
malcolm.modules.ADCore.blocks.ffmpeg_plugin_block(mri, pv_prefix)

Hardware block corresponding to PVs used for the ffmpegViewer plugin

  • ffmpegViewer.template should have pv prefix $(prefix)

  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • pv_prefix (str) – The root PV for the all ffmpeg records

malcolm.modules.ADCore.blocks.hdf_writer_block(mri, prefix)

Hardware block corresponding to PVs used for NDFileHDF5

  • NDFileHDF5.template should have pv prefix $(prefix)

  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • prefix (str) – The root PV for the all records

malcolm.modules.ADCore.blocks.position_labeller_block(mri, prefix)

Hardware block corresponding to PVs used for NDPosPlugin

  • NDPosPlugin.template should have pv prefix $(prefix)

  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • prefix (str) – The root PV for the all records

malcolm.modules.ADCore.blocks.stats_plugin_block(mri, prefix)

Hardware block corresponding to PVs used for NDPluginStats plugin

  • NDStats.template should have pv prefix $(prefix)

  • mri (str) – Malcolm resource id of the Block

  • prefix (str) – The root PV for the all records