Source code for malcolm.modules.scanning.controllers.runnablecontroller

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types, deserialize_object
from scanpointgenerator import CompoundGenerator

from malcolm.compat import OrderedDict
from malcolm.core import (
from malcolm.core.models import MethodMeta, TableMeta, VMeta
from malcolm.modules import builtin

from ..hooks import (
from ..infos import ConfigureParamsInfo, ParameterTweakInfo, RunProgressInfo
from ..util import AGenerator, ConfigureParams, RunnableStates, resolve_generator_tweaks

PartContextParams = Iterable[Tuple[Part, Context, Dict[str, Any]]]
PartConfigureParams = Dict[Part, ConfigureParamsInfo]

ss = RunnableStates

with Anno("The validated configure parameters"):
    AConfigureParams = ConfigureParams
with Anno("Step to mark as the last completed step, -1 for current"):
    ALastGoodStep = int

# Pull re-used annotypes into our namespace in case we are subclassed
AConfigDir = builtin.controllers.AConfigDir
AInitialDesign = builtin.controllers.AInitialDesign
ADescription = builtin.controllers.ADescription
ATemplateDesigns = builtin.controllers.ATemplateDesigns

def update_configure_model(
    configure_model: MethodMeta, part_configure_infos: List[ConfigureParamsInfo]
) -> None:
    # These will not be inserted as they already exist

    ignored = list(ConfigureHook.call_types)

    # Re-calculate the following
    required = []
    metas = OrderedDict()
    defaults = OrderedDict()

    # First do the required arguments
    for k in configure_model.takes.required:
        metas[k] = configure_model.takes.elements[k]
    for info in part_configure_infos:
        for k in info.required:
            if k not in required + ignored:
                # TODO: moan about type changes, when != works...
                metas[k] = info.metas[k]

    # Now the default and optional
    for k in configure_model.takes.elements:
        if k not in required:
            metas[k] = configure_model.takes.elements[k]
    for info in part_configure_infos:
        for k, meta in info.metas.items():
            if k not in required + ignored:
                # TODO: moan about type changes, when != works...
                metas[k] = meta
                if k in info.defaults:
                    if isinstance(meta, TableMeta) and not min(
                        m.writeable for m in meta.elements.values()
                        # This is a table with non-writeable rows, merge the
                        # defaults together row by row
                        rows = []
                        if k in defaults:
                            rows += defaults[k].rows()
                        rows += info.defaults[k].rows()
                        assert meta.table_cls, "No Meta table class"
                        defaults[k] = meta.table_cls.from_rows(rows)
                        defaults[k] = info.defaults[k]

    # Copy and prepare values for takes and returns
    takes_metas = OrderedDict()
    returns_metas = OrderedDict()
    for k, v in metas.items():
        takes_metas[k] = deserialize_object(v.to_dict(), VMeta)
        returns_metas[k] = deserialize_object(v.to_dict(), VMeta)

