
malcolm.modules.ADPandABlocks.blocks.panda_alternating_div_block(mri, panda)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • panda (str) – MRI of the PandA detector

malcolm.modules.ADPandABlocks.blocks.panda_exposure_block(mri, det, panda)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • det (str) – Initial value of Detector mri we will get readoutTime from

  • panda (str) – Initial value of PandA mri we will configure

malcolm.modules.ADPandABlocks.blocks.panda_kinematicssavu_block(mri, panda, pmac)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • panda (str) – Initial value of PandA mri we will configure

  • pmac (str) – Initial value of PMAC mri holding the motors in the scan

malcolm.modules.ADPandABlocks.blocks.panda_pulse_trigger_block(mri, panda, detector)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • panda (str) – Initial value of PandA mri we will configure

  • detector (str) – Initial value of Detector mri we will be triggering

malcolm.modules.ADPandABlocks.blocks.panda_runnable_block(mri_prefix, pv_prefix, config_dir, hostname='localhost', port=8888, label='PandA')
  • mri_prefix (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block and prefix for children

  • pv_prefix (str) – PV prefix for driver and all plugins

  • config_dir (str) – Where to store saved configs

  • hostname (str) – Hostname of the box

  • port (int) – Port number of the server control

  • label (str) – Beamline specific label for the detector

malcolm.modules.ADPandABlocks.blocks.panda_seq_trigger_block(mri, panda, pmac)
  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • panda (str) – Initial value of PandA mri we will configure

  • pmac (str) – Initial value of PMAC mri holding the motors in the scan