
class malcolm.modules.pandablocks.util.BitsTable(name: Union[Anno(name='ABitNames', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Block and Field name for the Bit'), Sequence[str]], value: Union[Anno(name='ABitValues', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='Current value for the Bit'), Sequence[bool]], capture: Union[Anno(name='ABitCaptures', typ=<class 'bool'>, description='Request this field is captured in PCAP'), Sequence[bool]])[source]
  • name (str) – Block and Field name for the Bit

  • value (bool) – Current value for the Bit

  • capture (bool) – Request this field is captured in PCAP

class malcolm.modules.pandablocks.util.PositionCapture(value)[source]

What to capture, if anything, with PCAP

NO = 'No'
VALUE = 'Value'
DIFF = 'Diff'
SUM = 'Sum'
MEAN = 'Mean'
MIN = 'Min'
MAX = 'Max'
MIN_MAX = 'Min Max'
MIN_MAX_MEAN = 'Min Max Mean'
class malcolm.modules.pandablocks.util.PositionsTable(name: Union[Anno(name='APositionNames', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Block and Field name for the Position'), Sequence[str]], value: Union[Anno(name='APositionValues', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Current scaled value for the Position'), Sequence[float]], units: Union[Anno(name='APositionUnits', typ=<class 'str'>, description='Units for the scaled value of the Position'), Sequence[str]], scale: Union[Anno(name='APositionScales', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Scale factor to calculate scaled value of the Position'), Sequence[float]], offset: Union[Anno(name='APositionOffsets', typ=<class 'float'>, description='Offset to calculate scaled value of the Position'), Sequence[float]], capture: Union[Anno(name='APositionCaptures', typ=<enum 'PositionCapture'>, description='Whether and what to capture with PCAP'), Sequence[malcolm.modules.pandablocks.util.PositionCapture]])[source]
  • name (str) – Block and Field name for the Position

  • value (float) – Current scaled value for the Position

  • units (str) – Units for the scaled value of the Position

  • scale (float) – Scale factor to calculate scaled value of the Position

  • offset (float) – Offset to calculate scaled value of the Position

  • capture (PositionCapture) – Whether and what to capture with PCAP