    # Set them on the model

[docs]class RunnableController(builtin.controllers.ManagerController): """RunnableDevice implementer that also exposes GUI for child parts""" # The state_set that this controller implements state_set = ss() def __init__( self, mri: AMri, config_dir: AConfigDir, template_designs: ATemplateDesigns = "", initial_design: AInitialDesign = "", description: ADescription = "", ) -> None: super().__init__( mri=mri, config_dir=config_dir, template_designs=template_designs, initial_design=initial_design, description=description, ) # Shared contexts between Configure, Run, Pause, Seek, Resume self.part_contexts: Dict[Part, Context] = {} # Any custom ConfigureParams subclasses requested by Parts self.part_configure_params: PartConfigureParams = {} # Params passed to configure() self.configure_params: Optional[ConfigureParams] = None # Progress reporting dict of completed_steps for each part self.progress_updates: Optional[Dict[Part, int]] = None # Queue so that do_run can wait to see why it was aborted and resume if # needed self.resume_queue: Optional[Queue] = None # Stored for pause. If using breakpoints, it is a list of steps self.steps_per_run: List[int] = [] # If the list of breakpoints is not empty, this will be true self.use_breakpoints: bool = False # Absolute steps where the run() returns self.breakpoint_steps: List[int] = [] # Breakpoint index, modified in run() and pause() self.breakpoint_index: int = 0 # Queue so we can wait for aborts to complete self.abort_queue: Optional[Queue] = None # Create sometimes writeable attribute for the current completed scan # step self.completed_steps = NumberMeta( "int32", "Readback of number of scan steps", tags=[Widget.METER.tag()], # Widget.TEXTINPUT.tag()] ).create_attribute_model(0) self.field_registry.add_attribute_model( "completedSteps", self.completed_steps, self.pause ) self.set_writeable_in(self.completed_steps, ss.PAUSED, ss.ARMED) # Create read-only attribute for the number of configured scan steps self.configured_steps = NumberMeta( "int32", "Number of steps currently configured", tags=[Widget.TEXTUPDATE.tag()], ).create_attribute_model(0) self.field_registry.add_attribute_model( "configuredSteps", self.configured_steps ) # Create read-only attribute for the total number scan steps self.total_steps = NumberMeta( "int32", "Readback of number of scan steps", tags=[Widget.TEXTUPDATE.tag()] ).create_attribute_model(0) self.field_registry.add_attribute_model("totalSteps", self.total_steps) # Create the method models self.field_registry.add_method_model(self.validate) self.set_writeable_in( self.field_registry.add_method_model(self.configure), ss.READY, ss.FINISHED ) self.set_writeable_in(self.field_registry.add_method_model(, ss.ARMED) self.set_writeable_in( self.field_registry.add_method_model(self.abort), ss.READY, ss.CONFIGURING, ss.ARMED, ss.RUNNING, ss.POSTRUN, ss.PAUSED, ss.SEEKING, ss.FINISHED, ) self.set_writeable_in( self.field_registry.add_method_model(self.pause), ss.ARMED, ss.PAUSED, ss.RUNNING, ss.FINISHED, ) self.set_writeable_in( self.field_registry.add_method_model(self.resume), ss.PAUSED ) # Override reset to work from aborted too self.set_writeable_in( self.field_registry.get_field("reset"), ss.FAULT, ss.DISABLED, ss.ABORTED, ss.ARMED, ss.FINISHED, ) # Allow Parts to report their status self.info_registry.add_reportable(RunProgressInfo, self.update_completed_steps) # Allow Parts to request extra items from configure self.info_registry.add_reportable( ConfigureParamsInfo, self.update_configure_params ) def get_steps_per_run( self, generator: CompoundGenerator, axes_to_move: AAxesToMove, breakpoints: List[int], ) -> List[int]: self.use_breakpoints = False steps = [1] axes_set = set(axes_to_move) for dim in reversed(generator.dimensions): # If the axes_set is empty and the dimension has axes then we have # done as many dimensions as we can, so return if dim.axes and not axes_set: break # Consume the axes that this generator scans for axis in dim.axes: assert axis in axes_set, f"Axis {axis} is not in {axes_to_move}" axes_set.remove(axis) # Now multiply by the dimensions to get the number of steps steps[0] *= dim.size # If we have breakpoints we make a list of steps if len(breakpoints) > 0: total_breakpoint_steps = sum(breakpoints) assert ( total_breakpoint_steps <= steps[0] ), "Sum of breakpoints greater than steps in scan" self.use_breakpoints = True # Cast to list so we can append breakpoints_list = list(breakpoints) # Check if we need to add the final breakpoint to the inner scan if total_breakpoint_steps < steps[0]: last_breakpoint = steps[0] - total_breakpoint_steps breakpoints_list += [last_breakpoint] # Repeat the set of breakpoints for each outer step breakpoints_list *= self._get_outer_steps(generator, axes_to_move) steps = breakpoints_list # List of steps completed at end of each run self.breakpoint_steps = [sum(steps[:i]) for i in range(1, len(steps) + 1)] return steps def _get_outer_steps(self, generator, axes_to_move): outer_steps = 1 for dim in reversed(generator.dimensions): outer_axis = True for axis in dim.axes: if axis in axes_to_move: outer_axis = False if outer_axis: outer_steps *= dim.size return outer_steps def do_reset(self): super().do_reset() self.configured_steps.set_value(0) self.completed_steps.set_value(0) self.total_steps.set_value(0) self.breakpoint_index = 0
