Source code for

import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union

from annotypes import Anno, Array

from malcolm.core import (
from malcolm.modules import builtin

Hooks = Union[Type[Hook], Sequence[Type[Hook]]]
Register = Callable[[Hooks, Callable], None]

# Store them here for re-export
APartName = APartName
AMetaDescription = AMetaDescription
AWidget = builtin.util.AWidget
AGroup = builtin.util.AGroup
AConfig = builtin.util.AConfig
ASinkPort = builtin.util.ASinkPort
APortBadge = builtin.util.APortBadge

[docs]class CatoolsDeferred: """Deferred gets of catools things""" def __getattr__(self, item): from cothread import catools return getattr(catools, item)
catools = CatoolsDeferred() with Anno("Full pv of demand and default for rbv"): APv = str with Anno("Override for rbv"): ARbv = str with Anno("List of PVs to monitor"): APvList = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("List of names to give to monitored PVs"): ANameList = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("Set rbv to pv + rbv_suffix"): ARbvSuffix = str with Anno("Minimum time between attribute updates in seconds"): AMinDelta = float with Anno("Max time to wait for puts to complete, <0 is forever"): ATimeout = float with Anno("Get limits from PV (HOPR & LOPR)"): AGetLimits = bool with Anno("throw error if PV not found"): AThrow = bool class CABase(Loggable): def __init__( self, meta: VMeta, datatype: Any, writeable: bool, min_delta: AMinDelta = 0.05, timeout: ATimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, sink_port: ASinkPort = None, widget: AWidget = None, group: AGroup = None, config: AConfig = 1, on_connect: Callable[[Any], None] = None, throw: AThrow = True, callback: Callable[[Any], None] = None, port_badge: APortBadge = None, ) -> None: self.writeable = writeable builtin.util.set_tags( meta, writeable, config, group, widget, sink_port, port_badge ) self.throw = throw self.datatype = datatype self.min_delta = min_delta self.timeout = timeout self.on_connect = on_connect self.attr = meta.create_attribute_model() # Camonitor subscription self.monitor = None self._update_after = 0 self._local_value: Optional[CATable] = None self._user_callback = callback def disconnect(self): if self.monitor is not None: if hasattr(self.monitor, "__len__"): for monitor in self.monitor: monitor.close() else: self.monitor.close() self.monitor = None def _update_value(self, value): # Attribute value might not be raw PV, PV which triggered update is # passed as status if self._user_callback is not None: self._user_callback(value) if not value.ok: self.attr.set_value( self.attr.value, alarm=Alarm.disconnected("PV disconnected") ) else: if value.severity: alarm = Alarm( severity=value.severity, status=AlarmStatus.RECORD_STATUS, message="PV in alarm state", ) else: alarm = Alarm.ok # We only have a raw_stamp attr on monitor, the initial # caget with CTRL doesn't give us a timestamp ts = TimeStamp(*getattr(value, "raw_stamp", (None, None))) value = self.attr.meta.validate(value) self.attr.set_value_alarm_ts(value, alarm, ts) def reconnect(self): pass def caput(self, value): pass def setup( self, registrar: PartRegistrar, name: str, register_hooked: Register, writeable_func: Callable[[Any], None] = None, ) -> None: if self.writeable: if writeable_func is None: writeable_func = self.caput else: writeable_func = None registrar.add_attribute_model(name, self.attr, writeable_func) register_hooked(builtin.hooks.DisableHook, self.disconnect) register_hooked( (builtin.hooks.InitHook, builtin.hooks.ResetHook), self.reconnect ) def _monitor_callback(self, value, value_index=None): now = time.time() delta = now - self._update_after if value_index is not None and hasattr(self, "name_list"): value_key = self.name_list[value_index] self._local_value[value_key] = value self._local_value.raw_stamp = getattr(value, "raw_stamp", (None, None)) self._local_value.ok = self._local_value.ok or value.ok self._local_value.severity = max(self._local_value.severity, value.severity) self._update_value(self._local_value) else: self._update_value(value) # See how long to sleep for to make sure we don't get more than one # update at < min_delta interval