Source code for

import time
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from annotypes import Anno, add_call_types

from malcolm.core import Block, Future, PartRegistrar
from malcolm.modules import builtin, scanning

with Anno("If >0, raise an exception at the end of this step"):
    AExceptionStep = int

class MaybeMover:
    """Helper object that does async moves on an axis of a child Block only if
    the last move didn't move it to that position"""

    def __init__(self, child: Block, axis: str) -> None:
        self._last_move: Optional[float] = None
        self._move_async = child[axis + "Move_async"]

    def maybe_move_async(
        self, fs: List[Future], position: float, duration: float = None
    ) -> None:
        """If the last move was not to position, start an async move there,
        adding the Future to fs"""
        if self._last_move != position:
            self._last_move = position
            fs.append(self._move_async(position, duration))

[docs]class MotionChildPart( """Provides control of a `counter_block` within a `RunnableController`""" # Generator instance _generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator = None # Where to start _completed_steps: int = 0 # How many steps to do _steps_to_do: int = 0 # When to blow up _exception_step: int = 0 # Which axes we should be moving _axes_to_move: Optional[scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove] = None # MaybeMover objects to help with async moves _movers: Dict[str, MaybeMover] = {} def setup(self, registrar: PartRegistrar) -> None: super().setup(registrar) # Hooks registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.PreConfigureHook, self.reload) registrar.hook( ( scanning.hooks.ConfigureHook, scanning.hooks.PostRunArmedHook, scanning.hooks.SeekHook, ), self.on_configure, ) registrar.hook(scanning.hooks.RunHook, self.on_run) # Tell the controller to expose some extra configure parameters # For docs: Before configure # Allow CamelCase for arguments as they will be serialized by parent # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] @add_call_types def on_configure( self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext, completed_steps: scanning.hooks.ACompletedSteps, steps_to_do: scanning.hooks.AStepsToDo, # The following were passed from user calling configure() generator: scanning.hooks.AGenerator, axesToMove: scanning.hooks.AAxesToMove, exceptionStep: AExceptionStep = 0, ) -> None: child = context.block_view(self.mri) # Store the generator and place we need to start self._generator = generator self._completed_steps = completed_steps self._steps_to_do = steps_to_do self._exception_step = exceptionStep self._axes_to_move = axesToMove self._movers = {axis: MaybeMover(child, axis) for axis in axesToMove} # Move to start (instantly) first_point = generator.get_point(completed_steps) fs: List[Future] = [] for axis, mover in self._movers.items(): mover.maybe_move_async(fs, first_point.lower[axis]) context.wait_all_futures(fs)
[docs] @add_call_types def on_run(self, context: scanning.hooks.AContext) -> None: # Start time so everything is relative point_time = time.time() for i in range( self._completed_steps, self._completed_steps + self._steps_to_do ): # Get the point we are meant to be scanning point = self._generator.get_point(i) # Update when the next point is due and how long motor moves take point_time += point.duration move_duration = point_time - time.time() # Move the children (instantly) to the beginning of the point, then # start them moving to the end of the point, taking duration # seconds, populating a list of futures we can wait on fs: List[Future] = [] for axis, mover in self._movers.items(): mover.maybe_move_async(fs, point.lower[axis]) mover.maybe_move_async(fs, point.upper[axis], move_duration) # Wait for the moves to complete context.wait_all_futures(fs) # Update the point as being complete assert self.registrar, "Part has no registrar" + 1)) # If this is the exception step then blow up assert ( i + 1 != self._exception_step ), f"Raising exception at step {self._exception_step}"