Source code for

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types
from scanpointgenerator import CompoundGenerator

from malcolm.core import APartName, Display, NumberMeta, Part, PartRegistrar, Widget

from ..hooks import (
from ..infos import ExposureDeadtimeInfo, ParameterTweakInfo
from ..util import exposure_attribute

readout_desc = "Subtract this time from frame duration when calculating exposure"
with Anno(readout_desc):
    AReadoutTime = float
frequency_accuracy_desc = "In ppm. Subtract duration*this/1e6 when calculating exposure"
with Anno(frequency_accuracy_desc):
    AAccuracy = float
with Anno("The minimum exposure time this detector will accept"):
    AMinExposure = float
with Anno("Frames per detector step"):
    ADetectorFramesPerStep = int

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
APartName = APartName

[docs]class ExposureDeadtimePart(Part): def __init__( self, name: APartName, readout_time: AReadoutTime = 0.0, frequency_accuracy: AAccuracy = 50.0, min_exposure: AMinExposure = 0.0, ) -> None: super().__init__(name) self.readout_time = NumberMeta( "float64", readout_desc, tags=[Widget.TEXTUPDATE.tag()], display=Display(precision=6, units="s"), ).create_attribute_model(readout_time) self.frequency_accuracy = NumberMeta( "float64", frequency_accuracy_desc, tags=[Widget.TEXTUPDATE.tag()], display=Display(precision=3, units="ppm"), ).create_attribute_model(frequency_accuracy) self.min_exposure = min_exposure self.exposure = exposure_attribute(min_exposure) def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(ReportStatusHook, self.on_report_status) registrar.hook(ValidateHook, self.on_validate) registrar.hook(ConfigureHook, self.on_configure) # Attributes registrar.add_attribute_model("readoutTime", self.readout_time) registrar.add_attribute_model("frequencyAccuracy", self.frequency_accuracy) registrar.add_attribute_model("exposure", self.exposure) # Tell the controller to expose some extra configure parameters # Tell the controller to expose some extra validate parameters
[docs] @add_call_types def on_report_status(self) -> UInfos: # Make an info so we can pass it to the detector info = ExposureDeadtimeInfo( self.readout_time.value, self.frequency_accuracy.value, self.min_exposure ) return info
[docs] @add_call_types def on_validate( self, generator: AGenerator, exposure: AExposure = 0.0, frames_per_step: ADetectorFramesPerStep = 1, ) -> UInfos: info = self.on_report_status() # Check if we need to calculate a generator duration if generator.duration == 0.0: if exposure == 0.0: # Get minimum exposure time exposure = info.calculate_exposure(generator.duration, exposure) # Calculate generator duration new_duration = info.calculate_minimum_duration(exposure) * frames_per_step # Add a tiny fractional amount so we don't run into floating point # comparison issues new_duration *= 1 + 1e-12 serialized = generator.to_dict() new_generator = CompoundGenerator.from_dict(serialized) new_generator.duration = new_duration self.log.debug(f"{}: tweaking duration to {new_duration}") # Only tweak the duration for now return ParameterTweakInfo("generator", new_generator) else: # Check if we need to tweak the exposure time if exposure == 0.0: new_exposure = info.calculate_exposure(generator.duration, exposure) self.log.debug(f"{}: tweaking exposure to {new_exposure}") return ParameterTweakInfo("exposure", new_exposure) # Otherwise check the provided parameters are compatible else: # Check provided exposure against minimum exposure min_exposure = info.min_exposure assert ( exposure >= info.min_exposure ), f"{} given exposure {exposure} below min {min_exposure}" # Check provided exposure against maximum possible exposure max_exposure = info.calculate_maximum_exposure(generator.duration) assert exposure <= max_exposure, ( f"{} given exposure {exposure} above max {max_exposure} " f"based on a duration per frame of {generator.duration}" ) return None
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure(self, exposure: AExposure = 0.0) -> None: self.exposure.set_value(exposure)