device = device async def callback(self, value) -> None: """Device callback function. Args: value (float): The value to set the gain to. """ self.device.set_gain(value) await self.interrupt() def on_db_load(self) -> None: """Customises records that have been loaded in to suit the simulation.""" builder.aOut( "GAIN", initial_value=self.device.get_gain(), on_update=self.callback ) self.link_input_on_interrupt(builder.aIn("GAIN_RBV"), self.device.get_gain) self.link_input_on_interrupt(builder.aIn("CURRENT"), self.device.get_current) We provide a callback function to set the device gain to the new value then raise an interrupt, causing the device to update. This callback function is assigned to the epics record ``GAIN`` so that a change in that changes the device. A similar linking process occurs for readable records, eg ``aIn``, however these are just supplied with getter methods to the device attributes. As a result the Femto device is accessible via EPICS. It gain can be set, and its gain and current read via the IOC.