Source code for malcolm.modules.scanning.util

""" scanning.utils provides shared utility functions and classes.
For consistency and to avoid circular dependencies, the following
rules are applied:
- All types required to initialize hook classes are in the hooks namespace
- All types required to initialize info classes are in the infos namespace
- util depends on hooks and infos (not vice versa)"""

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
from annotypes import Anno, Array, Serializable
from scanpointgenerator import CompoundGenerator

from malcolm.core import (
from malcolm.modules import builtin

from .hooks import AAxesToMove, ABreakpoints, AGenerator, UAxesToMove
from .infos import DatasetType, ParameterTweakInfo

def exposure_attribute(min_exposure: float) -> AttributeModel:
    meta = NumberMeta(
        "The calculated exposure for this run",
        display=Display(precision=6, units="s", limitLow=min_exposure),
    return meta.create_attribute_model()

[docs]class ConfigureParams(Serializable): # This will be serialized, so maintain camelCase for axesToMove # noinspection PyPep8Naming def __init__( self, generator: AGenerator, axesToMove: UAxesToMove = None, breakpoints: ABreakpoints = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if kwargs: # Got some additional args to report self.call_types: Dict[str, Anno] = ConfigureParams.call_types.copy() for k in kwargs: # We don't use this apart from its presence, # so no need to fill in description, typ, etc. self.call_types[k] = Anno("") self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.generator = generator if axesToMove is None: axesToMove = generator.axes self.axesToMove = AAxesToMove(axesToMove) if breakpoints is None: breakpoints = [] self.breakpoints = ABreakpoints(breakpoints)
[docs]@Serializable.register_subclass("malcolm:core/PointGeneratorMeta:1.0") @VMeta.register_annotype_converter(CompoundGenerator) class PointGeneratorMeta(VMeta): attribute_class = NTUnion def doc_type_string(self): return "CompoundGenerator" def default_widget(self): return Widget.TREE def validate(self, value): if value is None: return CompoundGenerator([], [], []) elif isinstance(value, CompoundGenerator): return value elif isinstance(value, dict): return CompoundGenerator.from_dict(value) else: raise TypeError(f"Value {value} must be a Generator object or dictionary")
with Anno("Dataset names"): ADatasetNames = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("Filenames of HDF files relative to fileDir"): AFilenames = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("Types of dataset"): ADatasetTypes = Union[Array[DatasetType]] with Anno("Rank (number of dimensions) of the dataset"): ARanks = Union[Array[np.int32]] with Anno("Dataset paths within HDF files"): APaths = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("UniqueID array paths within HDF files"): AUniqueIDs = Union[Array[str]] UDatasetNames = Union[ADatasetNames, Sequence[str]] UFilenames = Union[AFilenames, Sequence[str]] UDatasetTypes = Union[ADatasetTypes, Sequence[DatasetType]] URanks = Union[ARanks, Sequence[np.int32]] UPaths = Union[APaths, Sequence[str]] UUniqueIDs = Union[AUniqueIDs, Sequence[str]]
[docs]class DatasetTable(Table): # This will be serialized so we need type to be called type # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__( self, name: UDatasetNames, filename: UFilenames, type: UDatasetTypes, rank: URanks, path: UPaths, uniqueid: UUniqueIDs, ) -> None: = ADatasetNames(name) self.filename = AFilenames(filename) self.type = ADatasetTypes(type) self.rank = ARanks(rank) self.path = APaths(path) self.uniqueid = AUniqueIDs(uniqueid)
with Anno("Whether the detectors are enabled or not"): AEnable = Union[Array[bool]] with Anno("Detector names"): ADetectorNames = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("Detector block mris"): ADetectorMris = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("Exposure of each detector frame for the current scan"): AExposures = Union[Array[float]] with Anno("Number of detector frames for each generator point"): AFramesPerStep = Union[Array[np.int32]] UEnable = Union[AEnable, Sequence[bool]] UDetectorNames = Union[ADetectorNames, Sequence[str]] UDetectorMris = Union[ADetectorMris, Sequence[str]] UExposures = Union[AExposures, Sequence[float]] UFramesPerStep = Union[AFramesPerStep, Sequence[np.int32]]
[docs]class DetectorTable(Table): # Will be serialized so use camelCase # noinspection PyPep8Naming def __init__( self, enable: UEnable, name: UDetectorNames, mri: UDetectorMris, exposure: UExposures, framesPerStep: UFramesPerStep, ) -> None: self.enable = AEnable(enable) = ADetectorNames(name) self.mri = ADetectorMris(mri) self.exposure = AExposures(exposure) self.framesPerStep = AFramesPerStep(framesPerStep)
with Anno("The detectors that should be active and their exposures"): ADetectorTable = DetectorTable
[docs]class RunnableStates(builtin.util.ManagerStates): """This state set covers controllers and parts that can be configured and then run, and have the ability to pause and rewind""" CONFIGURING = "Configuring" ARMED = "Armed" RUNNING = "Running" POSTRUN = "PostRun" FINISHED = "Finished" PAUSED = "Paused" SEEKING = "Seeking" ABORTING = "Aborting" ABORTED = "Aborted" def create_block_transitions(self): super().create_block_transitions() # Set transitions for normal states self.set_allowed(self.READY, self.CONFIGURING) self.set_allowed(self.CONFIGURING, self.ARMED) self.set_allowed(self.ARMED, self.RUNNING, self.SEEKING, self.RESETTING) self.set_allowed(self.RUNNING, self.POSTRUN, self.SEEKING) self.set_allowed(self.POSTRUN, self.FINISHED, self.ARMED, self.SEEKING) self.set_allowed(self.FINISHED, self.SEEKING, self.RESETTING, self.CONFIGURING) self.set_allowed(self.SEEKING, self.ARMED, self.PAUSED, self.FINISHED) self.set_allowed(self.PAUSED, self.SEEKING, self.RUNNING) # Add Abort to all normal states normal_states = [ self.READY, self.CONFIGURING, self.ARMED, self.RUNNING, self.POSTRUN, self.PAUSED, self.SEEKING, self.FINISHED, ] for state in normal_states: self.set_allowed(state, self.ABORTING) # Set transitions for aborted states self.set_allowed(self.ABORTING, self.ABORTED) self.set_allowed(self.ABORTED, self.RESETTING)
def resolve_generator_tweaks( generator_tweaks: List[ParameterTweakInfo], ) -> ParameterTweakInfo: # Only one tweak is simple if len(generator_tweaks) == 1: return generator_tweaks[0] else: # Look for the largest duration in the tweaks largest_duration = 0.0 for tweak in generator_tweaks: if tweak.value.duration > largest_duration: largest_duration = tweak.value.duration generator = generator_tweaks[0].value generator.duration = largest_duration return ParameterTweakInfo("generator", generator)