Run linting using pre-commit#

Code linting is handled by black and ruff run under pre-commit.

Running pre-commit#

You can run the above checks on all files with this command:

$ tox -e pre-commit

Or you can install a pre-commit hook that will run each time you do a git commit on just the files that have changed:

$ pre-commit install

It is also possible to automatically enable pre-commit on cloned repositories. This will result in pre-commits being enabled on every repo your user clones from now on.

Fixing issues#

If black reports an issue you can tell it to reformat all the files in the repository:

$ black .

Likewise with ruff:

$ ruff --fix .

Ruff may not be able to automatically fix all issues; in this case, you will have to fix those manually.

VSCode support#

The .vscode/settings.json will run black formatting as well as ruff checking on save. Issues will be highlighted in the editor window.