Source code for malcolm.modules.builtin.util

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Sequence, Type, Union
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET

from annotypes import Anno, Array

from malcolm.compat import et_to_string
from malcolm.core import (

    from .parts import ChildPart  # noqa: F401

with Anno("Is the attribute writeable?"):
    AWriteable = bool
with Anno(
    "If writeable, which iteration should this field be loaded/saved in?"
    " 0 means do not restore"
    AConfig = int
with Anno("If given, which GUI group should we attach to"):
    AGroup = str
with Anno("If given, use this widget instead of the default"):
    AWidget = Widget
with Anno("If given, mark this as a Sink Port of the given type"):
    ASinkPort = Port
with Anno(
    "If given, mark this Sink Port as having a badge"
    + " value [tag constructed by badge_value_tag()]"
    APortBadge = str

def set_tags(
    meta: VMeta,
    writeable: AWriteable = False,
    config: AConfig = 1,
    group: AGroup = None,
    widget: AWidget = None,
    sink_port: ASinkPort = None,
    port_badge: APortBadge = None,
) -> None:
    tags = []
    if widget is None:
        widget = meta.default_widget()
    if widget is not Widget.NONE:
    if config and writeable:
        # We only allow config tags on writeable functions
    if group:
        # If we have a group then add the tag
    if sink_port:
        if port_badge:

with Anno("Names of the layout parts"):
    ANameArray = Union[Array[str]]
with Anno("Malcolm full names of child blocks"):
    AMriArray = Union[Array[str]]
with Anno("X Coordinates of child blocks"):
    AXArray = Union[Array[float]]
with Anno("Y Coordinates of child blocks"):
    AYArray = Union[Array[float]]
with Anno("Whether child blocks are visible"):
    AVisibleArray = Union[Array[bool]]
UNameArray = Union[ANameArray, Sequence[str]]
UMriArray = Union[AMriArray, Sequence[str]]
UXArray = Union[AXArray, Sequence[float]]
UYArray = Union[AYArray, Sequence[float]]
UVisibleArray = Union[AVisibleArray, Sequence[bool]]

[docs]class LayoutTable(Table): def __init__( self, name: UNameArray, mri: UMriArray, x: UXArray, y: UYArray, visible: UVisibleArray, ) -> None: = ANameArray(name) self.mri = AMriArray(mri) self.x = AXArray(x) self.y = AYArray(y) self.visible = AVisibleArray(visible)
with Anno("Name of the block.field to export"): ASourceNameArray = Union[Array[str]] with Anno("Name of the field to export as"): AExportNameArray = Union[Array[str]] USourceNameArray = Union[ASourceNameArray, Sequence[str]] UExportNameArray = Union[AExportNameArray, Sequence[str]]
[docs]class ExportTable(Table): def __init__(self, source: USourceNameArray, export: UExportNameArray) -> None: self.source = ASourceNameArray(source) self.export = AExportNameArray(export)
[docs]def wait_for_stateful_block_init(context, mri, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Wait until a Block backed by a StatefulController has initialized Args: context (Context): The context to use to make the child block mri (str): The mri of the child block timeout (float): The maximum time to wait """ context.when_matches( [mri, "state", "value"], StatefulStates.READY, bad_values=[StatefulStates.FAULT, StatefulStates.DISABLED], timeout=timeout, )
[docs]class StatefulStates(StateSet): """This state set covers controllers and parts that can be disabled and have faults, but otherwise have no state.""" RESETTING = "Resetting" DISABLED = "Disabled" DISABLING = "Disabling" FAULT = "Fault" READY = "Ready" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.create_block_transitions() self.create_error_disable_transitions() def create_block_transitions(self): self.set_allowed(self.RESETTING, self.READY) def create_error_disable_transitions(self): block_states = self.possible_states[:] # Set transitions for standard states for state in block_states: self.set_allowed(state, self.FAULT) self.set_allowed(state, self.DISABLING) self.set_allowed(self.FAULT, self.RESETTING, self.DISABLING) self.set_allowed(self.DISABLING, self.FAULT, self.DISABLED) self.set_allowed(self.DISABLED, self.RESETTING)
[docs]class ManagerStates(StatefulStates): """This state set covers controllers and parts that have loadable and savable child state.""" SAVING = "Saving" LOADING = "Loading" def create_block_transitions(self): super().create_block_transitions() self.set_allowed(self.READY, self.SAVING) self.set_allowed(self.SAVING, self.READY) self.set_allowed(self.READY, self.LOADING) self.set_allowed(self.LOADING, self.READY)
[docs]def no_save(*attribute_names): """Helper for defining ChildPart.no_save_attribute_names. Args: attribute_names (str): The Attributes of the child Block that shouldn't be saved """ def decorator(cls: Type["ChildPart"]) -> Type["ChildPart"]: additions = set() for attribute_name in attribute_names: if isinstance(attribute_name, and not isinstance( attribute_name, str ): additions |= set(attribute_name) else: additions.add(attribute_name) bad = [x for x in additions if not isinstance(x, str)] assert not bad, f"Cannot add non-string attribute names to no_save: {bad}" existing = cls.no_save_attribute_names or set() cls.no_save_attribute_names = existing | additions return cls return decorator
[docs]class SVGIcon: """Helper object for working with SVG icons""" def __init__(self, svg_text: str) -> None: # ET.register_namespace("", "") self.root = ET.fromstring(svg_text) def find_parent_child(self, id): child = None # Find the first parent which has a child with id i parent = self.root.find(f".//*[@id={id!r}]/..") # Find the child and remove it if parent: child = parent.find(f"./*[@id={id!r}]") return parent, child def remove_elements(self, ids: Iterable[str]) -> None: for i in ids: parent, child = self.find_parent_child(i) parent.remove(child) def add_text( self, text, x=0, y=0, anchor="left", transform=None, style="font: 10px sans" ): attr = ET.SubElement(self.root, "text", x=str(x), y=str(y), style=style) if transform: attr.set("transform", transform) attr.set("text-anchor", anchor) attr.text = text def update_edge_arrow(self, id, edge): edge = edge.lower() parent, child = self.find_parent_child(id) # Check that it still exists, it might have been removed if parent is not None: if "level" in edge: # Remove it parent.remove(child) elif "rising" in edge: # Remove the falling marker del child.attrib["marker-end"] elif "falling" in edge: # Remove the falling marker del child.attrib["marker-start"] def __str__(self): return et_to_string(self.root)