[docs] def update_configure_params( self, part: Part = None, info: ConfigureParamsInfo = None ) -> None: """Tell controller part needs different things passed to Configure""" with self.changes_squashed: # Update the dict if part: assert info, "No info for part" self.part_configure_params[part] = info # No process yet, so don't do this yet if self.process is None: return # Make a list of all the infos that the parts have contributed part_configure_infos = [] for part in info = self.part_configure_params.get(part, None) if info: part_configure_infos.append(info) # Update methods from the updated configure model for method_name in ("configure", "validate"): # Get the model of our configure method as the starting point method_meta = MethodMeta.from_callable(self.configure) # Update the configure model from the infos update_configure_model(method_meta, part_configure_infos) # Put the created metas onto our block meta method = self._block[method_name] method.meta.takes.set_elements(method_meta.takes.elements) method.meta.takes.set_required(method_meta.takes.required) method.meta.returns.set_elements(method_meta.returns.elements) method.meta.returns.set_required(method_meta.returns.required) method.meta.set_defaults(method_meta.defaults) method.set_took() method.set_returned()
def update_block_endpoints(self): super().update_block_endpoints() self.update_configure_params() def _part_params( self, part_contexts: Dict[Part, Context] = None, params: ConfigureParams = None ) -> PartContextParams: if part_contexts is None: part_contexts = self.part_contexts if params is None: params = self.configure_params for part, context in part_contexts.items(): args = {} assert params, "No params" for k in params.call_types: args[k] = getattr(params, k) yield part, context, args # This will be serialized, so maintain camelCase for axesToMove # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def validate( self, generator: AGenerator, axesToMove: AAxesToMove = None, breakpoints: ABreakpoints = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AConfigureParams: """Validate configuration parameters and return validated parameters. Doesn't take device state into account so can be run in any state """ iterations = 10 # We will return this, so make sure we fill in defaults for k, default in self._block.configure.meta.defaults.items(): kwargs.setdefault(k, default) # The validated parameters we will eventually return params = ConfigureParams(generator, axesToMove, breakpoints, **kwargs) # Make some tasks just for validate part_contexts = self.create_part_contexts() # Get any status from all parts status_part_info = self.run_hooks( ReportStatusHook(p, c) for p, c in part_contexts.items() ) while iterations > 0: # Try up to 10 times to get a valid set of parameters iterations -= 1 # Validate the params with all the parts validate_part_info = self.run_hooks( ValidateHook(p, c, status_part_info, **kwargs) for p, c, kwargs in self._part_params(part_contexts, params) ) tweaks: List[ParameterTweakInfo] = ParameterTweakInfo.filter_values( validate_part_info ) if tweaks: # Check if we need to resolve generator tweaks first generator_tweaks: List[ParameterTweakInfo] = [] for tweak in tweaks: # Collect all generator tweaks if tweak.parameter == "generator": generator_tweaks.append(tweak) if len(generator_tweaks) > 0: # Resolve multiple tweaks to the generator generator_tweak = resolve_generator_tweaks(generator_tweaks) deserialized = self._block.configure.meta.takes.elements[ generator_tweak.parameter ].validate(generator_tweak.value) setattr(params, generator_tweak.parameter, deserialized) self.log.debug(f"{self.mri}: tweaking generator to {deserialized}") else: # Other tweaks can be applied at the same time for tweak in tweaks: deserialized = self._block.configure.meta.takes.elements[ tweak.parameter ].validate(tweak.value) setattr(params, tweak.parameter, deserialized) self.log.debug( f"{self.mri}: tweaking {tweak.parameter} to {deserialized}" ) else: # Consistent set, just return the params return params raise ValueError("Could not get a consistent set of parameters")
def abortable_transition(self, state): with self._lock: # We might have been aborted just now, so this will fail # with an AbortedError if we were self_ctx = self.part_contexts.get(self, None) if self_ctx: self_ctx.sleep(0) self.transition(state) # This will be serialized, so maintain camelCase for axesToMove # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def configure( self, generator: AGenerator, axesToMove: AAxesToMove = None, breakpoints: ABreakpoints = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AConfigureParams: """Validate the params then configure the device ready for run(). Try to prepare the device as much as possible so that run() is quick to start, this may involve potentially long running activities like moving motors. Normally it will return in Armed state. If the user aborts then it will return in Aborted state. If something goes wrong it will return in Fault state. If the user disables then it will return in Disabled state. """ params = self.validate(generator, axesToMove, breakpoints, **kwargs) state = self.state.value try: self.transition(ss.CONFIGURING) self.do_configure(state, params) self.abortable_transition(ss.ARMED) except AbortedError: assert self.abort_queue, "No abort queue" self.abort_queue.put(None) raise except Exception as e: self.go_to_error_state(e) raise else: return params
