
class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.LabelInfo(label: str)[source]

Used to tell the Controller the label of the Block should change


label – The new title of the Block

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.HealthInfo(alarm: malcolm.core.alarm.Alarm, ts: Optional[malcolm.core.timestamp.TimeStamp] = None)[source]

Used to tell the Controller a part has an alarm or not


alarm – The alarm that should be used for the health of the block

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.PortInfo(name: str, port: malcolm.core.tags.Port)[source]

Info about a port to be used by other child parts for connection

  • name – The name of the attribute

  • port – The type of the port

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.SinkPortInfo(name: str, port: malcolm.core.tags.Port, disconnected_value: str, value: Any)[source]

Info about a Sink Port from the attribute tag

  • name – The name of the attribute

  • port – The type of the port

  • disconnected_value – The value that will be set when the Sink port is disconnected, E.g. ‘’ or ‘ZERO’

  • value – Initial value of the attribute

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.SourcePortInfo(name: str, port: malcolm.core.tags.Port, connected_value: str)[source]

Info about a Source Port from the attribute tag

  • name – The name of the attribute

  • port – The type of the port

  • connected_value – The value that a Sink Port will be set to when connected to this Source Port, E.g. ‘PCOMP1.OUT’ or ‘DET.STATS’

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.LayoutInfo(mri: str, x: float, y: float, visible: bool)[source]

Info about the position and visibility of a child block in a layout

  • mri – Malcolm full name of child block

  • x – X Coordinate of child block

  • y – Y Coordinate of child block

  • visible – Whether child block is visible

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.PartExportableInfo(names: Sequence[str], port_infos: List[malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.PortInfo])[source]

Info about the exportable fields and port infos for a Part

  • names – The list of fields that the Part thinks are exportable

  • port_infos – The list of PortInfo objects that the Part exposes

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.PartModifiedInfo(modified: Dict[str, str])[source]

Info about whether the part was modified or not


modified – {attr_name: message} for all attributes that have been modified from the saved value

class malcolm.modules.builtin.infos.RequestInfo(request: malcolm.core.request.Request, mri: str)[source]

Info saying that the part has received a request that needs servicing. Reporting this will send to the correct controller, but not wait for completion

  • request – The request that needs servicing, with callback filled in

  • mri – The mri of the controller that should handle it