if delta > self.min_delta: # If we were more than min_delta late then reset next update time self._update_after = now + self.min_delta elif delta < 0: # If delta is less than zero sleep for a bit sleep(-delta) else: # If we were within the delta window just increment next update self._update_after += self.min_delta class CAAttribute(CABase): def __init__( self, meta: VMeta, datatype: Any, pv: APv = "", rbv: ARbv = "", rbv_suffix: ARbvSuffix = "", min_delta: AMinDelta = 0.05, timeout: ATimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, sink_port: ASinkPort = None, widget: AWidget = None, group: AGroup = None, config: AConfig = 1, on_connect: Callable[[Any], None] = None, throw: AThrow = True, callback: Callable[[Any], None] = None, port_badge: APortBadge = None, ) -> None: self.set_logger(pv=pv, rbv=rbv) writeable = bool(pv) super().__init__( meta, datatype, writeable, min_delta, timeout, sink_port, widget, group, config, on_connect, throw, callback, port_badge, ) if not rbv and not pv: raise ValueError("Must pass pv or rbv") if not rbv: if rbv_suffix: rbv = pv + rbv_suffix else: rbv = pv self.pv = pv self.rbv = rbv # Camonitor subscription self.monitor = None def reconnect(self): # release old monitor self.disconnect() # make the connection in cothread's thread, use caget for initial value pvs = [self.rbv] if self.pv and self.pv != self.rbv: pvs.append(self.pv) ca_values = assert_connected( catools.caget( pvs, format=catools.FORMAT_CTRL, datatype=self.datatype, throw=self.throw, ), self.throw, ) if self.on_connect: self.on_connect(ca_values[0]) self._update_value(ca_values[0]) # now setup monitor on rbv self.monitor = catools.camonitor( self.rbv, self._monitor_callback, format=catools.FORMAT_TIME, datatype=self.datatype, notify_disconnect=True, ) def caput(self, value): if self.timeout < 0: timeout = None else: timeout = self.timeout"caput %s %s", self.pv, value) catools.caput( self.pv, value, wait=True, timeout=timeout, datatype=self.datatype ) # now do a caget value = catools.caget( self.rbv, format=catools.FORMAT_TIME, datatype=self.datatype, throw=self.throw, ) self._update_value(value) class CATable(dict): ok = True severity = 0 raw_stamp = (None, None) class WaveformTableAttribute(CABase): def __init__( self, meta: VMeta, datatype: Any, pv_list: APvList = (), name_list: ANameList = (), min_delta: AMinDelta = 0.05, timeout: ATimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, widget: AWidget = None, group: AGroup = None, config: AConfig = 1, limits_from_pv: AGetLimits = False, on_connect: Callable[[Any], None] = None, throw: AThrow = True, callback: Callable[[Any], None] = None, port_badge: APortBadge = None, ) -> None: logs = {} for ind, pv in enumerate(pv_list): logs[name_list[ind]] = pv self.set_logger(**logs) writeable = False super().__init__( meta, datatype, writeable, min_delta, timeout, None, widget, group, config, on_connect, throw, callback, port_badge, ) if len(pv_list) == 0: raise ValueError("Must pass at least one PV") self.pv_list = pv_list self.name_list = name_list # Camonitor subscriptions self.monitor = None self._local_value = CATable() for name in name_list: self._local_value[name] = [] self._update_after = 0 self.limits_from_pv = limits_from_pv def reconnect(self): # release old monitor self.disconnect() # make the connection in cothread's thread, use caget for initial ca_values = assert_connected( catools.caget( self.pv_list, format=catools.FORMAT_CTRL, datatype=self.datatype, throw=self.throw, ), self.throw, ) for ind, value in enumerate(ca_values): if self.on_connect: self.on_connect(value) self._local_value[self.name_list[ind]] = value self._local_value.severity = max(self._local_value.severity, value.severity) self._local_value.ok = self._local_value.ok or value.ok self._update_value(self._local_value) # now setup monitors for all the things self.monitor = catools.camonitor( self.pv_list, self._monitor_callback, format=catools.FORMAT_TIME, datatype=self.datatype, notify_disconnect=True, ) def assert_connected(ca_values, throw=True): # check connection is ok if throw: for v in ca_values: assert v.ok, f"CA connect failed with {v.state_strings[v.state]}" return ca_values