Create a new repo from the template#
Once you have followed the Install template pre-requisites tutorial, you can use copier
to make a new project from the template:
$ mkdir /path/to/my-project
$ copier copy gh:DiamondLightSource/python-copier-template /path/to/my-project
This will:
Ask some questions about the project to be created
Expand the template with the answers give
Record the answers in the project so they can be used in later updates
Uploading to GitHub#
You can now create a new blank project on GitHub. Choose the same GitHub owner and repo name that you answered in the questions earlier. GitHub will now give you the commands needed to upload your repo from GitHub
You can now go to the Settings
and set:
The project description to match the answer you gave
Enable Pages if you chose to use sphinx for your documentation
Getting started with your new repo#
You can now Setup Developer Environment, and then follow some of the other How-to Guides.