4. Use a source directory#

Date: 2023-01-18




We need to decide how to structure the source code in skeleton based projects.


As per Hynek’s article and summarized below.

The main advantage is that the source directory cannot shadow installed packages as it would if it was in the root of the repository. This means that if you install the package, then run the tests, they will run against the installed package and not the source directory, testing for packaging bugs.

A secondary advantage is symmetry, sources go in src/, tests go in tests\, docs go in docs.

This is tested in CI in the following way:

  • wheel job creates a wheel, then installs it in an isolated environment and runs the cli. This checks install_requirements are sufficient to run the cli.

  • test job with lock: true does an editable install of the package. This is the mode that is used at development time, as modifications to sources can be tested without reinstalling.

  • test job with lock: false does a regular install, which checks that all files needed for the tests are packaged with the distribution.


See the article linked above.