def do_configure(self, state: str, params: ConfigureParams) -> None: if state == ss.FINISHED: # If we were finished then do a reset before configuring self.run_hooks( builtin.hooks.ResetHook(p, c) for p, c in self.create_part_contexts().items() ) # Clear out any old part contexts now rather than letting gc do it for context in self.part_contexts.values(): context.unsubscribe_all() # These are the part tasks that abort() and pause() will operate on self.part_contexts = self.create_part_contexts() # So add one for ourself too so we can be aborted assert self.process, "No attached process" self.part_contexts[self] = Context(self.process) # Store the params for use in seek() self.configure_params = params # Tell everything to get into the right state to Configure self.run_hooks(PreConfigureHook(p, c) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items()) # This will calculate what we need from the generator, possibly a long # call params.generator.prepare() # Set the steps attributes that we will do across many run() calls self.total_steps.set_value(params.generator.size) self.completed_steps.set_value(0) self.configured_steps.set_value(0) # TODO: We can be cleverer about this and support a different number # of steps per run for each run by examining the generator structure self.steps_per_run = self.get_steps_per_run( params.generator, params.axesToMove, params.breakpoints ) # Get any status from all parts part_info = self.run_hooks( ReportStatusHook(p, c) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items() ) # Run the configure command on all parts, passing them info from # ReportStatus. Parts should return any reporting info for PostConfigure completed_steps = 0 self.breakpoint_index = 0 steps_to_do = self.steps_per_run[self.breakpoint_index] part_info = self.run_hooks( ConfigureHook(p, c, completed_steps, steps_to_do, part_info, **kw) for p, c, kw in self._part_params() ) # Take configuration info and reflect it as attribute updates self.run_hooks( PostConfigureHook(p, c, part_info) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items() ) # Update the completed and configured steps self.configured_steps.set_value(steps_to_do) self.completed_steps.meta.display.set_limitHigh(params.generator.size) # Reset the progress of all child parts self.progress_updates = {} self.resume_queue = Queue()
[docs] @add_call_types def run(self) -> None: """Run a device where configure() has already be called Normally it will return in Ready state. If setup for multiple-runs with a single configure() then it will return in Armed state. If the user aborts then it will return in Aborted state. If something goes wrong it will return in Fault state. If the user disables then it will return in Disabled state. """ if self.configured_steps.value < self.total_steps.value: next_state = ss.ARMED else: next_state = ss.FINISHED try: self.transition(ss.RUNNING) hook = RunHook going = True while going: try: self.do_run(hook) self.abortable_transition(next_state) except AbortedError: assert self.abort_queue, "No abort queue" self.abort_queue.put(None) # Wait for a response on the resume_queue assert self.resume_queue, "No resume queue" should_resume = self.resume_queue.get() if should_resume: # we need to resume self.log.debug("Resuming run") else: # we don't need to resume, just drop out raise else: going = False except AbortedError: raise except Exception as e: self.go_to_error_state(e) raise
def do_run(self, hook): # type: (Type[ControllerHook]) -> None # Run all PreRunHooks self.run_hooks(PreRunHook(p, c) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items()) self.run_hooks(hook(p, c) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items()) self.abortable_transition(ss.POSTRUN) completed_steps = self.configured_steps.value if completed_steps < self.total_steps.value: if self.use_breakpoints: self.breakpoint_index += 1 steps_to_do = self.steps_per_run[self.breakpoint_index] part_info = self.run_hooks( ReportStatusHook(p, c) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items() ) self.completed_steps.set_value(completed_steps) self.run_hooks( PostRunArmedHook( p, c, completed_steps, steps_to_do, part_info, **kwargs ) for p, c, kwargs in self._part_params() ) self.configured_steps.set_value(completed_steps + steps_to_do) else: self.completed_steps.set_value(completed_steps) self.run_hooks( PostRunReadyHook(p, c) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items() ) def update_completed_steps( self, part: Part, completed_steps: RunProgressInfo ) -> None: with self._lock: # Update assert self.progress_updates is not None, "No progress updates" self.progress_updates[part] = completed_steps.steps min_completed_steps = min(self.progress_updates.values()) if min_completed_steps > self.completed_steps.value: self.completed_steps.set_value(min_completed_steps)
