
malcolm.modules.ADOdin.blocks.odin_driver_block(mri, prefix, post_acquire_status='Idle')

Hardware block corresponding to PVs used for ADOdin detector driver

  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • prefix (str) – The root PV for the all records

  • post_acquire_status (str) – what state to expect when waiting for acquire status

malcolm.modules.ADOdin.blocks.odin_runnable_block(mri_prefix, pv_prefix, config_dir, label='Odin', drv_suffix='DET', writer_suffix='OD', initial_design='', sum_name='sum', uid_name='uid', secondary_set='sum', readout_time=0.001)

Device block corresponding to ADOdin + Odin file writer plugin .

  • mri_prefix (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block and prefix for children

  • pv_prefix (str) – PV prefix for driver and all plugins

  • config_dir (str) – Where to store saved configs

  • label (str) – Beamline specific label for the detector

  • drv_suffix (str) – PV suffix for detector driver

  • writer_suffix (str) – PV suffix for Odin data writer

  • initial_design (str) – Design to load at init

  • sum_name (str) – Name of sum dataset

  • uid_name (str) – Name of uid dataset

  • secondary_set (str) – Name of secondary dataset to link in nxs file

  • readout_time (float) – Readout time of the detector

malcolm.modules.ADOdin.blocks.odin_writer_block(mri, prefix)

Hardware block corresponding to PVs used for Odin File Writer

  • OdinDataDriver.template should have pv prefix $(prefix)

  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • prefix (str) – The root PV for the all records