# Install template pre-requisites This tutorial will take you through installing copier, the templating engine that will allow you to create new projects from the template, update existing projects in line with it, and keep projects in sync with changes to it. ## Check your version of python You will need python 3.8 or later. You can check your version of python by typing into a terminal: ``` $ python3 --version ``` :::{note} At Diamond you can use `module load python` to get a more recent version of python on your path ::: ## Create a virtual environment It is recommended that you install into a “virtual environment” so this installation will not interfere with any existing Python software: ``` $ python3 -m venv /path/to/venv $ source /path/to/venv/bin/activate ``` :::{note} You may wish to deactivate any existing virual environments before sourcing the new environment. Deactivation can be performed by executing: - `conda deactivate` for conda - `deactivate` for venv or virtualenv - `exit` for pipenv ::: ## Installing copier You can now use `pip` to install copier so you can make your project from the template: ``` $ python3 -m pip install copier ``` ## Conclusion You now have the pre-requisites to allow you to [](./create-new) and [](./adopt-existing).