Contributions and issues are most welcome! All issues and pull requests are handled through GitHub. Also, please check for any existing issues before filing a new one. If you have a great idea but it involves big changes, please file a ticket before making a pull request! We want to make sure you don’t spend your time coding something that might not fit the scope of the project.
Running the tests
To run in a container
Use vscode devcontainer as follows:
$ git clone git://
$ vscode python3-pip-skeleton
Click on 'Reopen in Container' when prompted
In a vscode Terminal:
$ tox -p
To run locally
Get the source source code and run the unit tests directly on your workstation as follows:
$ git clone git://
$ cd python3-pip-skeleton
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[dev]
$ tox -p
In both cases tox -p runs in parallel the following checks:
Build Sphinx Documentation
run pytest on all tests in ./tests
run mypy linting on all files in ./src ./tests
run pre-commit checks:
run flake8 style checks against all source
run black formatting checks against all source
While 100% code coverage does not make a library bug-free, it significantly reduces the number of easily caught bugs! Please make sure coverage remains the same or is improved by a pull request!
Code Styling
The code in this repository conforms to standards set by the following tools:
black for code formatting
flake8 for style checks
isort for import ordering
mypy for static type checking
flake8 and black and isort are run by pre-commit. You can run the above checks on all files with this command:
$ tox -e pre-commit,mypy
Or you can install a pre-commit hook that will run each time you do a git
on just the files that have changed. Note that mypy is not in
the pre-commit because it is a little slow
$ pre-commit install
Docstrings are pre-processed using the Sphinx Napoleon extension. As such, google-style is considered as standard for this repository. Please use type hints in the function signature for types. For example:
def func(arg1: str, arg2: int) -> bool:
"""Summary line.
Extended description of function.
arg1: Description of arg1
arg2: Description of arg2
Description of return value
return True
Documentation is contained in the docs
directory and extracted from
docstrings of the API.
Docs follow the underlining convention:
Headling 1 (page title)
Heading 2
Heading 3
You can build the docs from the project directory by running:
$ tox -e docs
$ firefox build/html/index.html
Release Process
To make a new release, please follow this checklist:
Choose a new PEP440 compliant release number (see
Go to the GitHub release page
Draft New Release
Choose Tag
and supply the new tag you chose (click create new tag)Click
Generate release notes
, review and edit these notesChoose a title and click
Publish Release
Note that tagging and pushing to the main branch has the same effect except that you will not get the option to edit the release notes.
Checking Dependencies
To see a graph of the python package dependency tree type:
Updating the tools
This module is merged with the python3-pip-skeleton. This is a generic Python project structure which provides a means to keep tools and techniques in sync between multiple Python projects. To update to the latest version of the skeleton, run:
$ git pull main
Any merge conflicts will indicate an area where something has changed that conflicts with the setup of the current module. Check the closed pull requests of the skeleton module for more details.