[docs] @add_call_types def abort(self) -> None: """Abort the current operation and block until aborted Normally it will return in Aborted state. If something goes wrong it will return in Fault state. If the user disables then it will return in Disabled state. """ self.try_aborting_function(ss.ABORTING, ss.ABORTED, self.do_abort) # Tell _call_do_run not to resume if self.resume_queue: self.resume_queue.put(False)
def do_abort(self) -> None: self.run_hooks(AbortHook(p, c) for p, c in self.create_part_contexts().items()) def try_aborting_function( self, start_state: str, end_state: str, func: Callable[..., None], *args: Any ) -> None: try: # To make the running function fail we need to stop any running # contexts (if running a hook) or make transition() fail with # AbortedError. Both of these are accomplished here with self._lock: original_state = self.state.value self.abort_queue = Queue() self.transition(start_state) for context in self.part_contexts.values(): context.stop() if original_state not in (ss.READY, ss.ARMED, ss.PAUSED, ss.FINISHED): # Something was running, let it finish aborting try: self.abort_queue.get(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) except TimeoutError: self.log.warning("Timeout waiting while {start_state}") with self._lock: # Now we've waited for a while we can remove the error state # for transition in case a hook triggered it rather than a # transition self_ctx = self.part_contexts.get(self, None) if self_ctx: self_ctx.ignore_stops_before_now() func(*args) self.abortable_transition(end_state) except AbortedError: assert self.abort_queue, "No abort queue" self.abort_queue.put(None) raise except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except self.go_to_error_state(e) raise # Allow camelCase as this will be serialized # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def pause(self, lastGoodStep: ALastGoodStep = -1) -> None: """Pause a run() so that resume() can be called later, or seek within an Armed or Paused state. The original call to run() will not be interrupted by pause(), it will wait until the scan completes or is aborted. Normally it will return in Paused state. If the scan is finished it will return in Finished state. If the scan is armed it will return in Armed state. If the user aborts then it will return in Aborted state. If something goes wrong it will return in Fault state. If the user disables then it will return in Disabled state. """ total_steps = self.total_steps.value # We need to decide where to go if lastGoodStep < 0: # If we are finished we do not need to do anything if self.state.value is ss.FINISHED: return # Otherwise set to number of completed steps else: lastGoodStep = self.completed_steps.value # Otherwise make sure we are bound to the total steps of the scan elif lastGoodStep >= total_steps: lastGoodStep = total_steps - 1 if self.state.value in [ss.ARMED, ss.FINISHED]: # We don't have a run process, free to go anywhere we want next_state = ss.ARMED else: # Need to pause within the bounds of the current run if lastGoodStep == self.configured_steps.value: lastGoodStep -= 1 next_state = ss.PAUSED self.try_aborting_function(ss.SEEKING, next_state, self.do_pause, lastGoodStep)
[docs] def do_pause(self, completed_steps: int) -> None: """Recalculates the number of configured steps Arguments: completed_steps -- Last good step performed """ self.run_hooks(PauseHook(p, c) for p, c in self.create_part_contexts().items()) if self.use_breakpoints: self.breakpoint_index = self.get_breakpoint_index(completed_steps) in_run_steps = ( completed_steps % self.breakpoint_steps[self.breakpoint_index] ) steps_to_do = self.breakpoint_steps[self.breakpoint_index] - in_run_steps else: in_run_steps = completed_steps % self.steps_per_run[self.breakpoint_index] steps_to_do = self.steps_per_run[self.breakpoint_index] - in_run_steps part_info = self.run_hooks( ReportStatusHook(p, c) for p, c in self.part_contexts.items() ) self.completed_steps.set_value(completed_steps) self.run_hooks( SeekHook(p, c, completed_steps, steps_to_do, part_info, **kwargs) for p, c, kwargs in self._part_params() ) self.configured_steps.set_value(completed_steps + steps_to_do)
def get_breakpoint_index(self, completed_steps: int) -> int: # If the last point, then return the last index if completed_steps == self.breakpoint_steps[-1]: return len(self.breakpoint_steps) - 1 # Otherwise check which index we fall within index = 0 while completed_steps >= self.breakpoint_steps[index]: index += 1 return index
[docs] @add_call_types def resume(self) -> None: """Resume a paused scan. Normally it will return in Running state. If something goes wrong it will return in Fault state. """ self.transition(ss.RUNNING) assert self.resume_queue, "No resume queue" self.resume_queue.put(True)
# will now take over def do_disable(self) -> None: # Abort anything that is currently running, but don't wait for context in self.part_contexts.values(): context.stop() if self.resume_queue: self.resume_queue.put(False) super().do_disable() def go_to_error_state(self, exception): if self.resume_queue: self.resume_queue.put(False) super().go_to_error_state(exception)