Source code for malcolm.modules.builtin.hooks

import weakref
from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar, Union

from annotypes import Anno, Array

from malcolm.core import Context, Hook, Part

from .infos import LayoutInfo, PortInfo
from .util import LayoutTable

with Anno("The part that has attached to the Hook"):
    APart = Part
with Anno("Context that should be used to perform operations on child blocks"):
    AContext = Context
with Anno("Whether this operation is taking place at init"):
    AInit = bool

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class ControllerHook(Hook[T]): """A hook that takes Part and Context for use in controllers""" def __init__(self, part: APart, context: AContext, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # Pass a weak reference to our children super().__init__(part, context=weakref.proxy(context), **kwargs) # But hold a strong reference here to stop it disappearing self.context = context def prepare(self) -> None: # context might have been aborted but have nothing servicing # the queue, we still want the legitimate messages on the # queue so just tell it to ignore stops it got before now self.context.ignore_stops_before_now() def stop(self) -> None: self.context.stop()
[docs]class InitHook(ControllerHook): """Called when this controller is told to start by the process"""
[docs]class ResetHook(ControllerHook): """Called at reset() to reset all parts to a known good state"""
[docs]class HaltHook(ControllerHook): """Called when this controller is told to halt"""
[docs]class DisableHook(ControllerHook): """Called at disable() to stop all parts updating their attributes"""
with Anno("The PortInfos for all the parts"): APortMap = Union[Mapping[str, Array[PortInfo]]] with Anno( "A possibly partial set of changes to the layout table that " "should be acted on" ): ALayoutTable = LayoutTable with Anno("The current layout information"): ALayoutInfos = Union[Array[LayoutInfo]] ULayoutInfos = Union[ALayoutInfos, Sequence[LayoutInfo], LayoutInfo, None]
[docs]class LayoutHook(ControllerHook): """Called when layout table set and at init to update child layout""" def __init__( self, part: APart, context: AContext, ports: APortMap, layout: ALayoutTable ) -> None: super().__init__(part, context, ports=ports, layout=layout)
[docs] def validate_return(self, ret: ULayoutInfos) -> ALayoutInfos: """Check that all returned infos are LayoutInfos""" return ALayoutInfos(ret)
with Anno("The serialized structure to load"): AStructure = Union[Mapping[str, Any]]
[docs]class LoadHook(ControllerHook): """Called at load() to load child settings from a structure""" def __init__( self, part: APart, context: AContext, structure: AStructure, init: AInit ) -> None: super().__init__(part, context, structure=structure, init=init)
[docs]class SaveHook(ControllerHook): """Called at save() to serialize child settings into a dict structure"""
[docs] def validate_return(self, ret: AStructure) -> AStructure: """Check that a serialized structure is returned""" assert isinstance(ret, dict), f"Expected a structure, got {ret!r}" return ret