Wiring ====== As an event-based multi-device simulation framework, tickit has the capability to contain multiple devices in one simulation. These devices can be wired together to create more complex and intricate systems. The devices in a simulation can be wired together, with the output of one device wired to the input of another. This ensures devices update in the correct order, so that changes in the system propagate in the correct manner. This is structured as a directed acyclic graph. .. figure:: ../../images/tickit-simple-dag.svg :align: center Here we can see that if component 1 updates, then this will cause component 2 to update, which in turn causes 4 to update. Component 4 will not update until component 3 has also updated, as component 4 depends on both component 2 and 3. This wiring is achieved with a configuration yaml file which is passed to the scheduler when starting a simulation. Here we see an example trampoline device which outputs random numbers, and a sink taking that output as an input: .. code-block:: yaml - type: examples.devices.trampoline.RandomTrampoline name: rand_tramp inputs: {} callback_period: 1000000000 - type: tickit.devices.sink.Sink name: tramp_sink inputs: input: component: rand_tramp port: output